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Everything posted by pork_pie

  1. I'm with Wozza on this one. As for the driver - serves the ***oops*** right.
  2. Orange light/car skidding? That is your anti lock braking system warning light mate. Get it checked. Could be expensive.
  3. My guess could be is that the other diesels might use fully synthetic oils and the 1.6 uses semi synthetic. I might me wrong however judging from other manufacturers using synthetic oils usually translates in long service intervals (who are fooled into thinking that this actually saves money).
  4. pork_pie


    Even taking the 10% into account - these are still very good figures. Citroen cars are pretty faithful when it comes to approaching official MPG figures. Skoda are good too. Spare a thought for them Ford drivers!!!! Actually lets not. Would sir like a 16 k diesel? Does it have air con? And the next joke is?
  5. As i was saying..... Not actually sat in that car but its the first luxury French car has lit so many fires since............The CX was launched. That says a lot considering offerings from Pug and Rubbish but I guess I should make some exceptions with the 604 (now that was a car), and Ren 30. The XM dont count - thats a 5hit tip on wheels as is the Ren 25, Safrane, Vel Shittis plus the 605. The 607 is rather understated. Ahh yes theres the Talbot Tagora!!!!! HYAHHYAHHYAH Fair play to Citroen for launching this risky product - somethign about it exudes class. Wozza mate, we will go for that drink soon.
  6. Hey Wozza who you calling a puff yer flap! lol You referring to the nice dark blue C6 in Citroen Manc. Hmmmmmm yes that is VERY nice. Not actually sat in that car but its the first luxury F I would be very interested to see the values of them in a few years time where I could perhaps trade like for like...... Hmmm diesel automatic. The editors at What Diesel Car must be having kittens.
  7. pork_pie


    The economy will definately improve when the engines properly run in - usually 12-15k miles. 47 is not bad at all from something which gives you 52 overall. All the parts in the engine are a bit tight. Pfnaaar.
  8. Cheers fella. THe VTR/SX spec is a sensible no nonsense trim with all the necessary bits without it being basic. Chilled air, alloys, foggies, CD player, leather wheel and cruise control....... You are getting about 36-38 mpg which ain't bad considering the engine is still very tight. Ooer That will improve as the car gets properly run in and perhaps you will get more than the 44mpg overall it says on the tin. The 1.4 is quite unique as maximum torque occurs just after 3000rpm and 113 mph is no mean feat Regards Porkpie
  9. "Go on mate you know ya want too and im sure chris would sort you out with a good deal. Get rid of the 1 series you hardly drive it now anyways. " Chris H will certainly do me a good deal erring towards knocking off 16%. These teethin problems mate.............I will suffer more problems buying new than used. You had less problems with your Renault (Rubbish) Clit in three years. Hows the Yankmobile search coming along?
  10. Looking at the prices even after the cashbacks, sounds like the originator of this post has been offered a VT/LX. Avoid!!! Such a choice will haunt the owner. An SX costs more than £8644.
  11. "Seriously considering trading in my VW Polo (which I hate) and buying a 1.4 Citroen C4. Went to Citroen dealer today and he is offering me one for £8644. Is this a good price? It would be £8644 minus £5000 trade in for my Polo = £3644." How old is your Polo? Whats wrong with it? If you are buying a 1.4, make sure it aint a VT trim as it lacks chilled air and alloys. Go for the VTR spec as a bare minimum. "I was going to wait until August time as the garages will be desperate to get rid of stock in time for the new registrations - does that seem sensible?" Not true - in August the demand for new cars, as in any period before a reg change (Feb too), is always high so garages are not really in a position to give the best value for your part ex nor give the largest discounts. It's the doldrum period between the reg changes ie May-June and Nov-Dec which is the best time to buy. In these periods when sales are not too high and dealers are pressured to sell their cars at a slight loss to meet their monthly targets. If I were you. I'd get cracking and sign on the dotted like before the end of this (not next) month when the dealer has to meet its targets! "The other thing is - I'm a bit put off by horrendous tales of bad MPG with the Citroen C4" Nah man as the fellas posted, MPG's is not really an issue. Citroens are one of the most fuel effecient cars due to their low weight and advanced engines especially the diesels. A lot of these posters have had their cars for a few months - Wozzas had his for 9 months. What most of these fellas have in common is that none (I could be wrong) of them have done enough miles to have their first service. Petrolheads - 20,000 miles and 12,500 for oil burners. In other words, the engines are still being run in and MPG is never too great in them situations. Furthermore the summers been a bit toasty so air con units have been employed. THe fuel penalty is only 3-5% which incendentally is less than driving with windows down so the tree hugging fraternity can kiss my ass with their claims. Agree with Wozza - he should know, his right foot is rather heavy and for him to concede he does that "at times" rather than "continuously" is moving in the right direction. lol Alright mate?! lol
  12. As you know the 2 blokes who work in the service dept are top fellas esp. Mad Derek. Hope the workmanship issue has been sorted out too. Practice makes perfect I guess when it comes to fixing these cars on a grand scale with the problem never to return lol. Glad Citroen Manc have done something to address the service issue. Could this mean a return to Citroen ownership for me...........hmmmmmm C4 Hdi with Auto .................... leather pack...................discounts.............. *starts to drool*
  13. Be interesting to see what Cashback deals Citroen UK offers on these cars. I expect they have to really push the boat out to flog these cars. SOmething even more extraordinary than a £4k price slash off a Picasso. I do like the C6 - its a throwback to the old CXs 20-25 years ago. As you know the luxury car market don't welcome the French and this car is risky for the company and prospective owners. Furthermore in the high priced car market, the demand for big 5 door hatchbacks (excluding 4x4's and MPVs) is non existent in my opinion. . Renault (Rubbish) rubbish saw that too with that damn awful Vel Satis. What the hell are Fiat thinking of with that Croma is anyones guess. Vauxhall are still flogging their Signum to the masses. People expect a boot to stick out but there are exceptions - VW with its Phateon and Pug with their 607. Back to the C6 - Who would pay £38k for a top spec double chevron on their bonnet? I would pay 12 k for a 2 year old example though! . If I see one on the roads, I'll pinch myself
  14. Sounds like the fuel for your future car mate. For £2.42 a litre you get a certificate of analysis. Oooh. Each batch of fuel is hand prepared alledgedly. ------------------------------------------------------------ I can imagine going to Kent to fill up then once you're back in Manc, its time to fill up. DOH Are you implying that its pointless to fill my mums 1.0 VVTi Yaris with it?! lol
  15. Hmm something to bear in mind with this ultimate diesel. Might fill the tank on pay day seeing as its £1.06 per litre!!! lol Anyway - I would like to hear anyone who has tried the Unleaded 102 fuel, at £2.42 a litre, which is only available in the South East. KFk?
  16. "Also, not good when the other half is vegetarian" Hope your car has air con. :D
  17. "And porkie mate get rid of the damn 1 series i dont care how reliable it is you know you want a C4 HDI. " Mr Moderator. LOL I think the C4 - especially the your coupe is a cracking car. Something different and fresh. I laugh at Focus and Pug drivers as much as you do when your bombing past a stranded 3 series driver. To be honest, I do the same too. LOL. I would buy one today at Citroen Manchester which is just down the road from the both of us. A nice 1.6 Hdi VTR+ 5dr in silver with a few extras and still get change from £16k which is sensible money for a car. I am guaranteed a good deal as I was a regular customer. But I can't be doing with the teething problems - it made ownership hellish. The car will be in the dealership within the first week. Then when I take the car for a problem, I will have to return a few weeks (rather than days) when the part arrives. Then there are the recalls, software upgrades. It's happened to all 5 of me past citroens - even the used buys. Because of these quirks, I miss my Citroens especially the C3 (bloody awful)and the Xsara Estate.
  18. They are comfortable to sit on.
  19. Hi mate. No worries. Understand what you mean about the leather. I do a lot of motorway driving and its great. I miss not having cruise control on my car but I refuse to pay for a retrofit of £580 when it costs £195 as a factory fitted option I don't think I could go without Leather now lol so long as someone else has paid for it however or if its standard lol. I wish you luck getting them to change it to VOR. THey may say to you that its been done but you will know if they did that or not by the amount of time youve had to wait. But hold on, you've put money on a car thats already with them so the onus is on them to get it sorted pretty quick. That EGR part I was talking about was apparently put to VOR but I still ended up waiting over a month. Did you part ex your Audi with Citroen? THey dont offer much in px. How much did you get for it? 180k miles was it? Yeah theres not much you can do but hope for some good news on Monday. Rather you than me!!!!
  20. Back order? Oh dear. Had they put a "VOR" tag on it then youd have got the part in the next working day. VOR = Vehicle off road. As your car is still driveable, the status of the part order is a "back order". Communication involving these bits and pieces between garage and customer can be better. That could be anything from 2-6 weeks. A reason used is that a lot of these parts have to be ordered from France but the nation ain't exactly far away from us is it?. Another reason which I shall call an excuse is if the part is regarded as a "coded part" where the part is characteristic for that car alone e.g key fobs and transponder immobilisers. There is a parts depot in Coventry however......... I needed a new EGR valve on my C3 approximately 3 years ago. The new part didn't fix the problem!!!!! 5 weeks well spent in waiting! I was told that was a coded part. And another thing - I needed a new key fob for my Xsara as I was supplied with just one when I was presented the vehicle in Feb 04. The part took 9 months to arrive. Make sure the communication regarding this part that is required is crystal clear otherwise lose the car and think of another model but I understand the leather being a factor that makes decisions like that very difficult. Great feature to have. My ex demo 1 has leather and I pulled out the stops to ensure the car was mine because of this feature (never had a car with it) . Unfortunately when you come to sell it - you will get nothing back but the novelty for having it is nice. That's all it is though - a novelty.
  21. C4VTS What feedback did you get from the garage?
  22. I'd say go for the car if it has the spec you so wanted - namely leather seats which is rare for that medium hatch class. Hope you werent expcted to pay more for the privilege. Bit of an arse that the climate control dont work on both sides. Its up to the dealer to get this sorted during the PDI. Anyway arent other demo cars used as a source of spare parts - tell them to source it from another C4. Ha. A few weeks wait for a part is not good enough. Bet you were told that the part in question was a "coded part". Great excuse. Parts Bin? Parts vaginal diaphragm more like.
  23. Hehe - I like the way the forum automatically puts Rubbish after R enault Thats is because it is the truth. I wonder it it works for Peugeot (W@nk) or Fiat (5hite) It works!
  24. The serious answer would be, use the main dealer for the duration of the warranty.
  25. However the independent might actually get your citroen sorted unlike the rookies at the main dealerships :rolleyes:
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