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Everything posted by pork_pie

  1. 98 octane is only beneficial in high performance engines. Some engines can only take 98. Using 98 in other engines brings no real benefits apart from burning a slightly bigger hole in your wallet. Stick with the 95.
  2. Commuting will pound them pads. I would like to know (impossible I know) how my car was pounded about with its first owner. I bought the car from Citroen Retail World in Brentford in February. At the time searching for a car (second half in January) the Citroen used car website only listed 2 used diesel Xsara Estates. It was either a trip to Belfast for a diesel auto or of course the one that is mine now. Bummer was I had to make 2 x 500 mile round trips from Scotch Corner to Brentford. Once to test drive it and second to collect it. The first owner was addressed to Citroen UK in Reading. Should I be worried?
  3. Correction:The C3Hdi Lx was the courtesy car.
  4. Took the hearse for its 25k service last wednesday. Lovely blue C3 Hdi Lx. Must say it is miles quieter and less peaky than its 16v brother. Also the car retained its childproof lock setting after 8 hours - a problem with my old C3 Hdi 16v. As for the fuel computer - i still question its credibility - 78.5 mpg witha mix of dual carriage driving and a smattering of urban madness. The service...... Got stung for £400. I went ape. I said "For a car like a Citroen that just takes the piss" Most of the cost were due to the state of the rear brakes and discs which needed replacing. They totalled £155 alone but the dealer has put an authourisation notice to Citroen requesting them to reimburse me. Has anyone got an idea about this notice? I don't count my chances high at all as these items are wear and tear items but then again these problems should have been ironed when I bought the car from a Citroen London dealership 8 months ago and the PDI should have identified this. In my other cars rarely have I had to change pads and discs. These changes have cleared the squeakiness and generally the car runs a lot smoother
  5. Less than 40 mpg in a large vehicle after just 500 miles is not bad considering the official figure matches what you are getting.Expect this figure to improve considerably around 12,500 miles. Sounds like you are running in the engine properly unlike some fockwitts who like to redline their cars and are wronglt advised to rag it after the free service. As for the cabin items, sounds like a COM 2000 problem - this is the control unit that deals with the dreaded multiplex wiring and everything that is connected to it. You are lucky that the doors don't slide open whilst in motion which has happened so some. The COM 2000 is located behind the steering wheel and is replaced under warranty. Problem is that these parts can take anywhere from a few days to 4-6 weeks to arrive.
  6. No fluids are changed. Just the levels for oil, coolant, power steering and screenwash fluid are checked. Other jobbies for this freebie include checking the conditions of pipes and casings and checking the autodiagnostic memories ie any fault codes detected which of course are sorted out via the software upgrade.
  7. So that oil level gauge? You believe that is accurate? That is another bell and whistle that should have been omitted and the money that was used to research such a contraption should have been spent on better glue. It may be up to the driver to judge whether its accurate or not but there is nothing wrong with lifting the bonnet up with a rag and finding out the oil level properly. Nor is working out the MPG the good old conventional way with a pen and calculator and noting down the mileage. Then again the odometer is not accurate either! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH. Used to commute from York to Scotch Corner for 6 months Monday- Friday. Used three different cars. One was a Micra and the other was a Lexus. Both registered a weekly commute of approximately 600 miles. The other car - a Citroen C3 registered 630 miles. So in 52 weeks one could accrue a shade under 1500miles. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH. Technology is a drag. Haven't some Pug 307 drivers had a problem with odometers that grossly overread?
  8. Its the 7000 then. Don't you use the oil level gauge? Then 6 segments that greet you before you fire the engine up. Ultimate in accuracy......not!
  9. No problem. Good luck. Don't fall for the "They all do that madam" borlorks. Seeing as its a light that caters for 3 cifferent things, it might be a big job. However it should be covered under warranty. Dealers such money grabbing bar stweards that they wil proobably say the car needs a new cat. £550 please. Loved my VTR when I had it between 98-02. I had a fussy warning light but it was the air bag warning light. Wiring for it was very poor. Common problem in Saxos. My mate bought it off me in October 02. Serviced it before he collected it. 70k miles. Sold for £2800. Sh1thead has not serviced it since even though he has done less than 5k miles. I tell him he wont be so smug if his cam belt snaps. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I had my old C3 I was driving up a hill and tried to floor it. 16V Hdi nice engine but its responsiveness was irregular to say the least. The engine lost power so I assume the air the fuel mixture was poor. The light flashed and I could not accelerate the engine past 3500 rpm. Stopped the car and restarted. Problem disappeared. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. One thing I learnt from my C3 experiences is to bever buy a Citroen brand new. I bought the used Xsara Estate in Feb for 7995. My wife who wants a C2HdiSX - I have told her to wait for a year old example. To buy one new is sheer madness. Zero MGFV/Final payment? Jeez thats amazing. Was the rumour that Pluriels were going to be discontinued just plain rubbish? Such a shame as the Pluriel is a lovely car with character but the list of niggles would drive me to suicide.
  11. If the light synbol looks like an engine with a 3 pointed symbol in it then it is the engine autodiagnostic warning light. This covers: 1) Fuel Injection 2) Ignition systems 3) Anti pollution systems. Get the car checked at the Citroen dealer as soon as possible. What irregular behaviour is the car showing?
  12. ******* hell. I am assuming that your Pluriel when you bought it cost 14k? After 15 months it costs less than half? I am not defending the Vauhal dealer but I guess demand for Tigras are high enough that they are in a position to offer diddly for your car. Smug bast*rds. I know intitial depreciation of Citroens especially is severe but there is soemthing wrong here. Your mileage ain't high enough to be alarmed. Were you given any reasons why the car fetched such a poor return? I mentioned here in a different post that the trade attitude is that if some citroens have had thousands slashed off, they all have regardless of the owner paying full price or not.
  13. Sorry bud. There don;t seem to me manuals for Citroens latest launches. http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/...catalogId=10001 Have a butchers. Try this. 1) Equally as tempremental and unreliable. 2) Prone to leaks too. 3) You accept the quote "They all do that" but not even a software upgrade could sort out this. http://www.haynes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/...catalogId=10001 Oh dear.
  14. A cleaning mechanism? At least you weren't told 1) its normal sir 2) A software upgrade will sort you out boyo. Whatever will Citroen think of next. Never heard of an under chassis cleaning mechanism. Maybe a french technician fitted auto wipers in the wrong place and you have a pair of catalytic convertors as wipers. I think someones been taking the pi55. Suggest you take the car to an exhaust repair chain e.g ATS, Kiwk Fit and have a look underneath your car. Lot of water vapour is emitted on cold mornings as you very well know. Could there be a hole in your exhaust? My neighbours have a 2.2 Hdi SX and from what I can see its a very good versatile car. I can see why they love it. However if it was a Touran or a Renault (Rubbish) Megane both with miles less luggage space and in many cases dearer than your particular car - it would earn 5 stars. Motoring media are so biased.
  15. No problem. Hope you saw the pluriel on the main site. They look good. No one could tell from a distance that the wheel designs are plastic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was gonna fit alloys to my estate. The Vesuve alloys are now std on my model. Decided to save the best part of £550 (from buying 4 wheels, tyre transfer and locking wheel nuts) They won't add any value to my Citroen and the woman will kerb them. Case closed.
  16. I have been looking on 2car mag websites that have tested the model in question but end up with C2 pictures that have different specs not identical to the Furio trim. These are the grossly anticitroen Autoexpress and What Car? After 30 minutes I gave up. Go on the www.citroen.co.uk website and the opening page has a picture of an Orange Pluriel showing its 5 different bodyshapes. Those are the same wheel trims standard on your Furio. You wil agree they look like alloys. This was commented in the Autoexpress article. However both articles moaned how slow the gear changes are in auto mode. FFS if the car was a VW having the DSG unit - the mags would claim the vehicles float on water. The bias is immense. Diesel + auto + small car + 70 mpg? Unheard of a couple of years ago! If that combo was in a £14000 VW Polo then the motoring media would have kittens. saying it is the best thing since sliced bread. But shame on Citroen for bringing it out first!!!!!!! You ordered a C2 furio but not even test driven it? Yikes. The only options worth adding on a small car (if they are not standard) are metallic and air con. Me wife wants the same model in Wicked Red. Enjoy
  17. What colour is it now? What colour do you want it? Bog standard respray can start from 400 but you may have to pay more for a proper job. Depends on the colour you want over its existing one. Painting a black car to silver could be tough. Plus you will need to notify DVLA. You may find a problem shifting it when you come to sell especially if the colour resembles sick/mucus or has black spots or FLOWERS or if the colour is not of Citroen Specification. It works on 1974 VW Beetles for example but not on anything else let alone a Saxo. Not biased against a Saxo as I used to own one.
  18. Congrats on your purchase. That the automatic? If so my wife would dearly love the same model with the air con. She can buy it herself. ------------------------------------------- If I were you, keep the car as it is. The wheel trims suppled with the Furio virtually look like alloys. I have driven cars with alloys for years and cursed curbed alloys and the people who caused them. Reconditioning them cost around £100. Replacement wheel trim is only a tenner. I do agree Citroen alloys are expensive but they look the best. Halfords alloys look stupid and yell out "Nick Me".
  19. In that case then scrub the ACTIVA from the previous posting. Best to find out from them ultra clever dealers with their Einsteinesque technicians. The maintenence book is very confusing. I use Total Quartz 7000 on my Hdi and it seems that modern Citroen petrol and oil burners share the same semi-synthetic oil.
  20. Hello Dont worry. 10 seconds for a unit to give out a reading is perfectly acceptable. Units on Toyotas and Hondas I have driven take an eternity to register such high figures. Instantaneous does not hold any degree of credibility whatsoever. A car does not do 999mpg or 0.0l/100km. What about the fuel the car uses when it is at tickover speed? Can you travel 100km on no fuel? The same degree of credibility applies to average consumption display. Don't worry about the fuel computer. It is a useless feature.
  21. Looking at the maintenance book: If your petrol engine has 20000 mile service intervals you must exclusively use one of the 2 oils. TOTAL Activa/Quartz 7000 TOTAL Activa/Quartz 9000 Ring your garage to find out what had been put in the engine when you bought it. Good luck.
  22. A trip computer in all cars are 100% inaccurate and should be taken with a pinch of salt. Drove a Xsara Hdi 110 down a hill once or twice and got 99.9 mpg shortly after setting off. Sometimes if I set the computer to "instantaneous MPG" then I got 999.9mpg on many occasions. The reading lack credibility like a political party mainfesto. If you want accurate MPG use the old fashioned way. A calculator and a pen to note down the mileage.
  23. 4000 in 6 months? Yeouch. Did you buy yours when it was launched and paid full price? Sadly its the case with Citroen nowadays with their values plummeting like the proverbial lead balloon. Citroens does suffer from harsh initial deprecation which does stabilise after a year or so. Since the cashback deals were appled to models (more on C5, Picassos than Pluriels etc) its had a general knock on effect with values of all Citroens which hurts their owners whether their paid full price or not. The attitude with dealers is that if one Citroens been discounted regardless of model, they all will have so that drives the residual prices down. Todays discount is tomorrows depreciation. Still they make sound second hand buys. I traced my C3 after 16 months. Lost £3200 but bought my estate which was the same age for less than a grand. Result. But I am aware that the model will lose a lot of money especialy when its about to be made defunct by the C4. Yes Citroen/Pug are the same company (PSA group) but Pugeots pricing policy is absolutely crazy. The premium some drivers are willing to pay for a lion on the bonnet. Same shocking build quality, same electrical glitches, same vulnerability to the elements. Pretty cars though.
  24. Another thing http://www.citroen.co.uk/offers/promotion....n=Search+by+Car Cut and paste this link Citroen are currently knocking £1800 off their Blingos. The diesel 2.0 is £800 dearer than the petrol 1.6. The dealers can bring it down if you are determined enough. Not bad considering most maufacturers charge 1000-1500 premium for a diesel over its petrol equivalent. Even though these deals end this month, its very unlikely they wont be not repeated as the typical post new reg doldrums will set in until next March when the 05 regs are out.
  25. Try Peter Marwoods, Brompton on Swale - 01748812220. It is near Catterick on the A1. The Desire is the one to go for as. It exceeds the Forte's equipment roster with: CD player, front fog lamps, folding trays for rear passengers, modutop. As the fellas said, buy diesel if your mileage is high. Both the 1.6petrol and 2.0Hdi are cracking engines even if they are getting on a bit especially the diesel one. The Desire is also available with a non turbo 1.9 engine which even though is very slow, its still held in high regard. I am a dieselist and if you can get a really good deal on the 2.0Hdi, go for it. 50mpg guaranteed, better flexibility and better if you carry a full load of passengers and luggage. Best thing is to test drive all three. Colours: I'd shortlist 2. Sahara Gold, Arctic Steel. Optional Extras: Without a doubt the Air Conditioning. Ignore it at your peril - basic system that does the business. None of that digital climate control bo11ocks. Don't bother loading your car with anything else as you will not get your money back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would go with the silver diesel 2.0 Hdi with air con. Its a combination that will still remain in high demand.
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