I had the same issue and having replaced the fuses with no joy, here is what I have done: 1- Raised the car, removed the driver side wheel and wheel arch under cover. 2- Unscrewed the water tank (actually I was able to remove one clip, so I left it dangling but I had access to the pumps) point 1 and 2 are not necessary if you know where every thing is. 3- Disconnected the water hoses and tested for operation (you need assistant for this part) 4- Unplugged the faulty water pump 5- Disassembled (click open, no screwing, be careful) 6- Using a bicycle pump, blew the rubber toggle valve out (could not pick it out due to sediment) cleaned, greased. 7- Replaced the rubber toggle valve back and tested for "toggle" operation (blowing by mouth, did not work due to having overgrown!!, for some unknown reason) 8- Filed it shorter by about "0.75" mm, replaced and tested again. It worked. 9- Reassembled all back, testing at every stage. All is well. I also found hose (behind the back light, driver side) disconnected and water spraying inside the body (common fault), just reconnected. This took a couple of hours (I was learning my way through) the alternative was 75 euro per pump!!