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Everything posted by hertsnminds

  1. You are not filling the tank enough. I get 50 to 100 miles before the top bar on my petrol gauge goes out, you need to keep filling even after a couple of cut outs on the pump. The tank is quoted as being 47 litres, the most I have been able to put in is 42 litres. This is from full gauge to no bars and zero max miles left on the trip computer. I am getting between 350 and 400 miles from about 40 litres of petrol. I think Citroen have been on the cautious side with the gauge readings. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  2. The only way I found to add a photo was to upload it to my personal webspace and then you add a link to the image in your message. If you use the IMG button in guided mode it will put the IMG tags either side of the web address of the image location e.g. http://www.mywebspace.com/myimage.jpg but with IMG before the address in square brackets and /IMG after the address in square brackets Ian Orange 03 Senso
  3. When I had a 1.4 standard C3 (while my Pluriel was getting the latest type of seals fitted) I noticed it was revving at 3,000 when doing 70mph in 5th. My 1.6 Pluriel revs at 3,500 when doing 70mph in 5th so I assume the extra weight to stiffen the body (and of the engine) means the engine has to work harder and use more fuel. When motorway driving keeping the revs just under 3,500 and the speed under 72mph seems to make a big difference in fuel consumption. I had been cruising just over the 3,500 revs with the speedo reading between 73 and 75 but just keeping things at 70 or under gives much improved mpg. Strangely my average MPH indicator has reverted to not getting above 10mph (it was fixed with the new seals) and worked for about 2 weeks. But the average MPG indicator seems to be working still. But seeing as nothing tells you what distance these are averaging over they are not too meaningful. And yes I agree getting used to the car makes a difference too, especially when using the sensodrive. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  4. Blue main beam indicator has always worked on mine Ian Orange 03 Senso
  5. Since my Pluriel broke the 10,000 mile reading I seem to be getting better MPG. Used to read an average of 42.3 on the dashboard computer, now reads 42.7. In the real world that used to be about 350 miles from 40-42 litres now it is closer to 400 miles for a similar fill up. As the tank is quoted at 47 litres it could be possible to get close to 500 miles from one tank if you are prepared to ignore the fuel gauge, which goes from 15 miles max to zero max with nothing in between (very scary when it first happens to you). I also try not carry the boot cover in the back so the car is not so heavy (and so I have some usable boot space). Ian Orange 03 Senso
  6. Best case A sensor has given a glitch reading and has triggered the warning. (We know how easy it is to confuse the logic in the Pluriel). Worst case Faulty sensor or part that needs to be replaced. If it is a one off I would ignore it until the next service, if it happens again I would take it to a Citroen dealer and get it hooked up to the diagnostic computer as soon as possible. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  7. by the Marina
  8. I don't think they would go for the guinea pig arguement. However, if you have a letter from Citroen stating you were entitled to the discounts when you purchased your car and you paid full RRP then either the dealer or Citroen owes you some money. Either the dealer did not tell you about the discount you were entitled to and they should pay up or Citroen did not tell the dealer and Citroen should pay up. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  9. If they had said stain resistant then maybe they would have not described them correctly. From what I can remember about a previous posting on getting the seats recovered (because of staining) they are in fact just big foam sponges. I suspect the new model with the leather seats will be more stain resistant. The only trouble with leather is how warm it gets when left in the sun, not good when you are wearing shorts or any other garment that let's your skin touch the seat. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  10. The service schedule is every 20,000 miles (for normal use). Every time you turn on the ignition you will see a spanner and a number of miles next to it (in the speedo display window), this is the number of miles until the next service is due. Becasue the service interval is so long you pretty much have to do everything (apart from timing belts) at every service. Oil, spark plugs, pollen filter,brake pads, etc etc etc. The owners handbook recommends new wiper blades every 12 months. You should be able to purchase an English handbook from any Citroen dealer, just got to the parts dept. Tells you all sorts of stuff you should know and some that is of no interest at all. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  11. It would be more than helpful if rather than just fitting the arches for you so they do not leak the dealer actually explains to you the "correct" way to fit them. In fact if Citroen have changed the way the arches should be replaced they should be issuing an update to the owner handbook so every owner is aware of the way the arches should be replaced. I know this would be far too helpful and would mean Citroen admitting they are not perfect, 2 things which will probably never happen. Interesting to hear that the RRP might actually have a reason to exist, all be it just another way to pull a fast one with replacement car vaules. I think every Citroen salesman should be made to drive a Pluriel for at least 1 month, during which time they must remove the arches at least 4 times. then let them tell us they NEVER leak! Ian Orange 03 Senso
  12. It's a shame we lost all of the posts and info when the forum got zapped as this was answered previously. From what I can remember you view the total milage screen, press the button on the right of the display until the word MILES flashes then give one press of the same button and MILES changes to KM you then have to turn off the ignition and when you turn on again speedo and odometer read in KM. The process to return to MILES is similar. Apologies if I have not remembered the steps correctly. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  13. One thing I have noticed with the new seals is the bucket of water over the door trick! If there have been a couple of rainy days the seals seem to store water in them until the car is moving...the first time you break water streams down the windscreen...if it is a sunny day and you have the roof open the water in the gully can be blown onto your head. As for real prices for new Pluriel I know there are people on the list who paid the RRP when the car first came out and book prices (i.e. dealers guides) always list RRP's. I am sure you would tell your insurance company the RRP not what you paid for the car as a replacement value, just in case Citroen ever stop the discounts. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  14. That's something they don't tell you when they sell them...halves in value after 12 months and that is with less than 10,000 miles on it I expect (from 29 weeks laid up). Just got an elect 3 quote off the Citroen website... 1.4 Pluriel Price £12.095.01 Deposit £ 1,500.00 1st payment £ 398.98 23 payments £ 258.98 Future value after 2 years and 12,000 miles (6,000 a year) £6,572.00 So to be offered £6,000 after less than 12 months is NOT what Citroen say the value will be. Ian Orange 0e Senso
  15. These are from the autotrader website... 2002 CITROEN C3 1.4 HDi SX - £5,993. 2002, 52 reg. C3 1.4 HDi SX, 36000 miles - £6,000 And the Citroen UK website has 42 of them on offer starting from £7,000 so I would imagine they would be offering about 2 grand less than that as a trade in price. The other way to check is to go into a dealer posing as a new customer and find out the future value they are quoting on the car with the Elect 3 deal. Ian Orange 03 Senso
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