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Everything posted by Simple

  1. Well done.. Many of the errors these cars are not due to faulty components, but due to signals out of spec. (forcing the ECU to generate errors) caused by tarnished connector points, loose or chaffed wires, etc.. So, when you investigate errors with Lexia, ensure that they are not not caused by the above reason before changing parts.
  2. Congratulations and well done... I think there is a manual on the net, some stuff is in French. Some of the errors you see are old and may be irrelevant. Clear all errors everywhere, then start the car and check which errors come back, then start your investigation.
  3. Your problem is very simple, Lexia does NOT run on 64 bit Windows. The solution is in the Prerequisites, point 1 of "Diagbox 7.xx From Preparation To Operation". You either format your computer and install a new 32 bit Windows or leave 64 bit Windows (like me) and install a Virtual Machine then install 32 bit Windows 7 or XP. Notice, VMware player has better compatibility than VirtualBox (but slower during installation, you will not notice any difference during running).
  4. Your RPO is actually 9737 => 7 July 2003 (manufacturing date) You did not mention which platform (hardware and operating system) or which version of DiagBox/Lexia you are trying to run. Please review this link (Diagbox 7.xx From Preparation To Operation), It may be of help.. http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/23435-diagbox-7xx-from-preparation-to-operation/ and this one (Anybody Found A Diagnostic Scanner That Works On Citroen C8 2.2 Hdi): http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/23088-anybody-found-a-diagnostic-scanner-that-works-on-citroen-c8-22-hdi/ In case of no joy, please provide detailed information so that we may be able to help. Regards, Simple.
  5. The software developers are very clever and can write using the latest and greatest technologies, but they try to tie it to their own hardware... For example, Lexia or Diagox software will run on a laptop, but will connect to the car using PSA's OBDII device not through a generic one.. So, you still have to buy the device or a clone!! The business model that is worrying the car manufacturers is not the DIYers like you and I, it is the thousands of independent mechanics who do not want to pay dealers rates to access information and who use after market parts. Truly, thank God for the internet, it is helping people exchange information and acquire knowledge, but car manufacturers are also moving on it. They are already offering access to their servers per hour for a charge!!! I have upgraded my ECU firmware myself, I don't know how much wold the dealer charge, but I know that he charges 80 Euros to read the Error codes, while I bought my Interface for 56 Euros, and can now perform all my diagnosis, analysis and configurations..
  6. This software runs on a station at the dealers that was made in the middle ages!! and what you have is a cracked copy that is NOT for sale to customers!! and worth thousands.... PSA recently released DiagBox V8.xx which runs on the same hardware and uses the same old technologies.. This is to avoid licenses costs and other technical/legal issues.. Also their requirements are simple and the users are (usually) NOT IT literates. I am sure you will be able to find your way around all the technical issues, they are not difficult. But notice that some software (like DiagBox) tries to connect a legitimate Peugeot Citroen Dealer to the Head Quarter's server (for updates etc..) and if NOT a legitimate installation, it will lock the installation. By the way, I have an installation on an I7 computer, and Except for the starting (where it tries to perform certain checks!!) it is as fast as a normal hardware. I also have a number of (other software) installations on I7, I5 and AMD with Linux and Windows RS2 and I hardly notice a difference between VM and the host machine (once you pass the hardware threshold). To give an example: I installed DiagBox 7.01 on an I5 with SSHD Laptop, VMware workstation, Win XP, 1.5 GB RAM, 16GB Hard Disk space.. installation took more than 2 hours. My son performed a complete DiagBox 7.01 installation that took an amazing 4 minutes.. The platform was Windows XP 32bit SP3 with 3GB RAM allocated memory and 20GB allocated Virtual Disk space running on VirtualBox 5.0.17 r106287 on his Desktop computer which is comprised of Intel G3258 CPU at 4.0 GHz with 8GB RAM and 250GB SSD on a Z97 GigaByte motherboard. The full installation and upgrade to v7.57 took 7 minutes!!! He then performed another installation with identical setup but using VMWare Player, which took 11 minutes to 7.01, 14 minutes to 7.02 and 20 minutes to reach 7.57... These were the fastest DiagBox installations I have seen. My advice, check the hardware allocations. Good luck, Simple.
  7. Rest assured it is so simple and free nowadays. The choice is quite wide (including Windows own Hyper-V), but the best and most widely used are: *- VMware Workstation Player (~70 mb) https://my.vmware.com/en/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_workstation_player/12_0 *- Oracle VirtualBox (~120 mb) https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads (most popular, fast and regularly updated) VM is usually installed on a notebook or desktop running 64 bit operating system with 4 GB RAM or more and lots of hard disk space (you may need to allocate 36 GB) The process: 1- Download and install the VMware Player or VirtualBox (VBox requires Extension Pack to support USB etc) 2- Run VM and create the Virtual Hardware, (Basically OS type, Hard disk space 24+ GB, 1.5 to 3 GB Ram and 1 or 2 CPU cores) 3- Mount Windows XP or 7, 32bit ISO and start the VM to commence installation. * VBox.. Menu --> Settings --> Storage --> under storage tree Choose the CD --> under Attributes choose the CD icon --> choose Virtual optical disk file.. and point it to Windows 7/XP ISO file. * VMplayer.. Menu --> VM --> Settings --> under Hardware tab choose CD/DVD --> under Connection, click on "use ISO image file" and click Browse --> Navigate to your Windows 7/XP ISO 4- Install the VMware Tools for Player or Gust Additions for VBox (from Windows session, these are the drivers), * From VBox menu, while in Windows session, click on Devices --> Insert Guest Additions CD image.. (run from CD if it does not start automatically) * From VMware Player menu , while in Windows session.. Click on VM --> Install VMware Tools (run from CD if it does not start automatically) Note:Some software requires IDE hard disk type to run, this is usually done automatically with Windows XP Ensure you choose IDE type for Windows 7. If you wish to change the HD type at a later stage, delete the VM without deleting the HD, create a new VM with IDE type HD but do not create a new HD, use existing HD and point it to the readily available HD.. Mount the CD of your software and install it as usual (if using XP, Install .NET 3.5 and Internet Explorer 8). p.s. To enable USB devices in VBox, Settings ->> USB --> Under Enable USB Controller Choose 2.0 --> under USB device filters choose the icon with a blue dot for general devices and the icon with + for a specific device. Done, Simple.
  8. Most modern cars have a lot of sensors that may go wrong themselves or produce erroneous readings/outputs due to bad connections or interference. The most difficult faults are the intermittent ones that happen unpredictably and when you connect your diagnosis tool they disappear, like a chaffed wire that touches a ground when taking a corner or a connector that is not plugged properly that occasionally may not allow for full current flow or something like that. Ensure that all moving parts (like flaps) are actually moving without restrictions.. Since you already know that the ignition has something wrong with it, I would advise that you start there.. A can of Switch Cleaner spray may prove to be a good investment. You may have an intermittent loss of power to the sensors due to dirty or worn out contacts that is causing the whole thing. Oh, and something else, do not go changing parts without testing them first.. it would prove too costly. Also a generic diagnostics tool would not provide you with the capabilities of Citroen's (DiagBox/Lexia) specific tool nor the ability to re-program the various devices in the car.
  9. Your issue may be a result of badly synchronized information going to the ECU due to faulty component or bad connection, causing the ECU to produce the error and reducing power to save engine. Ensure the spark plugs, coils and cables are all in good order. Also check your MAF is clean and in good order. Good luck.
  10. Or you could download the "Citroen Service Box + Sedre" using the torrent within the attached zip file. It is 20 GB though.. If you don't have a Bit Torrent client, I reccommend qBitTorrent from (http://www.qbittorrent.org/). It is free with no adverts. You could install all software belonging to the car within a Virtual Machine like VMware Player or VirtualBox, it is tidier and they are also free. Citroen Service Box (DocBackup + Sedre) (11.2013).torrent.zip
  11. Yes, that's the one.. Before dismantling it try to clean the connector. You could also adjust the link position (there is a springy stopper, you can see it in the 3rd photo), it may also help. If it does not work, you may try opening it and lightly spraying it with (preferably) "Switch or Contact Cleaner" (you may also use alcohol and a soft brush); in case there is dirt causing errors. Avoid 3 in one oils or abrasive sprays on the sliding contacts parts.
  12. I have attached a photo of the TPS location on my Citroen 8 (it is 2.0 diesel). It is NOT the grey connector near the tip of the arrow, it is behind it. If you put your hand in the gap between air purifier and (behind) the vacuum sensor, you will see and feel the TPS and the accelerator cable. You can ask someone to press the accelerator pedal while touching it, to confirm.
  13. These quirks are BSI issues. I also have them from time to time. It is possible that errors/corruption has occurred in the program due to interference or low power. reset your BSI, there is a procedure (in one of the posts) for the C8, since the battery is near the driver's seat. Ensure you have fully charged battery at all times. For the ABS, follow the cable and you will find a connector on the inner side of the wheel arch (for each wheel), ensure they are clean and properly connected. But it could be that the wheel spun or locked over gravel or something!
  14. The OBDII connector is below the steering column in the C8. If this Citroen C8 is for keeps, I agree with Paul that it would be wise to buy an analyzer. However, I doubt that you will get the real reason of the fault in this case. Sometimes you get an intermittent fault, which will show under certain conditions such as circuit dry joint, low/high temperature, low/high power and/or rain.. etc. But it looks like yours was caused be either a loose/shaky connector that is not properly plugged or chaffed wire or very law charged battery. In the mean time, I would advise that you unplug and re-plug all connectors to all sensors that you have access to, especially the MAF (Mass Air Flow sensor).
  15. Well done. Being sluggish under 2K RPM indicates it is not related to turbo.. Ensure the pipe hasn't got a small (pin size hole) caused by the kink, wrap suspect areas with tape for testing, usually splits and holes are near the connections or where it rubs against other bodies. Ensure your diesel and air filters are good and clean, put some diesel additive to clean the injectors. Your MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensor may need cleaning. Do NOT touch the inside with any object. If you have alrady touched it with a hard object, it could be the reason for sluggishness. There is a special cleaning spray for it. You could also check the timing to ensure it is in order. Mine suffered lack of power for months and I tried everything to no avail. I suspected the timing but it took me some time until I learnt how to do it. I found the belt was slightly slack and off by one tooth. However, there is one thing that will make you feel a difference and that is; adjust the (TPS) Throttle Position Sensor. Trace the throttle cable under the bonnet, you will find it goes into a sensor in a tight area. Pull the cable (lightly) and release it few times to understand the mechanism. You will find there is a springy stopper that can be re-positioned. Pull the cable and adjust the TPS to your liking,
  16. Before you start on a wild goose chase: 1- Ensure you have a very Fully charged and capable battery installed 2- Reset the BSI (the procedure is listed in few posts) 3- Ensure the PCB of the fuse box under the bonnet (driver side near the wiper) is clean and dry (you may have to spray it with moister repellent, switch cleaner or WD40.. With respect to fault erasing, you could use a Bluetooth ELM 327 OBDII device with Torque/pro to erase all faults.. Good luck..
  17. Attached is the C8 front seat wiring diagram, the wire marked 56 SGP is coming from the Passenger Occupancy Pad (sensor). If you search you will find that there are emulators that can be connected instead. This indicates that repairing it may not be worth the trouble.. I could not find the Citroen/Peugeot part and I have not seen one, but you can see some for BMW and Mercedes (try google images), they look like a computer keyboard internal pad!!! they can be damaged by inserting a pin into the seat fabric or moisture seeping into it causing corrosion (short circuiting).. I did repair a keyboard membrane with painted tracks a couple of times, believe me, you do not want to repair one of those.. However, if you decide to strip the seat (assuming it is a membrane layer), you could clean pad with alcohol to remove the corrosion causing shorting/contact (very lightly to avoid damaging the tracks). If a track is broken, you need to buy some silver compound to connect the tracks (few Euros from Aliexpress, it takes several hours to dry before attempting to reassemble). I hope a simple solution like disconnecting the pad would work for you, but then; this is a French car!!!
  18. The seat sensor is reporting that someone is still sitting but has not buckled up... Something wrong with the sensor.. You can disable the passengers air bag (switch hidden by passenger door), but I am not aware that you could disable the seat sensor (by not using Lexia or physically disconnecting the sensor). Look underneath the seat and check the harness for bad connection or corrosion..
  19. If your car is working well but not under load, you may have the wrong instructions going to the ECU due to a sensor not giving appropriate readings or due to a valve not acting upon instructions. Check the plastic fixture of the three hoses on top of the Diesel filter for cracks and leakage and check the accelerator sensor and the two valves next to it. Also, if you have access to another MAF, try it, yours may be bad.
  20. This is the nearest equivalent to a Haynes Manual, but in French: https://mega.nz/#!chl0SZyQ!7DD8gfkK-kwnScq9JRcvx0j_MxPlYNrfTY20WPYYtFY And this is the Citroen Service Box Multilingual, you can also trace components when you click on diagrams.. Citroen Service Box (DocBackup + Sedre) (11.2013).torrent.zip p.s. If you install on Windows XP, ensure that Internet Explorer 8 is installed..
  21. Is this what you want: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/171882396207
  22. You must have got C:\AWRoot, DiagBox installs this by default, Re-arrange the list of files and folders (by name) in the folder manager and it should appear, but if DiagBox already shows in English, what you need is "C:\APP" this time. What you need to do is follow the instructions For Lexia in the first post. Also check C:\APP\LEXIA\EXE\DICO.TXT as well, it should have the line "Dico=THELEXGB.DBZ"
  23. If you have a Lexia device try to perform Particulate Filter Regeneration, it may be blocked due to the previous fault. Also, ensue all the vacuum pipes are intact and connected, I had a similar problem due to inlet manifold valve leakage (the valve body had a tiny hole due to a pipe rubbing against it)..
  24. Cleaning the valve Body (making sure you do NOT scratch the Valve Body and tighten the bolts to the right torque) and changing the oil may help... you can also try over filling by 250-500 ml of oil to see if it helps.. If all that does not help, replacement of the 2 Borg Warner solenoids is next point of action, it solves the problem most of the time (before stripping or replacing the whole box) http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/topic/23818-c8-2003-auto-gearbox/ p.s. Some people had problems due to blocked Oil Filter and/or damaged Oil Pump .. This requires the removal of the Gear Box..
  25. A couple of years back I changed ONE on my car, it was a mistake, my car (slightly) veers to one side since then..change the two!! and make sure they are classified for your model. (they all fit, but they are not all the same strength, I think there are 2 or 3 specs depending on Diesel/petrol and 15/16 inch). The below procedure is from memory and as far as I remember, I did not have to take all the bolts and nuts out, 1- I rented 2 coil spring compressors that can be tightened/loosened from both sides (about 36 CM) 2- Raised the car from the broken spring side and removed the wheel. 3- Disconnected 1 ball joint (I think it was the wishbone one) 4- Removed the 2 bolts shown in the picture and lowered the strut assembly down and out. 5- Unscrewed the top securing plate and removed the spring (remember the order). 6- Compressed the new spring and fitted it into the strut (while lying out) making sure: a- The compressors is NOT placed too high to prevent removal once back in position b- The compressors screw ends pointing downwards, so that they do not go through the wheel arch when released. c- The 2 compressors are on the front and back of the wheel arch side, not the the engine and the road, so that you can handle them. 7- Place the strut in position and fit the 2 bolts. 8- Fit the compressed assembly in position and replace the ball joint/s 9- Uncompress the springs from the bottom of the compressors sides and replace the tyre. P.S. The spring compression/decompression is highly dangerous and MUST be handled with all safety procedures implemented. I bought a couple of coil spring compressors, the long screw had one hex side and the other side is the usual round threaded end... I had to grind the round threaded side so that I could fit a tool to loosen/tighten from this end as well.
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