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Everything posted by Simple

  1. It is possible that the oil level is incorrect. But, it is very likely that you need to replace the two 2574.16 solenoids. This is not difficult, but you need to plan it and it may take you about 2-3 hours and 4 liters of Mobil ATF LT71141 as well as the 2 solenoids.. Read this: http://peugeotlogic.com/workshop/wshtml/transmis/al4/solenoid.htm Review this: http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/peugeot-forum/109948-al4-gearbox-problems-3.html The Solenoids: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/O-E-M-Citroen-AL4-DPO-Auto-GearBox-Electrovalve-Solenoid-Pressure-Regulator-/191156744319 The ATF: http://www.oleopneus.com/fr/huiles-pour-transmission-automatiques/653-mobil-atf-lt-71141-1l-5055107435847.html#img This guy changed them in-place: The tools are mainly standard tools as well as Torx set (mainly 30) and Hex 8 (L shape) and square 8mm for the Oil refill.. Please notice that you need to review how to add and check the ATF (Oil) level.. instructions available in a different thread on this site.. Oil change MUST happen at temperature between 59 and 69 degrees Centigrade.. (Use a Lexia Device to check).. Good luck, Simple.
  2. I guess you are right, if the car company has changed the standard setup by installing some sort of electronic device that may overload the harness, no one would know! You need to review the documentation for the C8 and if you have a Lexia device you could check the error messages and the various sensors readings.
  3. On (some platforms) users may get "Error 2" when starting DiagBox with "version.ini" having the line version=8.01 active. If you get this error, try commenting 8.xx line and keeping (ONLY) the line "version=7.xx" active.
  4. Hi Paul, When we noticed that the parking sensors have failed, we did not know that the reverse lights were also gone as well. Hence, I think if users meet this issue, they might be tempted to search for either Parking Sensors or Reverse Lights or probably both?? So, I may have added my posts to this thread by mistake, I actually meant to add them here: http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/7946-reversing-lights-stopped-working-advice-please/ I would appreciate it if you could move it to an appropriate position so that other users can find it in their search. Regards, Simple.
  5. My son has gone through all the connections according to Citroen manuals, all were fine. Today he decided to tackle the sensor at the gear lever and while he was testing the reverse lights and the parking sensors worked, then it failed again. We suspected that it is some component around the gear lever. So we took the whole assembly apart and tested and cleaned all the parts, all were working fine. By the way, the Switch at the lever is for the Tiptronic gears (up/down).. We decided to take the Multi Function Switch out and test it, we found some break point in connectivity. So we disassembled it and there was a little Switch/relay which did not have a continuous connectivity through out its travel movement. Obviously changing Multi Function Switch (more than 50 Euros) would have been the solution, but it was Friday evening and we decided to have a go.. So we took it apart and found the contact points are pitted (burnt). Using very fine sand paper (1000-2000) we smoothed the contact surfaces, cleaned with contact cleaner and reassembled everything and tested... We were happy that everything worked fine.
  6. To install DiagBox 8.01 on VirtualBox: Starting with an installed (32 bit) Windows XP Pro SP3 (I had VC++ 2008, MS .NET 3.5 SP1, FireFox and 7Zip installed). 1- Install DiagBox 7.01 and run update 7.02 then install update 7.xx-7.57 (or any v7.45+ update that creates "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\cfg\Config.sys") 2- Restart the computer and rename "C:\AWRoot" to "C:\AWRoot7" (you may need to stop some diagBox processes) 3- Run DiagBox 8.01 installation, it will freeze just before the activation request. Use Task Manager to kill the installation process, then start DiagBox from the icon on the desktop, it will request Activation, close it and run the activation tool. 4- Run DiagBox, it should continue the installation successfully. Done !, restart DiagBox 8.01 (as Administrator) to confirm all has gone well. Installing Updates 1- Download and install "DiagBox_updt_802.ISO" update. 2- Download and install subsequent updates or Maitresox updates. Versions The order of the version lines and which is active in VERSION.INI is important for the running of the system. DiagBox will display 08.01 if set as shown below. But Lexia will NOT work with "version.ini" set to V08.xx active (xx is the version number depending on which update is applied). [APPLICATION] version=08.01 version=07.65 If Lexia is started with "version=08.xx" active, "APPDIAG.SYS" will be corrupted and it will need to be restored before DiagBox will work again. To operate Lexia (after starting DiagBox with 8.xx), edit "version.ini" and comment/save "version=08.xx" (by inserting ";" as shown below) BEFORE starting LEXIA. Setting "version.ini" to 07.xx (by removing or commenting "version=8.xx" permanently) will prompt DiagBox to report V 07.xx, but everything will work fine.. [APPLICATION] ;version=08.08 version=07.72 - You may have an issue with "psaAagent.exe" issue on VirtualBox, this is related to VC++ 2008 and has been dealt-with in another thread. - Some platforms may require MS VC++ 2008, you will find a copy after installing DiagBox here "C:\teleassistance\visualC\vcredist_x86.exe"
  7. It is the same as mine Bosch EDC 15C2, notice that this# 0/281/011/334 = #0281011334. The first # in the file name indicates the ECU and the second the file version. I have attached both 1037368282 and 1037368584. If you have a reading/flashing tool, like "MPPS V13.02 Interface" (they are about 10 Euros from Aliexpress), read the existing Firmware first, make a backup, then try to flash one of the files (1037368584 is the newer one, I am not about the release dates). p.s. Ensure you have a FULLY charged battery (I am not joking), weak battery can be the source of all strange problems!! C8 2.0 HDI 110hp 0281011334-Originals.zip
  8. There are 2 sensors, one at the gear lever and the other (Multi Function Switch) is at the link that changes gears on the gearbox.. Both have to be working for the ECU to detect correct functioning.. I hope it is something accessible and one that I can repair instead of expensive part replacement.
  9. My car (Citroen C8 Exclusive 2.0 HDi Automatic) has just developed this fault.. I now have no reverse lights nor the parking sensors are working either, Also occasionally it flashes something like place the gear lever in the Parking position!! .. The car displays the proper gear position on the dashboard. I checked using DiagBox and it says that the parking sensors are deactivated!! My son used Citroen service Box and Sedre documentations to trace and check all connections and found them to be fine.. Over the weekend I will check the Multi Function Switch (being Auto, it does not have a reverse switch), I'll take it apart and clean it.. There is another sensor on the lever itself which needs to be checked as well. I only hope it is not the BSI. Any one with input on this issue??
  10. Download and install the "Citroen Service Box" (lots of giga bytes) and check all wiring/connections to get the power back to OBDII connector. find out if you have a dry joint or some sort of bad connection/component.. If all looks OK, then you may try re flashing the ECU firmware (after saving your original one). I could share with you my firmware if you have the same ECU 15C2 (0281011334): 1- C8 2.0 HDI 110hp 0281011334-1037368282.Bin 2- C8 2.0 HDI 110hp 0281011334-1037368584.Bin
  11. I am glad that all is working well for you, you can install all updates now. By the way, changing the files can be done before or after the reboot (preferably after reboot, in case some of them are already open and you cannot change), but certainly before starting DiagBox, otherwise DiagBox will use the wrong files and produce errors.
  12. Sometime back I posted the way to prepare an update (v7.77), unfortunately no one posted their attempt at preparing any update, they relied on Scarymistake and Maitresox. I could have packaged the software such that the user clicks on the package and it installs itself (like the updates attached), but I wanted users to know how it is done so that those who are in the know may contribute.. I am well versed in hardware and software, but it took me a long time to decipher this (without manuals) and I don't expect that Joe Public would command it, but I am sure that many IT specialists can, and I hope they will have a go at it, once they have the lead.. I do this for love NOT for living and I hope it will bring joy to somebody some where. Simple.
  13. Automatically updating VCI Firmware To make DiagBox check the VCI firmware and update if necessary, Precaution: Copy or move all files (NOT folders) inside "C:\AWRoot\bin\Launcher\" to a safe location before performing the following: 1- Download "Launcher.rar" from the link provided 2- Extract all files into "C:\AWRoot\bin\Launcher\" skipping or replacing existing files (ap.ini need to be replaced) 3- Rename your preferred Firmware inside Launcher folder to APPLI.COM 4- Connect your VCI and wait until it is recognised 5- Launch DiagBox, it will check the VCI Firmware and update ONLY if necessary. You can disable this function by setting "MAJ_COM=TRUE" to "MAJ_COM=FALSE" in "C:\AWRoot\bin\Launcher\ap.ini" Note: Some users may be afraid that a damaging APPLI.COM may be included in a future update release. If you are concerned, it does not matter if this is feasible or not, change AP.INI settings to disable firmware update after performing your desired update and put your mind at rest. Simple.. DiagBox Launcher.txt
  14. I have recompiled V8.xx updates from 8.02 to 8.17 (see attached file DBox_8xx_updates.txt) with all original files included and only the 4 files that make it work with version 7 changed. They will report V8.xx NOT V7.xx, you can try them. The version.ini file has: [APPLICATION] Version=08.17 Version=07.81 However, after starting DiagBox and before starting Lexia, "Version=08.xx" needs to be commented, otherwise Lexia will deactivate DiagBox, in which case you need to restore APPDIAG.SYS to be working again, like this: [APPLICATION] ;Version=08.17 Version=07.81 Else, keep "Version=08.xx" commented and DiagBox will report V7.xx but everything will be working fine... Please notice that DiagBox will NOT start with "Version=08.xx" only in version.ini (due to V7 profile). Now, how are updates performed.... Updates are downloaded and expanded (by DiaagBox) in "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\updt\Appli\" folder as RAR files, then moved to "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\updt\MAJDIST\". You can manually expand one or more update in the "MAJDIST" folder where it will have the AWRoot, APP and possibly the APPLIC folders. The presence of "majdist.tmp" tells DiagBox that an update is waiting to be installed and on running DiagBox it will start Internet Update. If you remove "majdist.tmp" or rename it, DiagBox will NOT perform the Internet update even if it is downloaded, expanded and ready.. The idea is to navigate through the various folders and edit or remove necessary/unnecessary files so that it works... Run an upgrade file, it will expand in the "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\updt\MAJDIST\" folder, change the name of the "majdist.tmp" file so that you don't do something silly accidentally, or compress the files and move them somewhere else for manipulation, then move them back when done. Compare different files to whats hapenning. The files that you are most likely to work with are in "AWRoot" and the main files that may damage the installation if it fails are APPDIAG.SYS, CFG.BIN in "AWRoot\bin\fi", CONFIG.SYS in "AWRoot\dtwr\cfg" and the 13 files starting with "fr.actia.AWF.xxxxxxxxx.dll" in the cache folder in "AWRoot\bin\fi\cache", every time you make a mistake they disappear.. So make sure you have working backup copies before you start (the configuration files are specific to the installation and the computer, they will NOT work on another installation). The rest are interchangeable.. Notice: This particular upgrade was performed using the DiagBox v8.01 with no files removed, I did my best to follow the same methodology when configuring the updates.. I would (and others as well) appreciate if someone who is having issues with DiagBox 7, could try (V8 + updates) and tell us if it made a difference in his case. Hints: - The easiest way to build your experimentation environment is to use Virtual Machines and take snapshots after every significant achievement, so that if you make a mistake, you start from the last snapshot NOT from the beginning. - To speed up recovery from failure, I have also added a small tool (Cache Contents Restorer in DBox_8xx_updates.txt) that will replenish "fr.actia.AWF.xxxxxxxxx.dll" after getting wiped out. You could create your own that will also restore (your) APPDIAG.SYS as well. My objective is to empower users so that we can have lively contribution based on our collective and varying skills. If you are good with software and have a Peugeot Citroen car that you may have to live with for sometime to come, then have a go at it, it is time you learnt how to do it, and you know the symphony by now "carry out this procedure at your own risk"... I guess we should see more members contributing.... Good luck.. Simple. DBox_8xx_updates.txt
  15. Thanks Paul, Please notice that the correct name of the "Version" file is "C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\version.ini" and NOT "C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\version.txt" as stated previously.
  16. This procedure and the software provided are intended for personal, educational and experimental use to upgrade from DiagBox version 7.xx to 8.xx only. I hold no responsibility for any illegal or improper usage. Carry out this procedure at your own risk. If you don't have DiagBox 7.xx already installed, install DiagBox 7.01, perform internet update to 7.02 and use v7.xx-7.57 upgrade or any version that has "C:\AWRoot\dtwr\cfg\config.sys". Once you have an operational 7.xx start from here: Installing DiagBox 8.01: 1- Stop all DiagBox services and rename "C:\APP" to "C:\APP7" and "C:\AWRoot" to "C:\AWRoot7" and restart your computer. 2- Install 8.01, it will create a new "C:\APP" and "C:\AWRoot" but it will stop at requesting User Name and Password, close it. 3- Stop all DiagBox services again and rename "C:\AWRoot" to "C:\AWRoot8" and "C:\AWRoot7" to "C:\AWRoot", restart computer. 4- Start DiagBox application, it will continue the DiagBox 8.01 installation. 5- When finished, close DiagBox and restart it to ensure it is working and no updates are needed, it will report Version 7.57 or the version you used. 6- Stop all DiagBox services and rename "C:\AWRoot" to "C:\AWRoot7" and "C:\AWRoot8" to "C:\AWRoot". 7- Ensure (through Control Panel Add Remove) you have VC++ 2008 (preferably Microsoft.VC80.CRT" version="8.0.50727.762) is installed. 8- Navigate to all the files listed in "DBox_801_upgrade.txt" and rename them to original_name.8 for example "C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\version.txt" to "C:\AWRoot\bin\fi\version.txt.8" (Edit moderator - see post 3) 9- Copy all the listed files from "C:\AWRoot7\..." to the appropriate location in "C:\AWRoot\...", you will now have 2 copies of each file, one with .8 extension and one without.. 10- Restart your computer and start DiagBox, you now have 8.01 working but reporting v7.57 (or the version 7.xx you used). Installing Updates: 1- Download and install the reconfigured "DiagBox_updt_802.ISO" update. 2- Continue installing Maitresox update from 7.66-7.76 --> 7.76-7.82 --> 7.82-7.83 etc.. You are done.. You now have DiagBox v8.xx running under v7.xx profile (ignore the reported version) and (in theory) you could switch back to your original installation by stopping all DiagBox services and renaming your current "C:\APP" and "C:\AWRoot" to 8 and "C:\APP7" and "C:\AWRoot7" to "C:\APP" and "C:\AWRoot". Going back to 8 is the reversal. The list of files, DiagBox 8.01 ISO and Update 8.02 download links with password are in the attached file "DBox_801_upgrade.txt". The file "DBox_8-20.txt" contains a link to the original (NOT reconfigured) "inter8_20.rar" 8.20 update, it has components for "AWRoot" only. It is NOT announced on PSA site yet, so I don't know what fixes does it offer. DO NOT TRY IT if you don't know what you are doing, it will render your system NOT WORKING for sure. Have a nice time, Simple. DBox_801_upgrade.txt DBox_8-20.txt
  17. DiagBox 7.xx development stopped at v7.76 (8.12) and was capped with 7.77, but it is continuing with version 8.xx. Maitresox recently released a compilation (7.66-7.82) of updates (8.13-8.18) for 7.xx to stay in use and become equal to v8.18. Last week, PSA released DiagBox update v8.19, which I have recompiled in a simple package. The main principle of forums is to exchange information and help others build experiences and possibly become "virtual" friends. Hence, the Download link and Password for DiagBox update v7.83/8.19 (54MB) ISO, are in the attached "DiagBox_7.83_Readme.txt" file .. Remember, this update is applicable only if you already have DiagBox v7.82 installed. Please remember, this software is provided as is; for personal, educational and experimental use to upgrade from DiagBox version 7.82 to 7.83 only. I hold no responsibility for any illegal or improper usage. You install this software at your own risk. Simple. DiagBox_7.83_Readme.txt
  18. Sorry, I was giving info to MrMP. and I thought Paul was also asking him. I am not sure if re-syncing is necessary, I would have thought that the water gush has either caused a connection to dislocate, or current leakage that causes a drop in the voltage where by communication is impossible. Now, ECU's and the likes are expensive devices that are well protected, but once there is corruption in the running program, even if the receiver circuit is working, the signal is not being interpreted properly..Hence, a reset is necessary. In any case, we are working from description, and after all it may be the battery in his control unit?? but I would have thought he has two and he must have tried both.. I wish him luck and I hope the problem would disappear.
  19. What the car is doing is understood. But why? is what needs to be found... The ECU is not responding to real situation, and that may be wrong data coming to it or no data. Before doing anything in the Citroen C8, ensure you have a good well charged battery, if not, you are chasing a red herring. - If one of the sensors that feeds data concerning engine running to the ECU is faulty such that it gives wrong data, it will lead to the ECU giving wrong fuel mixture etc.. - If the flow of air and/or diesel is interfered with, it will also lead the engine to misbehave. 1- Concentrate on the MAF sensor. could be faulty or bad connector. 2- The Accelerator sensor, may need adjusting or cleaning. 3- The Vacuum solenoids. near the accelerator sensor. 4- Cam sensor. Q1- How many miles/kilometers are on the clock? Q2- Does the car give this trouble on regular mileage bases (every 300-500 KM), if not driven long distance? Q3- Do you hear any hissing noise (air leakage), in the engine bay, when you turn the engine off (you need to have the bonnet open before turning the engine off).
  20. Perform a BSI reset ensuring that your battery is fully charged (the procedure is available in an other post). If this does not work, disconnect (a) and (b in my older post and spray them. All computerized units are fully sealed and protected against leaks and other environmental elements, it is likely to be connectors. Unless of course the dirty water cause wrong voltage/current going to wrong pins and causing internal damage (unlikely though). However, water on the road is likely to have salts and minerals that will cause short term communication issues and long term corrosion if not cleaned.. Why don't you jet spray the engine compartment (to wash off salts and minerals) then perform the BSI reset?? I have sprayed my engine few times (just to keep it clean) and did not have problems..
  21. There are two areas that are know to cause trouble with water in the C8: 1- The Fuse box near the right hand side (driver side in GB & IRL) front screen wiper (in the bonnet), you need to open the cover and remove whatever you can and spray the board with water repellent (WD40 or something that cleans electronic board). 2- The Battery compartment, sometimes it has a hole or a crack (like mine) that allows water to seep in. I suspect it is #1 There are also two places that you may wish to check: a- A connector on top of the GearBox, and b- A control unit Behind the front left hand headlight on the wheel arch.
  22. Try searching for your engine serpentine belt images..Attached is the diesel fan belt layout.
  23. You probably are right, but I would also advise that you check all the sub-frame and steering rack bolts, you may have something loose. Also check the suspension coil springs for breakage and dampers for wear. My wife was using our Citroen for the school runs (I was working abroad).. We had alignment problems that the car failed the test, my wife took the car to more than one mechanic, where everyone changed parts but the car would not pass. When I came back, I raised the car and examined the problem and found 3 issues.. 1- There was a split/fractured coil spring. 2- The two new identical tyres on the front wheels would pull one side and if you switch them around they pulled the other side. 3- During the fault finding by the mechanics, one (or more) mechanic used an powered chisel to open the clamp holding the bottom ball joint. The hole where the ball joint fits was no longer round and under weight the wheel would wiggle.. I had to buy 2 new Coil springs, 2 new tyres and a used wheel hub (luckily the sensor was working).. Needless to say, it passed.
  24. Before you think of scrapping, it could be the serpentine belt!!?? and if it is the pump, it should not be difficult. I owned a Ford Galaxy, a Chrysler Grand Voyager and this Citroen C8.. I have the Exclusive version and I think it is a rather good compromise (space, comfort, reliability and consumption).
  25. Yes, it is the AL4, I don't think this is the reason, however. Replace the Diesel filter, Check and clean the MAF sensor (avoid touching its inner components) and the Regenerate your FAP, before going into expensive stuff. I had a power problem with my car, I tried every thing and having a Lexia tool did not help. At the end it was CAM (timing) belt, it was off by one notch and there was a very tiny hole on the inlet manifold butterfly vacuum adjuster plastic body as result of a hose friction against it, causing air leak and resulting in a different mixture from that controlled by the ECU (I have written about it in this forum). Please be kind enough to reply as to benefit other Citroen owners.
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