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Everything posted by C4VTS

  1. It's all heresay. There is no proof that a 1.6 turbo will ever appear. :P Also doubt there will be a significant C4 facelift. I would not bother waiting for a car that may not ever exist. :blink: :blink:
  2. The 1.6 turbo is only in the Pug 207. Why is it not in a 307 ? The 207 is a much lighter car than a C4 or Pug 307, and therefore makes it quicker than a C4/307 would be with the same engine. The performance would not be much better than a 2.0HDi C4 VTS, and for that reason it's not going to sell, and we already have a 2.0 petrol VTS which offers similar performance. I see no advantage in a turbo 1.6 C4. :blink:
  3. I never drive to be economical, just don't see any point. If you are gonna drive slowly, you might just as well have a Nissan micra. :blink:
  4. No.
  5. I doubt there will ever be a 1.6 petrol turbo, if that's what you mean? There is already a 1.6 turbo diesel.
  6. Cost me £240 at same dealership in Oxfordshire. Cheaper cost of living up north I guess. :unsure:
  7. The warped front discs may be caused by people that use the footbrake instead of the handbrake when stopped at traffic lights. It's also one of my pet hates, being sat behind someone at the lights staring at their high level brake lights, and it's also technically an offence to dazzle other drivers.
  8. Thanks axl, and welcome to the forum. I will have a look at the posted link. My main issue was not knowing how the car is dismantled in order to get to the BSI, and also would like to know how the climate control unit comes out. Looks as though it has a retaining clip.
  9. I have a problem with my rear doors. The problem is, that I don't have any. :lol: :lol: Actually it's not a problem, because less moving parts, less problems. :lol: :P :lol: Although I did have a non-moving part fall off. ;)
  10. Newer is not always better. :lol:
  11. Link does not work for me. Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
  12. I know the spoiler was never standard on VTS HDi, but I disagree about the xenons, as they were standard in Aug 2005. http://aycu08.webshots.com/image/11687/2004406214235542894_rs.jpg http://aycu28.webshots.com/image/13427/2002183080341997929_rs.jpg As you can see the the xenon lights are now an option, as indicated by the hollow circle for VTS HDi.
  13. The diesels vibrate sometimes. I am told this is due to the new lean burn engines, reduced CO2.
  14. I am very annoyed at all the potholes in the road which never get fixed, or some council worker fills it in with gravel and has to be done again every week. :P We pay all this money to the Government and local councils but we get nothing back in return. Our taxes just seem to go into a blackhole. This country is in a worse state now than it has ever been in before. Also NHS is in the red, how can that happen with all the extra NI contributions we have been making from our wages!
  15. All fixed now. Had a new element fitted to the seat. The element includes new leather seat cover(base only) and cushioning. The new seat is more of a matt black than the passenger side now, so just hope the new cover gets some shine with use.
  16. I would expect all that to be looked at same time, as long as you give them a list of all the faults that need fixing. They might need the car back another day if parts or more investigation is required.
  17. The bluetooth kit also has 3 or 4 connection wires to the BSI as well as the RD4, so it's not as straight forward as I first thought. Also my Citroen technician did not feel confident enough to attempt to fit, so the Bluetooth module and mic. is going on eBay sometime soon.
  18. I have obtained the factory bluetooth unit and microphone which I plan to install myself. Does anyone know if I can have the extra bluetooth controls added to my steering wheel? These are the voice recognition button (12) and Directory Menu(11) on bottom left. If not, can someone with factory bluetooth confirm these functions can be accessed via the RD4 radio menu button. How do I remove the roof console, so I can fit the factory handsfree microphone? Also where is the bluetooth control box fitted in the C4? Is it tucked in behind the radio?
  19. I would not expect anyone to remember, but you don't go asking the customer where a bit from the car came from. It's like an airplane pilot asking his passengers if they know what that bit was that just fell off the plane. :o A typical Citroen attitude. :D Both iannez and kfk provide great help on this forum, and is much appreciated, but the dealers need to get their act together. People complain about Citroen service for a good reason, and if we did not complain then it would just continue to get worse than it is now.
  20. When I had that big metal bit fall off my car in a previous post, the Citroen technician had the cheek to ask me where it came from, and he was completely serious! :D It was not until he invited me into the workshop, and then to look at another C4 in the car park that he worked out where it came from. Don't Citroen train their technicians ?? Not very re-assuring for the customer that the technician had to ask me where the part came from. Why did he not just look in the service manual? or do they not exist except on eBay?
  21. Showroom mode eh! Maybe it should never have left the showroom? :D :lol: :P
  22. I am on Orange, so should not affect me. :D Is this only petrol engines with the problem?
  23. Just love courtesy cars from bodyshops..... not!! Some years ago I had a Hyundai or some other Korean courtesy car when my Audi A4 had a minor mishap. If you think Citroens rattle, then you have heard nothing until you get a Korean car. :D Must have been the biggest heap of krap I have ever driven.
  24. Was just looking at December 2006 tech specs pdf and Citroen UK website... On the HDi version of C4 VTS and Exclusive, Xenon directional headlights are now a £500 option. I wonder why that is? It makes the diesel versions less attractive for new buyers. The HDi VTS now does not have xenon directional headlights or rear spoiler as standard. Maybe Citroen were not selling enough petrol versions of VTS and Exclusive?
  25. My previous Audi A4 had heated seats, and never had a problem either, but we are talking about Citroen. :)
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