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Everything posted by pork_pie

  1. You finally got your car Hope it was worth the wait Will the car be better on fuel after 1000 miles? You bet - but even after 1000 miles the engine is not properly run in. After its free service, gradually introduce more revs but no more than 4000 rpm. For petrol cars - give it around 5000-10000 miles to properly loosen That way I got 44mpg from a 98 Saxo. Miss that car.
  2. Hmmm In Feb 2003 when I wanted to swap my horrible C3 for a Xsara Estate . The only one available was 260 miles away. So a 520 mile round trip for a test drive. During this test drive the car ran but the charging warning light stayed on. I was told it would be rectified. I put my deposit down andfor it to be ready in 2 weeks. The morning of the delivery - I set off from the North East and was told everything was okay. The moment I got off the M1 I got a call from the dealer saying that the alternator has gone and there were no spares. I was livid. I said that I had travelled 250 miles so far and will demand a refund and turn back if the car was not ready. They sourced a unit from god knows where but it works. They do somethign if its worth their while. B stards 1140 miles for a used Citroen!!!!!!!
  3. Being perfectly honest you are better off getting rid of the car completely. The car is practically worthless. Where XM electrics are concerned you are best running a mile as the model was never renowned for its electrics nor its suspension. Petrol engines are vulnerable as they stuggle to hurl so much car.Diesels fare better. Tofix the car of its problems might be too much to make it worthwhile
  4. The 1999/2000 Xsara? I am assuming that this was the version beforee the facelift. The top diesel engine in that disguse was the 90 bhp Hdi. Before that was the 1905 Td. 90 and 110 bhp Hdi? The only difference -you are right is the intercooler. Yes you could add the bigger brothers intercooler but why would you? (See final paragraph). The 1.9 td intercooler is so large that it had to be plonked right on top of the engine. THe 110 Hdi intercooler is much smaller and more efficient. Yes why would you go into the hassle of adding the intercooler for the sake of an extra 20 bhp by paying astromonical labour costs and possible problems of retro fitting a component?? How come so few companies dont retro fit air conditioning systems on cars? You are better off getting the 90's ECU reprogrammed ie superchippped and for around £500 you can get the power of a 110 without having to lift the bonnet up. I enquired about this meself last year on my 90 Hdi and the upgrade pans out like this From 90 to 110 bhp From 115 lbft to 192 lb ft. 10% better fuel economy. www.superchips.co.uk
  5. 400 miles? Not bad. Keep it steady until its first service at the earliest and check the oil levels. New oil burners have a large thirst for black gold. Despite what the experts say, it takes many miles to properly run in a diesel engine. Not 3000 miles ... more like 15,000
  6. Good luck with fitting a reversing camera if a third party is going to do it as 1) Citroen may kick up a fuss about warranty. Correction - it "will". Also I think there is a switch behind the dashboard that permits the use of aftermarket in-car entertainment such as your DVD player othersise the digital dashboars display will get into a frenzy. Ensure the switch is flicked. 2) The multiplex wiring is VERY suceptible to electrical glitcheswith its existing hardware and not very upgradable for additonal equipment (I was unable to fit electric rear windows/cruisecontrol as a result).
  7. Glowplug warning indicator do not light up on Hdi engines unless conditions are extremely cold. These engines are sophisticated enough not to require assistance in normal conditions.
  8. I have mentioned this in the past. You were the victim of Citroens all or nothing policy on "coded" parts. This term is used by Citroen dealers to describe a part thats characteristic for your car. If Citroen places a "VOR" (Vehicle off Road) status on the coded part ie the car cannot function without this part then the waiting time is usually overnight. However if it is not VOR its placed on back order meaning a wait of 4-6 weeks. Quite why an alternator is classed a coded part beats me. If you ask me the term coded part is to disguise the fact the parts centre in Coventry is lacking in stock. Its all bullmuck on the dealers part. I had to wait 6 weeks for a coded part on my C3 and when it was installed it did not alleviate the problem!!!!! Also I had to wait 4 months for a new key fob for my Xsara. Citroen UK are useless. I am still in dispute over the free service I was promised nearly 2 years ago!!!! If I was you Igloo, ask for a free service through your dealer.
  9. Oh yes there is another thing. The invention in what we know as a car has been with us for 120 years and 120 years on there is still a manufacturer that churns out cars liek the C3 with brakes that squeal and the dealer does not know how to fix them apart from con the purchaser with the quote "THEY ALL DO THAT SIR" I was given a TADTS once in this example. On the C3 dashboard is a button that activates the childprooflocks. As I have a son who was 2 at the time this was an invaluable feature. However when you started the car a few hours later, the car reset the device so that the kid locks were inactive. You had to make sure that you pressed this button everytime. What was wrong with conventional locks where yo uhave to flick a lever in each door concerned? I was told "THEY ALL DO THAT SIR" When I sold the car in Feb 04, It came to my attention that all 02 and 52 plate C3's were to be given a SOFTWARE UPGRADE to ensure that the car remembers the childproof lock setting. Oh yes thats another thing dealers tell you "SOFTWARE UPGRADE" What really made me realise that I had to get rid of the C3 was the morning I drove from Darlington (I now live in York) to London to swap my C3 for the Xsara I have now (at the time Citroen Brentford was the only dealer that stocked a used diesel Hdi 90 Estate). My son was in the back and he opened the rear doors whilst I drove at 70mph. Luckily I pulled over the hard shoulder and braked safely. WHY HAVE CHILDLOCKS THAT FORGET THEIR SETTING? "They all do that sir?" Citroen C3? Ford Pinto more like - the car that caught fire at the slightest touch of its rear bumpers People may boast that they get a good deal off a C3. I got 2300 off my timebomb. You might think I am cynical and I might drive the most boring car in the world in the Xsara but the dealers know how to fix it, its reliable better built and depreciates no worse the C3. Pick the Yaris.
  10. No problem glad I was of some help. If I was you try something better than what the Italians and French have to offer supermini buyers. The suggestion of the Polo is better one when compared with a Punto (sorry) or a C3 but not the most ideal one but it allows you to spec it up with stuff like lumbar support and upgrade the air con system to climate etc etc. However I would seriously consider the Toyota option. Little niggles the C3 would provide on a daily basis would drive anyone to suicide. No discount can atone for the motoring hell. Toyotas are solid reliable economic and the dealers care. I was duped into buying a C3 (rather than a Yaris) in October 2002 because it had 17.5% off, it had the bells and whistles, offered 66mpg and IT LOOKED GOOD!. Micras are nice - good choice of diesel engines but I think they are overpriced for what you get. Seat/Skoda - very good. When I said in a previous post about Citroens despite being discounted heavily - they really do lose shedloads in value. I decided to replace my C3 with a used Xsara and saved a packet and also the previous owner absorbed not only the savage initial depreciation but also the teething problems as well.
  11. Think that is bad? Some Citroen models - you have to remove the front bumper to acess the light bulbs. Cost? £50 + vat. Makes you want to save hurting them bulbs. Drive in the dark.
  12. "if its easy to fit the 1.6 saxo engines into the ax if not wot needs to be done ?? if any knows! thanks again " Errrr no way. Buy a new car
  13. Todays discount is tomorrows depreciation so Citroens are not the best investment and you will be taking it to the dealership frequently. The dealers themselves are shocking and the workmanship is non existent. Such a chic car that owners are willing to use that to overlook its plethora of weaknesses. Many ppl onhere knows I was an ex owner of a C3 16V Hdi Exc. and even though it was a lovely looker with really good equipment, it had to be the most unreliable most badly put together car I have ever owned. The interior trim (dark or grey) was natty and rattled terribly. No lofty MPG figure I attained with it (62-74mpg) made up for the misery I suffered in 16 months of owning it and I was so glad to see the back of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your list of pre requisites makes the only choice worthwhile if you are willing to spec it up. One thing I learnt is don't spec a car up - you wil never get your money back The alternative would be: Polo 1.4 Tdi But even that can have its shortcomings but its more solid that what you are considering and holds its value better. It was the cheapest car to run alledgedly according to Autoexpress. However the Yaris replacment is due soon (gorgeous Diesel engine) if you really want something reliable - something that the French and Italians know nothing about. Hope this has answered your query over the C3. My advice - DON'T DO IT!
  14. Brilec Long time no posting. Not much to report apart from the clutch switch being replaced last November which allieviated the problem of poor engine response and the LCD info display has blown a lightbulb. Any luck with the poor fuel economy teaser and did you manage to find some Millers fuel additive? Still finding my estate frugal and errr reliable. Still my best Citroen! Since when did the word "reliable" become associated with Citroen. Autoexpress Driver Power edition out next wednesday. Me thinks that Citroen and other French makes are in for a right good pounding.
  15. Yes the HDi's are as good as they say which applies to the unit thats fitted to your new vehicle (and mine). The Hdi 90 engine is coming up to its fifth birthday and despite being one of the few oil burners that does not incorporate an intercooler (The Renault (Rubbish) dci 65 another example) its still one of the most refined diesel powerplants around. This says a lot when the same manufacturer get the same level of horse power nowadays with either 1.4 and 1.6 litre capacities in the C3 and C4. Your mileage certainly warrants the purchase of the diesel. Owners of blingos here are a happy bunch.
  16. "Cheers for your answer Pork Pie, Thats what it says in the manual, but my controls don't have a 6 o'clock position? Its not that I'm desparate for them, but I think if they advertise the car with them, then they should put them on! I expect there is some small print that says they can do what they like and change the spec, and that annoys me. As I have previously had a wing mirror broken off (my Pug 106) by someone and it cost a lot for a new one, it would be nice if they folded away like they are supposed to." ---------------------------------------------------- No problem mate. It must be frustrating to know that your car is not specced to what the literature says even though the disclaimier about changing spec and giving no notice makes the pain even greater. Back in Oct 2002 when the VAT off deals came out it said in the literature the my C3 Hdi exc i was interested in would come with auto headlights and on board computer. I was promised my car would come with them. Took delivery of my car and it did not have these items. Even though I was very miffed, I really would not benefitted in life with these extra features that would put a strain on an already fragile ECU. However it did come with the folding mirrors and 16 months of sheer motoring hell.
  17. No they don't fold automatically when you switch the car off. You need to twist the mirror aduster knob either direction so that the dot points down to 6 o clock. I had these on my old 52 Exclusive. As for retorfitting them, forget it. Nice thing to show off in but whats wrong with doing them manually.
  18. MPG has remained around 52-57 even during the winter months. Been using Millers diesel fuel additive and it gives a car a kick up the behind. It's smoothed out the rough edges. Still love it but the rattle and squeaks are annoying though. Shame the C4 isn't being launched in estate form. Ran out of fuel in October even though the gauge was in the middle of the red zone. Scared me sh itless. Luckily I did not cause any damage to the fuel pump but I was introduced to how to bleed a diesel fuel circuit. Painstaking to say the least. But I did get 650 miles out of it which is disappointing :)
  19. Re: revving up to 4250rpm Every diesel engine contains an overspeed governor which prevents people from red lining rpm needle which can cause large damage to the engine. Diesel rpm red lines accur around 4000 rpm opposed to petrols which occur around 6500 rpm. Flickering lights: This is a problem with C5's which the dealerships have little clue of fixing. Fuel computer - 37-38? Should be getting nearer to late 40s. Don't rev up so much! :blink:
  20. "The AExpress article specifically states that they called all of the manufacturers before running the cars dry and were told by all of them no damage would be done to the cars by doing this. So now it's a question of...do you believe what a car manufacturer tells you?" No mate, I dont. Before the server went tits up, on this site, there were several postings from motorists who had driven their diesels until the tank went dry. After priming the circuit, the cars were not running smooth and the dealership claimed that running the tank dry does not do the car any good at all and the warranty claim is deemed to be invalid.
  21. If the unit is set to "Auto" then the system tries to create an air flow temperature that closely matches to that set by yourself. When auto is set: If the cabin temperature is cold then the air flow temperature will be very warm Alternately, if the cabins boiling hot and the selector is set to max, no heated air wil be belched into the cabin. Try the system with automatic system switched off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ere hold on. Is there anything in your handbook to suggest that auto facilitiy oes not work when the temperature selector is set at both extremes? Either way, don't bother with the auto facility. ---------------------------------------------------------- Temparature display? Get the sensor checked/cleaned.
  22. Maybe the fuel pumps arent calibrated right!!!!! I smell a rat. Maybe the bas tard government fool us into thinking we putting in more fuel than we first bargained for! Its a ploy to conserve a finite resource. 41.96litres in a 41 litre tank? 92.18 litresin a 90 litre tank? Would not suprise me if that was true. "Every little helps" Autoexpress are reckless in driving a diesel until empty. At least they had someone who can prime a diesel fuel circuit. I for one dont know how to do it but its no way as simple as in a petrol engine. Anyway what about sedimentation at the bottom of the fuel tank? Seeing as AExpres are so a anticitroen, they would not do anything unti the car belched fire.
  23. The STOP warning light? Does another light show at the same time? e.g Low oil pressure, high water temperature? As for the ABS light, get the sensors checked. As for the alarm, if its a standard fit from Citroen, they should deal with it. Take no bullsh it. If its an aftermarket fitment then you could be stumped.
  24. Nice floormats. Hope the leaks get sorted. Good luck.
  25. The low fuel light is not accurate whatsoever. If you read my Xsara postings..... (to cut a long story short) Light comes on when 6 litres is left supposedly. How come then I can get 120-150 further miles and still only get to fill the tank with at least 50 litres rather than nearly the full 54?! Fuel gauge respose is never linear due the odd shape of tanks.
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