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Ok, apologies if the terminology is incorrect here, but hopefully it'll make sense!


My C2 is getting water in one of the connectors that plug into the engine management system - of the three its the one nearest the front of the car.


Causing the car to cut out /low rev etc.


Its happened three times so far over the last few months. To get the car running again, I simply disconnect the plug, dry it out and I'm off again.


No matter what I do, I cannot see where the water is coming from, especially given that the battery cover also covers this part of the engine as well.


I tried an internet search but it did not come up with anything apart from that below. There have been a few cases on the C3 where water runs along the washer pump wiring and in to the fuse box - so you could look at the wiring loom and see if there is any evidence of water running along it to the ecu plug. Many electrical plugs have a rubber seal in them so you could look to see if one is missing - compare the wet plug with the other ecu plugs. You could also try a plastic bag over the ecu and taped in place. It may also help to visit a Citroen dealer since some common things they will have seen before and have a fix.


If you look at the Citroen parts diagrams you may notice if there is anything missing from your car. To do this as a free service on the service.citroen site, register as another professional and a member of the Citroen Owners Club and use your car VIN (VIS) at the top left to find your car http://service.citroen.com/do/changerParametres


I found this in a list of C2 faults on another forum. It is a translation on that forum from French so the wording may not be quite correct:

The failing of the ECU stopping totally at random manner.
Concern engine 1.1i and 1.4i (KFX/KFV) architecture all CAN

Water entry on connector of the ECU motor (connector 32 gray ways)

To Verify the state of the contacts of the connector of the ECU board.
Replace if necessary the ECU and the connection plug



To keep all replies in one place I have deleted your other identical topics.

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