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Hi,  have had problems with wipers not working properly and been told by a garage that the motor needs replacing and will cost £500.


Can anyone tell me whether it is easy to get the part myself and for an experienced mechanic to be able to change it?


Have looked into the recall issued by citroen a few years ago but ours is not covered by that.




Probably not many C5 X7s in the breakers yet, but you might pick one up at a considerable reduction .   Six months or so ago we needed wiper parts for my daughter's Xsara.   We got the complete wiper assembly for less than £25.   Fitting the parts we required was fairly straightforward. 


It is unlikely to be difficult to replace a front wiper motor, the scuttle below the windscreen will need removing and then the motor will be accessible. If you are going to do the work yourself, let us know and more detailed instructions can be provided.


What are the symptoms of the wiper fault and did you use a Citroen dealer to diagnose the fix - just in case it is not the motor that is at fault ? If you give info on your engine and model then we can check the parts no and check the internet for prices. The part no. will also help you when checking on such as ebay.


There is a used wiper motor on ebay

But it's for a C3. Are they the same? I believe each wiper arm has its own motor. If so, are they similar or handed?


Oops, I had searched on C5 so I do not know how that happened, good job you checked it. Here is a new right side one but £240 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Citroen-C5-08-ON-Models-Drivers-Front-Wiper-Motor-6405LA-/181390636080?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2a3bb97430 The left and right ones must be a bit different so they go in opposite directions and stop in the right place but some of that could be done by swapping the positive and negative connections. Also the parts diagram shows the wiper spindle to be at opposite sides of the motor casing.


The original poster has not been back yet so maybe the problem has been sorted.


This looks as if it may be a picture of one https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=C5+wiper+6405LA+picture&hl=en-GB&rlz=1T4DKUK_enGB242GB242&tbm=isch&imgil=oIIqASovGlq79M%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcRyzDOhVgwDLQ9tDmdggdqwGVjeoA7oBbHJEA8OMqdjKv173NPv%253B300%253B225%253B5KAUphEqPBncNM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.ebay.co.uk%25252Fitm%25252FCitroen-C5-X7-right-hand-side-O-S-front-windscreen-wiper-motor-%25252F251459879455&source=iu&usg=__qZUls-XMb91Jo1ygz1WfYY5X8XY%3D&sa=X&ei=rXJ2U5-KAcmvO_mJgbAG&ved=0CEAQ9QEwCA#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=oJENoju9XY7KAM%253A%3Bv1DMcXI8j_KP7M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bartebben.nl%252FdailySQL%252FImages%252Fimg_ic%252Fic0qgbbs.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbartebben.com%252Fparts%252Fcitroen%252Fc5%252Felectrical-system%252Ffront-wiper-motor.html%3B600%3B423

The two wiper motors must be controlled by an ecu, otherwise there's nothing to stop them choosing their own speed and eventually hitting each other. Why does everything have to become more and more complicated?

Thanks for the replies!


What is happening is that the left wiper will only go at the slowest speed setting and stops after about 6 swipes.

The right one gets stuck at the end of its travel by the edge of the windscreen on the 2nd swipe.


Took it to Halfords who ran a diagnostic check and said it needs a new right motor and this would sort it.  They said the right motor's fault was then interfering with the left one working properly.


If you are going to pay to have it fixed, use a Citroen dealer who will confirm the fault and since the procedures say less than an hour to fit it and about £206 for the part, so at most would be around £280. If you are sure about the fix, you could buy the part and fit it yourself or keep trying to get a used part.


The procedure is easy enough as well - remove the wiper arms (check there is a mark on the windscreen at the end of each wiper for correct refitting), unclip the scuttle grill below the windscreen which covers the wiper motors, undo 3 bolts holding the relevant wiper motor, undo its electrical connector and reverse to fit the new one but run the wipers before fitting the wiper arms so the motors park in the correct position. It also says to disconnect the battery but I would not think that was needed.

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