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Everything posted by pork_pie

  1. Boy, Once in a while Citroen dont churn out lemons. Hope your good luck continues but I guarantee you, it won''t last. 2/1 You transmission falls out of the udder as the wrong type of sticky back plastic was used. 1/5 All Sensodrive models are recalled due to defective elastic bands and they are being replaced with bike chains. No bets: Your citroen is trouble free for a week. IS IT A, B OR C...... COME ON COME ON COME ON *GONG* BETTING ENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDS.
  2. I have regularly managed overall figure of between 60-64 mpg. Motorway runs alone perhaps 66-68. I assume this will improve with age as I still reckon the car has not fully run in. Mines done nearly 10000 miles and I have hated every mile driven.
  3. The dashboard display above the centre vents. Theres two knobs. Temp is displayed by pressing the right hand button. I am stil waiting for this EGR that you had fitted. How long did you wait for yours? And it solved your power loss didnt it? Had the problem since Mar 10th and 4 visits later, the loser of a vehicle still aint right. Been waiting for the EGR valve for three f***ing weeks and fed a load of lies.
  4. The car is still a poor advert for Gallic engineering. Engine response still erratic. Idling speed fluctuates. Engine revs stick. Loss of power. Loss of Cruise control. The centre console buttons (child locks, overspeed) are losing their settings and the radio display shows outside temperature then the time (should read the time all the time until you press the button) I have had enough.
  5. Before the novelty wears off, something will fall off. I don;t need to tell you all which car I own. Its simple. 1.4 Hdi 16V Exc.
  6. Welcome to the party!!!!! The ECU resets itself but NO MODERN MOTOR CAR DOES THIS AND EVERY MODERN MOTORCAR HAS AN ECU. ECU = Engine control unit. The "brains" of the car. In the case of the C3, the unit is made from pig excreta.
  7. Yeah, the car is a bag of ****. Look I had that problem where the engine response was errativ and the cruise control failed. Mysteriously both went normal after restarting. The ECU resets everything. Since then the car has been in 4 times without remedy. Now the car engine is permently acting crazy even after restarting and the cruise control has gone to pot. iN OTHer words get it checked and dont leave the garage until its done or else you could end uo with an uncomfortable period.
  8. The car has a facility where you can activate the child locks onthe dashboard and works regardless of the central locking button between the centre vents. SoMetimes the car does not retain the setting and the pilot light does not light until you press it again. Also I understand the hazard lights come on automatically under sudden deceleration. Well I was tootling along at 60 mph and suddenly they came on. Final thing, had air con on and there was a smell similar to cow dung. I was perplexed as I was driving near a field. Was this cow dung or just the air con system shifting stale air? Either way its pissing me off and the price of big second hand diesels is getting silly.
  9. I wish you all the luck in the world with your car mate, It seems you are free from trouble and all I can say is "You jammy git"
  10. Had a long chat with Citroen UK after visiting a different dealership close to Cotroen Manchester. Will post in the morning. The story never ends. Sorry to fart on about this but some of you need to know where you and your car end up when you fall foul of the system. I wish I could post something about a sunroof but nope.
  11. Alan Yes true, why do I put up with so much shite? Its just that so much has occured in a relatively short space of time (since March 10th) and whatever was done did not rectify the problem and needed 4 visits. It seems the root of the problem is this EGR but because its not arrived yet, I can't do anything much. According to Citroen, i am not entitled to a refund nor replacement 6 months down the line as it "would set a precedent". Trading standards is an option. Watch this space as I have more stories to tell you that occured today but Ill post tomorrow. Citroen UK agreed that I have been a victim of "Passing the Buck". Regards.
  12. Is yours a diesel? Welcome to the party pal. Yes its cut out on me before. It is just one of many problems. However its not happened to me as many times as you. News to them? Yes its typical Citroen to act stupid whenever a complaint is made aware to them. You have faulty emission control. Get the engine management checked. If yours is petrol (highly unlikely as they are more reliable and they are owned by lucky people) then a new lambda probe or oxygen sensor may be needed. Otherwise if it is a diesel check the EGR circuit. Or do the wise thing, change the sod for something from the Land of the Rising SUn Good luck. You will need it. B+Q do cheap bricks for you to build a wall.
  13. I sent an e mail to the fella at Auto Express, James Faggott about my masterpiece in French engineering on the cheap. I thought with their record of pushing the finger in deep (ooer) I may get somewhere. "Thank you for your email. I am sorry to hear about the problems you have experienced with your car and can imagine how frustrated you must feel. As you can understand Watchdog is a very busy desk and we can only help in cases where we can make the most difference. Unfortunately we do not think we can help in yours, however it may be worth your while seeking professional advice. I am sorry we could not have been of further assistance and I hope you continue to enjoy Auto Express. Yours sincerely, James Baggott Consumer reporter Auto Express Magazine" I was not suprised that watchdog could not do anything. If any of you read that mag and that particular section, it is full of numbnut motorists who buy a 5 door car and end up with a three door car and wait 6 months to realise this and write to Auto Express. Nine times out of ten AE contact the company who come round to the motorist with a five door car free of charge packed with extras and a couple of grand for the trouble. I won't be buying that magazine unless I use it as a wick to set fire to the C3 I painfully own. Its 6.30 am and I the post is about to arrive. 100000/1: I get letter from Citroen saying my EGR has arrived from France. Thank you. A depressed Manc.
  14. Right. Rang Citroen about this EGR part ordered since April 3rd. Many conversations since then have always promised me this part "within a couple of days". NOW............ I get told its a coded part and needs to be shipped from France. This could take 6 weeks. How far is France from the UK for pete's sake? As for courtesy car, I was told to ring Citroen Assist. CA told me that the car needs to be at Citroen and they could only loan me a car for 3 days. Thats not what Citroen Manchester told me. I rang the garage back and later offered a hire car and then claim the money off the warranty. Sod this. I have had as much as I can swallow and thinking of committing suicide. Better still, douse the car in petrol.
  15. Can you blame us? *PARP*
  16. I am driven closer to suicide as each day passes waiting for an EGR valve. Good luck with yours. You will need it.
  17. That was being purely optimistic. The water will eventually seep into the cars ECU and then......... ............ BOOM.
  18. Yeah just you wait until the thing lets in water like the Titanic.
  19. Ben Its an electronic circuit thats in the steering column that acknowledges all the functions from the column stalks (wipers, lights, stereo) and the cruise buttons on the steering wheel. Clitoren says replacing it will cure my cruise control problems. I am that close (parts thumb and finger closely) to buying a VW or something Japanese. I am stil waiting for confirmation that my EGR valve has arrived. Been 7 days now. How long did you wait for yours?
  20. Hello Giles. I sent you a reply to your e mail. I hope that more or less covered it. I am still waiting for my EGR valve. Sounds like another fun packed weekend driving my C3 shaking all over the place.
  21. A sunroof is just another thing that could go wrong on a citroen. Avoid dressing the car up with options as it will just overload the battery. Sunroof ? *blows raspberry*
  22. The levels of technical knowledge possessed by Clitoren staff is pathetic. They couldn't fit batteries in a torch - they would end up ordering one. I looked at giles website and I was worried. He got his car 5 weeks after I did. Maybe I was just "lucky" Ben, was your cat replaced? I asked the dealer if a faulty EGR damages it and he said "No". I got a letter saying the COM 2000 arrived. Hopefully this morning the EGR will arrive. Getting increasingly pissed off with everything. Motoring should be fun. Is it bOll ocks.
  23. Mr B. I told you that since end of Feb I have been complaining of 1) Loss of power. 2) Cruise Control Malfunction 3) Irregular engine response. These problems disapeared when I restarted the car. Took it in MAR 4 : They said they could find nothing. Their ECU deteted nothing. That item could not detect shi* in someones rectum. Problem crept back Took it in Mar 18. They said the car needed a CLUTCH switch. Also told them that 4) Oil level gauge is faulty its permanently registering full and at other times flashes to register a malfunction. Took it in Apr 2. Piece of s*** was in the garage for 2 sday because the Mar 18 trip, their car wash left a bumper scratch so they resprayed the item free. They said they needed to order a COM 2000? An electrical item that is behind the steering wheel that deals with al functions on both stalks and Cruise. Fine. aNOTHER trip to the dealer beckons. Picked the car on Friday. 4 April. CRUISE CONTROL NOT WORKING ENGINE PROBLEMS STILL REMAINED!!! The idling speed was all over the place and sometimes there was no power and suddenly there was a WHOOSH of power. Number of times I nearly ended up someones ar5e was large. Took it back 2 hours after I picked it up and boy was I mad. They think I was stupid with this Oil Level gauge.They say it its bettet to manualy check the level. WEL WHY INCLUDE THE FEATURE IN THE FIRST PLACE? I insisted speaking to a mechanic. I told him all the problems happened after the camshaft recall repair was done. He said it sounds like an EGR problem. HALLELUJAH . Another trip and I am sure when its collected next time, another part wil be ordered so I wil have to go again a few weeks later to have that fitted. SATURDAY. I went to drop my son off my folks and came home bawling my eyes out. wENT TO yORK. Drive was sooo nice without cruise control and with an engine on crack. Sunday...... the engine stalled whilst driving. I WILLNOT BE BUYING CITROEN AGAIN. LA VIE EST CR*P. I make no apologies for the bad lauguage.
  24. They're buying a car for your 16th? Ere hold on, ain't that a bit premature? Rules different in Narrich. I know you can be 16 to drive farm machinery but not cars. How sure are you that you wil not joyride in it until your provisional arrives through the post on your 17th birthday? if you find a VTR/VTS with insurance, I wil eat my hat. If you are lucky try this link but if i were you buy something naff and build up your no claims bonus. http://www.gmcmotorsport.co.uk/saxo106tune.htm As for buying....try the Auto Mart but for peace of mind (they do go wrong) go to a franchised dealer.
  25. Oh my god. Glad you did not recieve any personal injury. That could have been mega serious. Citroen revaled a possible electrical shorting and a compartment fire a few months ago if water gets into Engine Control Unit that deals with the Antilock brakes *Looks at Glass' Value for a C3 Exc Hdi* "That little?"
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