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Everything posted by Richiejh

  1. It seems to be an issue on my desktop only as I can use my mobile without issue. It just seemed strange, I guess it's an issue with my PC.
  2. Hasanybodyelsehadanissuewiththetextboxnotacceptingspaces?Thesubjectlinehasnoissues,butwhenitrytopostinthisboxitdoesnotacceptspacessoeverythinglookslikegibberish! Moderator edit 26/1/2018 Has anybody else had an issue with the text box not accepting spaces ?The subject line has no issues, but when i try to post in this box it does not accept spaces so everything looks like gibberish!
  3. I got in my car the other day and thought the steering felt lumpy, looked underneath and there was the coating of red oil on the chassis. Unfortunately I fitted a refurbished rack at the end of last year, and here I am 6 months later with exactly the same problem. Not impressed! It appears to be coming from the input shaft seal and dripping down as far as I can tell. It looks like I need to investigate a bit further before yelling at the steering rack company, I just hope they'll honour their warranty as it was a DIY job.
  4. I was going to point out another post but when I looked again it was yours! Doh!
  5. I think the pretensioners will be on the in-board side of the front seats. I don't think there are any in the 2nd or 3rd row. Probably a plug loose under the seat, dodgy contact on French wiring is fairly normal.
  6. I assume that the door won't unlock when you pull the inner door handle? I can't think of an easy way to get into the door with it shut, I'm not even sure you'll get the door card off. Sorry I can't be any more help.
  7. Thanks for the info, I haven't had the warning light on and have never had limp mode. It just seems to randomly not start when it's warm. If the sensor is cheap then I may as well try it.
  8. I've been having an intermittent issue with my 2.0hdi 140. The car always starts when it's cold, but occasionally when it's warm and I crank the engine it will fire once on 1 cylinder then cut out. If I turn the ignition off and try again it starts, if I keep the starter going it will start after a few seconds. I've connected up diagbox and I get fault code p0341 intermittent which is a cam sensor, it seems likely that this could be the issue, any thoughts?
  9. I've used the steering wheel buttons, with the doors locked & unlocked, also with the ignition on then with the engine running but still no comfort menu. I get vehicle parameters then 'lighting and signalling' and 'driving assistance' but no comfort options.
  10. When I first got my X7 I set the central locking to open the drivers door then the other doors on the second press. My wife really doesn't like it so I want to change it but I can't find the menu to alter it. I'm sure it was in vehicle parameters, comfort, plip action but when I go to the parameters menu there is no option for comfort anymore. Any ideas?
  11. If your motor is like my C8 there is an auto park switch inside to sense when the wipers are parked. There are 2 contacts which touch a disc inside. It may be worth looking inside to see if anything has come apart. If it's the same there is a flat ish round bit where the spindle protrudes, the switch is in there. Easy to dismantle with the motor off.
  12. Taunton, Somerset Diagbox for Citroën & Peugeot.
  13. Sounds possible, one of the garages I asked refused to do it as they had 'heard' it was 'a nightmare job' the other quoted £300 plus parts and fluid.
  14. We didn't exactly follow the book, we lowered the rear of the subframe only and pulled the rack out of the drivers side. I think we saved a few hours by not taking the whole subframe down as that involved draining the cooling system.
  15. It took me and my Dad about 5 hours on a garage floor to do it, the recon rack was about £250 to 300, I can't quite remember which so I don't know where they are getting their prices from. I think if I had that quote and was unable to do it myself I would drive to Wakefield and get them to do it.
  16. I think the starter is fairly high up on the front of the engine so should be a fairly easy job.
  17. The handbook says it should remember the setting and if it doesn't to take it to a citroen dealer. When I read the fault codes nothing came up so maybe a dodgy switch bank. My C8 switch bank plays up a lot but in different ways.
  18. I've fitted my old dension gateway 5 from my wifes C8, she never uses it. It's given me usb, ipod, Bluetooth and phone kit but unfortunately no track information on bluetooth or usb. The head unit gives track information on my mp3 cds so I'm talking to dension to see if they can help.
  19. Ok, thanks Marc1. The only issue I have with it now then is that it doesn't remember about the child safety and randomly deactivates.
  20. Quick question, is the child safety switch on the drivers door (x7) supposed to latch in? On my C8 it latches in for on and comes out for off, on the C5 it stays in one place but lights up. Is this normal?
  21. I'll check it over tomorrow, thanks. It only seems to do it when it's cold. I've had one go on an early hdi but that was ages ago now.
  22. Do the 2.0hdi 140 engines suffer from the same noisy crankshaft pulley issue as the early ones? I had a 2001 car which needed an new pulley as it was clattering, I think my C5 may have a similar noise which is a clatter on tickover from the bottom of the engine behind the drivers side wheel.
  23. This problem seems to have been sorted by replacing the brake light switch. Getting there with the list now.
  24. Parking sensors successfully installed, I couldn't find any sign of the original plug so I ended up connecting it on the opposite side. There are loads of wires running to the bootlid etc to link up to. I ended up using an ignition feed to the rechargeable torch and the reverse signal from the reverse lights. Happy(er) wife now the parking sensors work. I also repaired the broken washer pipe whilst I was in there.
  25. Hi, I want to fit a USB port into my C5 to use for music. I currently have an RD4 with the mp3 connector in the glove box, I'm not interested in that so would like to connect a usb port instead. The car has a parrot handsfree kit so I'm not bothered about Bluetooth phone compatability. Has anybody done this?
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