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Everything posted by hertsnminds

  1. Had the window regulators replaced on the passenger side front and drivers side rear windows. The passenger window was catching the seal and not closing correctly (so being raised too high when closed). The rear drivers side sounded like it was still closing after you took your finger off the button. It actually made the glass creak like it was being forced in a direction it was not keen to go in. The mechanic told me replacing the regulators meant realigning all 4 side windows and they have done a rain test to make sure it is watertight...we shall see. Not sure what I would do if I owned a Pluriel with no warranty :blink: Ian Orange 03 Senso
  2. Thanks Richard I will add it to the web site list Ian Orange 03 Senso
  3. It's not so much how they change the controls but when and if they stop them physically connecting to things. Accelerators are already fly by wire, as are sensodrive clutches. What if the steering was not connected to the wheels, just an input sensor for a computer! The C5 already knows if it is drifting out of a lane so in theory it could auto correct this with SensoSteer. Maybe one day you will just take your Playstation controller and plug it into the dashboard, that way all cars will use the same controls and there will be less to impail your body in an accident. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  4. Took the Pluriel in for more work today. The dealer has an 03 1.4 Pluriel on the forecourt for £7995, not sure what the milage was on it. Not sure who will buy a car with a number plate ending in OAP though! Ian Orange 03 Senso
  5. If you want to look at it from Citroen or any car manufacturers point of view they all only put so many security features into a vehicle to prevent theft of the car or its contents. You could probably remove all of the wheels and leave the thing on bricks and the alarm would not go off. A simple fix would be to put an alarm sensor on the spare wheel cradle. That is why there are companies like Tracker and 3rd party alarm manufacturers in business. I still like the ultimate theft deterent used in the James Bond film, Live and Let Die...just blow up the car and the thief at the same time. If a thief thought there was a chance of being blown to kingdom come they would not come near your spare wheel, or any other part of your car. As far as the insurance is concerned this would effect your NCB in the same way as a claim against a stolen wheel B) Ian Orange 03 Senso
  6. Great tip for getting the oil Dickie, many thanks. Halfords want about £30 B) for their own brand whereas the guys you recommended charge £11.50 :o (That's for the Total 7000 semi synthetic) Ian Orange 03 Senso
  7. Do you mean the speedo displays 0mph when you are moving or do you mean the display goes blank? (Assuming you have an electronic display and not dials). If the speedo is reading 0mph then it could either be a fault with the sender unit or the electronics converting the info to be displayed. Either way if the engine management unit is being told you are doing 0mph when you are moving this might account for the stalling. Probably best to get the car hooked up to a Citroen diagnostic computer and it will tell you where it thinks the problem is. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  8. Might be time for you to write the 3 strikes and you're out letter to the dealer. You must have seen gar's postings on the forum which say they are allowed 3 attempts to fix an issue and if it is not resolved after this you can claim the car as unfit and request a refund or replacement. The design of the rear glass screen is not the best, just opening it with too much water on creates a shower inside the boot, there is no rain gully along the top edge (which becomes the bottom edge when it is opened). I expect some snow flurries in the boot this winter if I don't scrape the rear screen clear. The car is such a great load lugger, carried 2 wardrobes and loads of wooden panels this weekend. Even got the chance of some roof open motoring without having stuff poking out of the open top, just have to clear out all of those autumn leaves that blew into the car B) Mine is back with the dealer on 1st Nov for replacement window winder motors. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  9. Maybe you have an Australian model C3, built in Kangeroo Clutch B) Of course if you think the clutch is more amphibian in nature you could say that was part of the cars gaelic charm Ian Orange 03 Senso
  10. Maybe you could look at Peugeot and Fiat owner sites and see if they are having the same issues with their 807 and Ulysse. It's only the engines and some body panels that differ everything else, including problems and more importantly fixes should be the same. Ian Orange 03 Senso (Pluriel)
  11. I thought they had already had the 3 strikes and you out attempts at fixing the problems that is why the refund had been agreed. I can understand not wanting to be in a damp car, but it might be interesting to return the thing with mushrooms growing in it just to make it very clear that it does leak and they have not fixed it. You could call it the Pluriel, Truffle! Ian Orange 03 Senso
  12. There are two answers to that... We've got a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it! or you were wearing... Peril Sensitive Sunglasses Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses have been specially designed to help people develop a relaxed attitude to danger. At the first hint of trouble, they turn totally black and thus prevent you from seeing anything that might alarm you. Depending if you have the Blues or you are a Hitchhiker Ian Orange 03 Senso
  13. Just a small question.... Why are Citroen still trying to fix a car they believe cannot be fixed? If they have agreed to a refund why keep repairing the car? Ian Orange 03 Senso
  14. You are right there, the miles left goes from 15 to -- with no stages in between, VERY scary when it first happens to you. I have been able to drive at least 20 miles with an estimate of -- and still never put more than 42 litres in what is supposed to be a 47 litre tank. I have had a situation where I had 40 miles left (travelling at motorway speeds) then as soon as I came off the motorway I had up to 56 miles left. The computers are guessing all the time based on the current situation so only use the information they give as a guide they are not exact. I also found I was getting much better mpg after the car had done over 10,000 miles. Not sure if this was the car bedding in or me getting used to how to drive it! You will also notice that the car can never do less than 4mph, the speedo NEVER reads 1, 2 or 3mph. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  15. OK, Wallace and Grommit floormats I got about 4 years ago from Halfords. They spent 3.5 years in a left hand drive car and now they are in the RHD Pluriel. So I used to have Wallace under the pedals now I have Grommit. Anyone for more cheese???? Can't find them on the web but go to this US web site and search for car mat http://www.wickedcoolstuff.com/ Ian Orange 03 Senso
  16. Don't work it out from the MAX MILES do it from the actual miles travelled on the odometer Gallons = Litres /4.546 so if you can put in 30 litres that's 30/4.546 = 6.5992 gallons If you travel 350 miles on this you have done 350/6.5992 = 53.036 mpg If you are getting 10 gallons in the tank that would be 10 * 4.546 = 45.46 litres (The most I have ever been able to get in the tank is 42 litres) so 350 miles at 44 mpg uses about 7.9 gallons = 35.91 litres 35.91/47 = 76% or about 3/4 of the tank capacity So 350 miles on 3/4 of a tank at 44mpg is about right! To sum up Actual mpg = miles travelled since fill up / (litres put into tank/4.546) Now all that is starting to sound like a Citroen dealers explaination of an issue you have with the car, maybe I should just have said...they all do that sir! Ian Orange 03 Senso
  17. Everything you never wanted to know about wheel alignment can be found on these web sites http://www.familycar.com/alignment.htm http://www.whiteline.com.au/default.asp?pa...=/faqsusp01.htm http://www.aligncraft.com/terms/terms.html The toe measurement is the difference in the distance between the front of the tires and the back of the tires. It is measured in fractions of an inch in the US and is usually set close to zero which means that the wheels are parallel with each other. Toe-in means that the fronts of the tires are closer to each other than the rears. Toe-out is just the opposite. An incorrect toe-in will cause rapid tire wear to both tires equally Ian Orange 03 Senso
  18. The AExpress article specifically states that they called all of the manufacturers before running the cars dry and were told by all of them no damage would be done to the cars by doing this. So now it's a question of...do you believe what a car manufacturer tells you? Ian Orange 03 Senso
  19. In the Pluriel you can make the fuel level go from 5 lights back up to 6 by parking sideways on a hill. This does sort itself out by the end of the tank but is disconcerting at the time. There have been a couple of car magazines that have done some run them till dry tests on various diesels in the last 6 months. In all cases the cars ran several miles past trip computers indicating zero miles in the tank. AutoExpress got 661.1 miles out of a diesel C2, 71.6mpg (they got 41.96 litres into the 41 litre tank) and 813.1 miles out of an Audi A8 but that was returning 40.6mpg (92.18 litres went into the 90 litre tank). See the 7 July 2004 issue for all the figures. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  20. Sounds like a lose lead. Any LCD watch or calculator looses digits when the battery is fading. The fact your display is returning but reset suggests the clock is losing power and then getting it back. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  21. Spoke too soon, puddle in passenger side footwell this morning. Another one to go back on the list for the November visit to the Citroen garage. Just as well the car is always booked in for some work :D Ian Orange 03 Senso
  22. I used to get puddles on my door sills until I had the new seals fitted. They got so bad that they spilled over into the drivers footwell. If I didn't have rubber mats the carpet would be very green by now. All water should drain through the seals and out of the bottom of the door, you can see it on a dry morning after some rain http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ian.barnett53/Pluriel%20web/Pluriel%20pics/leaks/doordrain.jpg If your seals are not draining correctly you will see this when you open the door, or worse puddles in the footwell. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ian.barnett53/Pluriel%20web/Pluriel%20pics/leaks/sillpuddle.jpg If you aleady have the new seals fitted then they need adjusting. There are many soft top cars that have the water in the footwell issue and they all occur as water does not drain quickly enough from the bottom of the door seal. Ian Orange 03 Senso
  23. So what is different about Blaupunkt or Dayton ICE systems compared to JVC. Both Blaupunkt and Dayton systems are offered on the Citroen website as accessories for the Bling, so does this mean if you choose these options they cannot service your car? Ian Orange 03 Senso
  24. They have been sold there in the past... The Company in 1962 The sales company, Citroën Canada Ltd, is established in Montreal, Canada. (http://www.citroen.com/NR/exeres/052A6281-68DC-4339-B06D-EE22B4768FCB,frameless.htm) And enthusiats hold meetings there, this one from 2002 (http://french.cars.free.fr/ottawa/index.htm) History of the Ottawa Citroën Club Is it possible to live an existence of Citroëniste in Canada when the last Citroen was sold there in 1974? (http://french.cars.free.fr/ottawa/history.htm) There is also an owners club in North America for Classic Citroen (http://www.citroen-ca.com/USA.html) Ian Orange 03 Senso
  25. Sounds like the Crete Pluriel Owners Club has lots of members, maybe the UK Owners can get out there on an exchange trip! Good to know that there are some markets where the dealers take an interest and where the car is enjoyed as it should be. Maybe the lack of damp weather has something to do with it. Maybe as more are sold in the UK we can get some more enthusiasm for them over here. Ian Orange 03 Senso
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