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Everything posted by C4VTS

  1. Booked it in for 5th March. They have offered me a C4 Grand Picasso as a loan car.
  2. My heated drivers seat has stopped working. The dealer wants the car for 2 days to strip the leather seat down and locate the fault. The Citroen technician said it may be a broken element, and could mean a new seat covering if the element is built into it, but he is not sure, which is why it needs investigating Has anyone else had a fault with the heated seat, and what was replaced?
  3. Looks nice. Just seems strange they did not add the rear spoiler to go with the body kit. :D
  4. The Amp must run off the CAN-BUS as there is an option for it on the BSI. Dealer will have to enable the amp at a price.
  5. The CD/MP3 will jump to radio if you have RDS/TA traffic announcements switched on. But I presume some are doing it with no traffic?
  6. Too bad that rain is forecast for the rest of the week. :D
  7. Who's wife? :P :lol: B)
  8. Mine is on all the time. I believe lack of use causes most things to go wrong, and if you don't use it, how do you know it's working properly?
  9. I will be shopping around for the next one, that's for sure. <_<
  10. No real problems here with misted windows. It normally clears within a minute of demister on full blast. Maybe you don't use your aircon enough, and all the gas has leaked out? <_< 15mins to demist sounds like an exageration?
  11. HDi 110 bhp DIN "It supplies maximum torque of 240 Nm at 1,750 rpm. Torque can be increased to 260 Nm at 1,750 rpm on the three highest gears, thanks to the overboost function.For strong bursts of acceleration, the "overboost" function kicks in, delivering up to 20 Nm of additional torque by increasing the fuel injection rate. This new engine therefore combines a fast response with a linear increase in power, and excellent acceleration at low engine speeds." HDi 138 engine Offering maximum torque of 320 Nm at 2,000 rpm, it also features an overboost function that raises torque temporarily to 340 Nm. It does seem to make sense now. :D
  12. Hi Lee, When is yours booked in? I would be interested in Citroens response to this.
  13. Anyone got a C6? I guess everyone is waiting for the heavy depreciation to get a good used deal? :D
  14. I have noticed that my engine speed seems to suddenly jump from about 2000rpm to about 2,300rpm when I accelerate fairly hard in 3rd or 4th gear and the engine sounds a bit like it has an an automatic gearbox when it does it. When I look at the rev counter you can see the speed jump a few segments. I don't think the clutch is slipping as the road speed also increases when it happens. Also I am not sure if this is a problem or perfectly normal. :D Has anyone else with a 2.0HDi engine or even a 1.6 noticed this?
  15. Which is why GPS is more accurate than most speedos. Also I have checked my GPS against one of those radar devices that flashes on a big sign your actual speed and the GPS was spot on.
  16. Aircon uses gas, so I doubt it's anything to do with aircon unless the radiator or heater system is leaking? :D
  17. Both my speedo and mpg computer are 100% accurate according to TomTom :D
  18. Not sure what you mean by faults? Mine are automatic levelling and see around corners, and don't have any problem with them. :D
  19. What brings you down here to these woods? :D
  20. I agree with the above post. Citroen has always stood for being an affordable brand. If you start adding 200+HP engines on a C4 the insurance costs alone would put most people off it, let alone the purchase price.
  21. I have not done it on the C4, but did it on my Audi A4 and you really need a special tool that pushes in the caliper piston. You can buy a universal tool at Halfrauds I expect, but got mine from http://www.gsfcarparts.com/ 98741 CALIPER REWIND TOOL GENERAL USE*** 15.00
  22. Who said there is one officially? I would not expect, or hope to see one for at least a year. :o
  23. This fault should have been fixed in production a long time ago. :o
  24. C4VTS


    Agreed! Even at 5 mph the brakes had no effect on ice yesterday at first bend in office car park. The C4 was heading for a lampost at 5mph and it was just luck I missed it by about 12 inches and carried on up the curb and onto a verge. Just steering and not braking at all had little effect either. No damage done but it does make you aware of the possible danger, even at very low speeds. http://aycu39.webshots.com/image/9638/2000225284123211522_rs.jpg This afternoon on way home.
  25. C4VTS


    Snow was a nightmare this evening, from Birmingham to Warwick spent most of the journey in 2nd and 3rd gear due to all the snow and ice on the roads. Even 5mph was too fast in places. Just glad I got home safe.
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