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Everything posted by BigJohnD

  1. Sadly it's not quite as straight forward as that because of the car's electronic control systems. There's several guys who have added towing brackets and light sockets at http://www.c4owners.org. They can guide you.
  2. Welcome Pete, Nowt wrong with being old or driving a Berline diesel. :huh: Comfy and relaxed is the way to go.
  3. If you join c4owners.org, they have a section for selling C4 parts. There's a potential audience of 2,000 there.
  4. No. They're the same as the bootlight and as in several other Citroëns and Peugeots.
  5. The Exclusive model has the electrically folding mirrors. I don't think they can be fitted to other models.
  6. You should be able to unscrew and/or pull off most the dash panels on the right of and below steering wheel so can hide the cable behind them easily.
  7. The source of the 12v sockets is: Car Builder Solutions Redlands, Lindridge Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JJ Tel: 01580 891309 Fax: 01580 893733 You need to phone or fax your order; there's no online facility. They're very helpful. Here's a link to their 12v Power Socket, which are £6.00 plus P&P and VAT: Click here. They arrived very quickly by 1st class Royal Mail. You also need 27mm hole cutter. Other owners who were reluctant to cut holes in the dash suggested using the blank sockets next to the ESP switch. This is not possible because the hole is square and on removal, you'll see all the wiring is in place behind even though the switch and facility is absent. That's what I initially hoped to do, but decided it against it. It required too much dismantling of the centre console to access the (complex) wiring for an additional hidden live feed for such cabling though it may be easier if the CD Changer is installed. The alternative of a multi-socket sticking out of the centre console and cables was too untidy, even if the cable was routed through the dash - which is not easy, requiring several panels to be removed and very restricted access. I photographed my attempts - click here I also tried to fit a 12v socket in the boot for my fridge, but I couldn't find a suitable location. If anyone has done it, I'd appreciate details.
  8. Yes, it's a known issue. I was lucky - mine just jammed shut with nothing broken as the hinges were being forced out. I was able to gently open it with a thin flexible steel blade, re-align the hinges and fingers crossed it's been OK since. The glove box on RHD C4s is very small and because it doesn't hold much, it's easily over-filled with the temptation to slam the door to force it shut. DON'T DO IT!! Any dealer of repute will fix it. Could be costly. Maybe £80…
  9. Like you, I believe there is lot of confusion over the port identification on the back of the RD4. It also depends which version of the RD4 you have as well. I'm all but certain you do not have to remove the the CD Changer to fit the simple 9706AG input (see below) I have fitted the 9706AG input, which, because I do not have Bluetooth, is on port AUX1. If I had Bluetooth, the cable would be fitted using different terminal pins, and be on AUX2. These ports are not enabled by defualt and requires dealer to do it with their Lexia software. Here is a link to the installation instructions. http://www.johndavies.mersinet.co.uk/CitC4/9706AG.pdf (3.5Mb) Here is photo of the quadlock connector, which fits into the rear of the RD4. You will see a gap in the top right. That is where I believe the connector to the CD Changer fits and the link for the new 9702.EZ The 9706AG is fitted to three pins in the bottom left, part of the "blue" sector. The 9706AG is nothing more than a stereo sound input (Left, Right & Common) and requires a post pre-amp signal for best quality. An iPod has a very low power output and you will have to crank up the RD4's vol to max to hear it. The CD Changer/9702.EZ connection supplies power to the external device, takes a sound input, and has bi-directional data stream for remote control and displaying track titles. AFAIK the car's ECU does need to be informed that a CD Changer is present, but I will find out for certain when I fit my 9702.EZ, not having a CD Changer. [edit] Here's the link to Citroën's Press Release re: the 9702.EZ USB Box. Click here. [/edit]
  10. You mean like this? I too have my (Mio) satnav on the driver's quarter-light and agree with everything you say. However, the project is not yet finished (too cold and not enough daylight) as I still have to run the fused wire through the bulkhead to the terminal box by the battery. (Can't find the photo!)
  11. You don't need any special tool. I changed mine in the summer - I don't recall any difficulty. They only fit one way. The longer 700mm blade is part number 6426.XF and the shorter 600mm one is part number 6426.XG.
  12. Good to hear you're up and running. And yes, cars are as much electronic as mechanical these days.
  13. As Wozza says - looks like this: http://bigjohnd.250free.com/CitC4/tyresize.jpg
  14. Yes, the loose cable is a pain, really untidy, and a hazard. http://bigjohnd.250free.com/CitC4/C4cableroute.jpg I've fitted this: http://bigjohnd.250free.com/CitC4/Frontfitted02.jpg
  15. Well it sure ain't there. I can only think they've fitted a really one which didn't haven't the facility, or it's been disabled in some way. I should ask the dealer about it, and perhaps show him the photo of my readout.
  16. Switch on the Radio, and press "MODE" to display all the radio details, Station, Frequency, etc. Press "OK" on the radio. You should see this screen: http://bigjohnd.250free.com/CitC4/rdssearchmode.jpg Activate Radio Text by scrolling and pressing "OK".
  17. Likewise. In-dash is so much neater. The constant connection and removal of any dash mounted SatNav does it no good.
  18. And if there's a significant increase in revs, power and torque, you'll need a beefier clutch and gearbox. And uprated tyres/wheels and suspension to cope with the greater forward and lateral accelerations, plus enhanced braking for deceleration to match. And no doubt you'd have to make body modifications to accommodate and cool everything and to look the part. Exactly.
  19. I suggest you forget modding and buy something like a Subaru Impreza.
  20. Good question. The route the dipstick takes is unnecessarily convoluted. It would require a whole new dipstick guide/sleeve to take a simple steel one. But it does beg the question why was it designed like it is. There's a thread in C4Owners.org where owners get out their dipsticks and photograph them. (They can't arrest you for it)
  21. BigJohnD


    You should have no problem accessing http://www.c4owners.org. But there is no on-line/PDF version of the C4 owners handbook in English. Dutch, Spanish or Russian seem easy enough to find. However, if it's not in the drawer under the passenger seat, you need to go back to the dealer and ask for a copy.
  22. Try http://service.citroen.com for Citroën Service Technical Documentation You'll need to register then enter your VIN number. Some basic info is free; other stuff you need to pay for.
  23. Although I have not experienced it myself, the depollution warning can often be cleared by some hard driving, sometimes known as the Italian tune up. The end dropping of the yellow plastic dip stick is well known. I understand when this was first noticed, Citroën would remove the sump in an attempt to remove any pieces and so prevent any oil ways getting blocked. Seemingly no pieces have ever been found and so they just replace the dipstick without question, advising the owner no to worry. It happened to me some 4,000 miles ago, and there has been no problem Broken dipstick http://bigjohnd.250free.com/CitC4/brokendipstick02.jpg Correct/replacement dipstick http://bigjohnd.250free.com/CitC4/C4110Dipstick.jpg
  24. I've had trouble with my glove box door, as the box itself is pretty small and an odd shape. The kids filled it with CDs and cables for iPods and phones, and then tried to force the door shut. I was lucky - the hinges at the bottom came away without any damage. After emptying the box, I was able to put it all back.
  25. Then I have an abnormal car. Whether it's Km/h or mph, that's what appears and stays until I change it. Maybe you need a software update.
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