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I have a 2005 Citroen Relay which has been converted into a campervan. I want to change the existing hookup socket, which is currently under the bonnet, and fit a proper socket on the side of the van just behind the drivers door. The problem I have is the van was originally a mini-bus and is lined throughout with the original Citroen panelling (fabric panels and plastic moulding around the windows etc) so i don't know if there are any strengheners or braces on the side panels.


There are two potential solutions - can anyone tell me how the lining is attached to the van and if it can be removed without causing damage, or does anyone have a photograph of the inside of a van to show where the strenghteners are located?


Any pointers would be very much appreciated.


they just clip on with plastic clips that i gaurantee you will break the moment you touch them. so order some from your dealers b4 u start.. the panels ur after are located between the side window (the c pillar)  and the plastic panels come of as one unit.  Most though put them on the outside and then just run a single wire thru as its a lot easier


Thanks Rookie for taking the time to take and post the photograph. That does help as I can see where the uprights and cross memebers are located. I want to keep t fairly low so I reckon if I cut somewhere central to your liners I should be okay.


Just a thought, are you going to fit a purpose designed box/socket and will the van panels need any strengthening - just that possibly as you push and pull on the socket the van side may flex a bit.


Thanks for the thought and potential pitfall. I am going to use a purpose designed socket. I have quite a lot of experience in cutting metals of all types and thickness (I spent many years in the electrical control panel trade) so I'm not anticipating problems from fitting the socket. I have already considered that I might need to use strenghtening to support the socket for when I'm plugging/unplugging, the only problem I might have is due to being unable to remove the internal lining. I might have to be 'clever' and fix some strengthening from the ouside before fixing the socket, maybe using plywood or aluminium angle strip, possibly using filler to fill any gaps caused by the curvature of the panel.


I'll let you know how it went and what I used once I've fitted it.


I know this will probably be of no uise to what you are planning to do, but, there is an adhesive product available which I believe is the best on the market for "Plastic" type products.

"Q Bond", is a type of super glue but when you buy it, it comes with two bottles of liquid and two bottles of plastic granules. One black and one white.

If you haven't tried it then give it a go, I have used it on all sorts of car related items such as Trim, Bumpers, Wing Mirrors etc etc. You use the glue as normal (Rapid Drying) then you coat over the top of the repair with the granules and apply more glue to that (dries hard in seconds.)


Lets say you want to join two peices of plastic to make an "L" shape, you would apply the glue to the edge of one peice and stick it to the other peice's flat surface. In the corner that you have created, you sprinkle in the powder to form a bead (similar to a welding bead) then apply the glue to that.


Within seconds it will dry rock hard and if you try to break the joint you will only succeed in breaking the plastic in a place you did not want to damage.


It is quite expensive (think I paid £11.50) for the pack, but it has paid for itself many times over. If you haven't tried it, give it a go, you will be amazed.

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