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Hi there, I'm about carry this out but having read Haynes manual it states the caliper carrier bolts have to be discarded and new replacement bolts fitted.  Any ideas why?  I've done a few brake jobs before but have reused the original bolts. The only bolts I've replaced before were on Ford Fiesta when overhauling the cylinder head gasket as those bolts were stretch bolts.


Many thanks



2006 C3 1.6HDi VTR Bosch brakes


When I did the discs and pads on our C3 I did not replace the bolts. In the Citroen service manual it does not say to replace the bolts, this only appears in the Haynes manual. In my Haynes I have noted the new brake pads have a chamfered end and this goes at the top, but there are probably arrows on the pads to show the correct way.


Thanks for the replies - yes both the caliper carrier bolts and the guide pin bolts have blue thread locking compound on them so I was going to reuse both sets of bolts with new compound applied.



Mark a.k.a smokescreen

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