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Everything posted by Martin_1973_uk

  1. Toyota had a recall on Acclerator Pedals and the Aygo is one of them so maybe the C1 which is produced in the same factory is also affected? Worth investigating?
  2. They said it was a charecteristic of the car although to be fair it only did it very breifly in the garage. They said that it will make a noise while the belts and stuff gets warmed up so not to worry but surely not that loud. I will wait until the next service and if its still bad then I will get them to look at it again. I got a 5 door C1 VTR model as a loan car and it was a lot better than the basic 3 door version. Looking at changing next March so I will get rid of the problem with mine then :-)
  3. The problem is still there so they are having to have the car in again for an extended period. Sounds serious........
  4. After a cold start with the mechanic present he could tell straight away it was coming from the drive belt area. It turned out to be a leaking/broken water pump which also was shreeding the belt. They said I was lucky the engine hadn't over heated but without a temp gauge its hard to know there was a problem. All fixed under warrenty. Lesson of the day is, dont ignore any strange noises.
  5. When I first drive in the morning I get a funny grinding noise from the engine right under the dash. It only lasts 30 seconds and when the engine is cold in the morning. It happens as soon as I push the accelarator and even happens if the clutch is not engaged. Anyone else had a similar poblem? The car is just over 2 years old with 28K on the clock and has been driven very softly.
  6. Early C1's had a clutch design fault which made it hard to engage gear. You should have brought this up with Citroen as I think it should have been fixed under warranty. You could always write to head office. I did this over a Ford Mondeo starter motor and I got my money back. You need to send some evidence of it being a common problem but a little research could get you your money back. It must be bad if you can hear the noise over the engine/wind/road noise. Dont get me wrong I love these cars but they have their limitations.
  7. These cars are just noisy...... are you sure its the gearbox?
  8. Does seem very strange as the rust normal clears once you brake so if that isn't happening then your brakes are not working. Let us know if Citroen fix it under warrenty. On another note, for new tyres check out event tyres as they not only come to your house nationally but they are very reasonable and quick. I paid £120 for two front Michelins, the same that come with the car and that was fitted and VAT.
  9. Isn't that called the Rythem model? I have the Cool edition and I wish I had the remote central locking :-(
  10. I guess you can't argue with public opinion!!!!!!!!! I think the idea is good but they need more responses from owners. Just on here most people seem to praise the C1 so I can't understand where the bad marks have come from. I guess the survey is advertised in What car and Top Gear who's owners don't like these smaller type of cars and poor image. My C1 is two years old yet I never got a questionnaire.
  11. I paid 6.5K in 2007 for my 3 door C1 Cool Edition, like a Vibe but with Air Con and Met Paint. I recently went to look at buying another one. They have now quoted me 8.8K for a 5 door C1 VTR with Met Paint. They have offered me £4,600 for my 07 reg. Just seems the price isn't as cheap as it was in 2007 having rising 2.1K although this does have two extra doors and electric windows. Has anyone else found the price has risen?
  12. I paid 6.5K in 2007 for my 3 door C1 Cool Edition, like a Vibe but with Air Con and Met Paint. They have now quoted me 8.8K for a 5 door C1 VTR with Met Paint. They have offered me £4,600 for an 07 reg. Just seems the price isn't as cheap as it was in 2007. I totally agree about the KA. Fords lose so much in value, I don't know who would buy one brand new these days.
  13. I think the survey is a good idea. I was just surprised to see the C1 so low down. Are their that many unhappy owners out their? They say the car is cheap to run and relaible but they don't like the car itself. Unfortunatly cheap cars will be cheap, fact of life. What owners on here have had problems? Maybe we could do our own rating system, give marks out of ten for the following, taking the price in to consideration. Performance 7/10 Looks 8/10 Space 7/10 Comfort 2/10 Running costs 10/10 Problems, none so far after two years of onwership. It is ok to go for a bigger car but the running costs jump a lot higher. Fiesta's start at over 10K and the decent economy one is 12.5K which is a lot of money for a small car although to be fair they do look nice. I would buy another C1 but maybe get the model with central locking and electric windows next time. The main reason being that they don't go wrong a lot. You only have to read the owner reviews on what car of Fiesta's and it would put you off for life.
  14. The Pug came about 31st I think. I think a lot of it is about perception rather than what people actually think of the cars. They still say they have been very reliable with few problems. I'm tempted to trade mine in for a VTR model as I'm so pleased with the car after two years of ownership. The thing that is putting me off is it is £2,100 more than the C1 I bought two years ago? It has electric windows and five doors added but it seems a high price hike. Has anyone elese experienced price hikes?
  15. The results are out for the JD Power Survey and the C1 comes 91st. What surprises me is the Aygo is 12th yet is more or less the same car. They rate the performance highly on the Aygo yet the C1 gets a poor rating. The odd results are like this across the board between the Aygo and C1. I guess some owners have a better opinion of Toyota's than Citroen's so they rate them higher.
  16. I paid £180 but if you shop around people on here have paid less.
  17. I guess you feel passionately about the subject. The JD Power surveys say it all when the top 10 cars for satisfaction are Jap or German and the bottom of the pile are Vauxhall and the French. I think the C1 is great but the common problems with the lights leaking just happen to coincide with the part the French made on the car. I would recommend the C1 to anyone, marvellous cars.
  18. I had the same thing with my Ford Mondeo. The starter motor went and they agreed to meet halfway. Once they do that then you know they are in the wrong. I then pushed for the total cost which after using the words watchdog and what car I got the full amount back. Can't hurt by trying.
  19. It still seems a long way off the official figures? I get 61MPG out of mine but I drive 20 miles on a quiet country lane to work with no traffic lights. Yes I do know how lucky I am as I have lived in London before). I didn't notice much difference in the cold but then I wasn't looking for it. One thing I have noticed is how quickly it seems to be ageing and how bumpy the suspension is. On another note I have noticed in forums reference the new fiest that is suppose to manage 75mpg is well off that figure. How do comapnies get away with it.
  20. Sounds like Citroen are pulling a fast one. Early C1's had common clutch problems where they wouldn't release properly thus making it difficult to change gear. I would argue this if it is still in warranty, if it isn't then I don't think you have a leg to stand on. Good luck.
  21. Maybe mine is one that hasn't been fixed yet? Problem is would it be worse when it was colder if this was the problem? It also crunches when going in to second when very cold but only for about half a mile before the engine and gearbox warms up. If it continues I'll take up there offer of a cold start.
  22. I took my in to the garage and they didn't seem to think anything was wrong with it. They did sugest having it over night and trying it on a cold start as it is far worse when it is a cold morning. I'll monitor mine and see if it needs doing as I still have over a year and half on warranty. Yours should be covered under the warrenty and if it isn't then let hell lose. I would most certainly go and get yours checked. Maybe this is a weakness of C1's, the long termness of the GearBox or Clutch!!!!!!!
  23. I had the same on mr MR2. The water came up through the hole in the floor. In wet weather the spry under the car forces water everywhere. I would sill the hole up and see where that gets you.
  24. I'm confussed.com!!!!!!!
  25. As far as I'm aware I believe if you have a problem with the car you just take it in to the dealer and they'll fix it for free if it is less than three years old and the problem isn't due to wear and tear.
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