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Old Mosher

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Everything posted by Old Mosher

  1. P0495 fault ecu integral cooling function - coherence between fan speed and reference value. looking at it my fan has the integral motor controller, so I'm guessing it's duff. Ebay offer replacements for my C5 and pug 407 ranging from £60 used to £220 new. So is there anything going to be a problem fitting a used fan. like chassis no coded in etc and can anyone think of anything I should test first?
  2. Hi. C5 2.0 Hdi 07. Overheating when standing in traffic. No cooling fan running! Had a quick prod around with a meter. All the fan power conecters are ok. Have power to the main conecters and across the relay switched terminals and an energising voltage across the relay coil. So I bridged the terminals to represent a closed relay, fan still didn't run. Have I missed a secondary contact somewhere or should the fan have run?
  3. if you look on eBay, there's a 2003 CITROEN C5 CLARION 6 DISC CD PLAYER 6564H1 9655260180 PU-2293B item 221946505609. In one of the photos you can see the cartridge CAA-355. Cross-reference the player model number against your unit and you should have the answer to your question. If your around this way your welcome to try one or even buy them. I only use them to keep my cd's tidy.
  4. Clarion CAA-355 in the 2001 2.2 hid Exclusive. I have about 4 of them kicking around that that I cant use in the 2007 model as slightly different, CAA-397 I think.
  5. That would be handy, how do i find the selectable features page in lexia? I don't think I've ever found my way to it before.
  6. Brileant! Thanks Steve, this thing is different to the old one in so many little ways. like the A/C functions and stuff on the stereo controls or ghosts in the back seat. Bong! "non of the rear seatbelts are fastened"!. But there's nobody in the back seat??? So I looked for the pressure switches thinking its a fault, but no switches, just sensors in the seatbelt buckle, So, with a smug grin I fastened the seatbelts to shut the thing up........."Bong rear seatbelts are fastened"! Ahhhhr! Someone at Citroen has a wacky sense of humor me thinks.
  7. Hi, As I unlocked my car this evening, the hazard warning lights continued to flash rapidly after the doors unlocked. I thought perhaps the alarm had gone off, but quietly??? I locked and unlocked the car with the remote and then the key, started the car and stopped it again. I tried the hazard light switch but that just made them flash at the normal speed. I gave up and decided to nip down the shops in the wife's car and figure it out when I got back. But then the side repeaters came on solid for a few seconds and went off while all the other lights continued to flash. Then the front indicators did the same thing followed by the rear indicators. All is now normal but I've a hunch that I may have activated some test mode or something. Has anyone seen this before or know what it was?
  8. The LED's arrived so I tried the silicon tube idea, but it didn't fit. Needs around 10mm id but all I have is 6mm couldn't get it over the end. Messing around with the lamp holders I found another method of removing them. Loop a bit of string or a wire hook around the wires and gently pull while pushing the clips in one at a time with the tip of one pinky, easy!....well, relatively. http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x251/Paulus-The-Woodgnome/20151127_161425_zpstr1gfwdy.jpg
  9. I couldn't do it till I took the HID cover off as well. One finger up to the lamp through the HID access hole one through the side light hole. on the tip of each wing of the lamp holder is a little plastic spring that when pressed in releases a barb that holds the lamp holder in. I'm thinking of removing the barbs and pushing on a bit of latex tube or something that will be trapped by the cover and hold the lamp in. It's a naff fit anyway and the rattling around from this could be the reason for the short bulb life. I've ordered led's from eBay. then I can enjoy putting the buggers back in. Not!
  10. It arrived already. I rushed straight outside and fitted it and guess what. it worked.​​ http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271599874852?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT ​
  11. I asked the local Citroen garage, 82 each ink vat. Thanks for the tip though. I couldn't figure that bit out.
  12. Hi Steve. it'll probably end up as scrap tomorrow, I cant find the logbook and it needs to go on SORN as no longer insured. so it may as well go before the DVLA get the hump. I did look on eBay, there's a silver 02 plate exactly the same, even has the limited edition sunroof, satnav, cd auto-changer, full leather upholstery and all the toys. Says it needs belt, pulley, power steering rack and calipers 250 quid or offers. But its way up north so too far for me to get it and make a very good one out of the two. ​Shut the bsi down before the battery. is there a procedure? sounds a little different to the old one.
  13. Yes, I asked the local dealer for a price, it was smthing like 82 quid inc. He confirmed the 6590A5 but couldn't give me any other numbers from the sensors. he had a look around on the system and the only number he could find for that model/year was the 6590A5 front and back. other info I found on the net seems to suggest that any of that type of unit should work and if they don't it's sometimes down to a bug in Lexir. The way around that is to use PP as a Pug 407 to configure the parking system (allegedly) . Any who, with all that in mind I ordered one from eBay and it should be here tomorrow..... ish. So​ "I'll be back" going, beep,,,,beep,,,beep,,beeeeep ..... I'll get my coat. ​
  14. Ok. 00006590A5. but i cant figur out where the price is?
  15. Hi. Having fun with the Parking Assistance. I've got a fault code FBC3 (front permanent fault inner front RH sensor). I assumed from that its the drivers side inner front censor, or do they mean as you are looking at it? Any who, I popped it out and it's marked up PSA96 496 141 77 XT 0 263 003 246 (965) 00970F 060526/Q6 BOSCH made in Spain (C0351 under the bar code) I've searched the net and eBay but all I can find is PSA9663821577 and so on. no 964's also one polish site said something about NO - XT. Is it obsolete, what will work? This is on an 07 2.0 HDi Exclusive this time. My old 01 2.2 has blown its turbo and is sitting on the lawn till I get around to scrapping it.
  16. Sound like you've found the problem, just not quite fixed it. A few things spring to mind. "this afternoon after using my trailer, the faults have all disappeared" Have a good look at that socket! your brake lights are in that thing so a tenues link to the ABS system or a general power drain. On mine the sockets had a habit of filling with water, leading to all kinds on madness. The new battery, is it the correct spec for the car? Is the car actually seeing that 12.7v? I wouldn't take much to drop 0.1v here and another 0.1v there. Check every connection along the battery cables and each earth point as far back to the fuse box and ECU as you can. Anything even slightly corroded, dirty or loose is a potential voltage loss. so your 12.7v could be a millivolt ether side of minimum by the time it arrives at the ECU and so on. ​
  17. Thanks, I thought that was the case. Its a good excuse to get a new laptop and leave the old one dedicated to Lexia, so that's hat I've done. In this info pined someplace, in big flashing text, "Do Not Install Windows 10" ?​ The way Microsoft are pushing it I bet a few will.
  18. lol. sounds about right to me. That's how we become so skilful at always having a big pile of bits left over at the end of the job. :lol: ​
  19. Hi all. Has anyone run the Windows 10 update on the same computer they have Lexia PP2000 on. Is it still working?
  20. Crikey is it that long! Ok edit as much as you like. I haven't a clue how to edit my waffle, so if you can trim it t something useful for others that's great. I'll carry on experimenting and if I discover anything useful I'll post them up as a how to with photos. Would a "photo how to" disable traffic master and my fix for the passenger side heater flap motor with a dremel and a roll pin be of use?
  21. Successful repair on the solder joint so my old remote is working again. But as if I can get my hands on an old remote I'll see if I can get it to work on my car.
  22. Something doesn't add up here. The push buttons energise inputs to the E16-01F encoder that then send a signal to the TDA5100 transmitter as a frequency set by the NX5032SD crystal. Unless they added an S.E.P field I cannot se how this thing could ever receive, store or act upon a code, so it can't be programed. any programing would be on the car. So how would the car know that its a second hand transmitter or a new one? Any thoughts?
  23. Had a look at the pcb under the big minifying glass at work. Only transmitter components on-board, No rfid. I did find a dry solder connection on the 13.560Mhz crystal that give me new hope of getting it working again and I'll give it a shot tonight. I did a quick test at lunchtime and with no pcb or case it starts, so the transponder is in the plastic hinge part of the folding key blade. With this in mind and considering Citroen only supply the whole thing. In exactly what context do we take the Citroen statement that the unit can only be coded to the car once and second hand unit cannot be reprogramed to another car. I can fully understand the rfid transponder being a one shot deal but if you can synchronise a remote control that has a flat battery and the rolling code is lost, is it absolutely out of the question that a second hand remote pcb alone could be synchronised using the cars key blade and rfid. Could it simply be that the Citroen system for programing the unit doesn't allow for the successful recoding without first successfully coding a transponder? I'm probably barking up the wrong tree, or just barking lol :blink:
  24. Yes that's pretty much what they said, only able to get the whole thing pretty cut. I'm thinking if the transponder is passive ie not power by the battery it's only mounted on the pcb to keep the two together. I'm going to see if the transponder can be de-soldered and transplanted to another remote pcb.
  25. Hi all. Among some of the odd nagging faults I've finally got around to looking at on my car I had an intermittent fault with the Multi function colour display (VDO 9638879480) Sometimes when I started it up the display wouldn't illuminate and sometimes it would. With the sunlight shining on the screen you could just about see a shadow of the image, so I figured the back light tube was on its way out. I got lucky and snagged one from Ebay for £25 that went straight in with no problems. but to the most part they are upwards of £95 I stripped down my faulty unit and found the L shaped backlight tube was burned out at one end. But the actual display panel is a separate part from the aluminium back shell and interface board and can be replaced. The part number is LTE072T-4455-2 I goggled it and found a new one for £56.76. Could be a better gamble than a second hand unit from ebay. I hope this is of help to someone with the same problem.
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