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Old Mosher

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Everything posted by Old Mosher

  1. This is the same runaround I had with my Hdi 2.2 auto. I did all the same things you have done till I was going nuts! But like the song The Cat Came Back the fault came back the very next day. I looked at all the vacuum hoses three or so times and though I found a split on the rubber end that connects to the swirl and on one of the dozer valves I just couldn't see the one that was on the swirl pot valve. It was that small! Worth going over Evey last hose from both ends and sucking the air out of one end with your finger on the other and see if you can get it to stay stuck to your tongue. Your lips will get black from the rubber as will your tongue and some of them are a pig to get off/at but if you find even the smallest leak you my well have fixed the car. It worked for me. B)
  2. Hi all. I had a DPF removal and remap done a couple of months ago by a chap in Bedford. Good result took less than an hour. I would recommend it! Just one thing though. You can still find you get anti pollution faults that are not directly related to the DPF. I had a spate of limp mode events that turned out to be nothing more than two tiny splits in the rubber ends on the vacuum hoses. Other wise no problems at all. I did post it up some place on this forum, so if you dig around you should find more info about prices etc
  3. You assume correctly :D
  4. Hi folk. I unlocked my car at lunchtime and it didn't give its customary whirring sound and level up ready for the off. A quick prod of the hight adjustment confirmed it, "Houston, we have a problem"! So I've had a fun evening trawling up and down the forum looking for answers to my cars suspension problem. IE the display says its going up and down but nothing actually happens. I found the two fuses the manual lists f23 in the glove box and f3 under the Bonnet = OK I found the 40A fuse hiding under the fuse board thats under the bonnet = OK. I set about it with an FR704 Code Reader = nothing. I looked in the header tank = not low. I had a sniff round the control box for the smell of burning transistors = not a whiff. I disconnected and re connected the battery = nothing. I got round the back of the car with a long stick and prodded around with the hight censure and decided = It wasn't seized up. I looked at the multi plug that goes to the pump electronics = well connected. I spotted the small plug at the other end and gave it a tug = well connected. I spotted the bigger power connector under the small plug and gave it a tug = It fell off the pump! oh :o On inspection the connector has a sliding cam lock that for no adequately explored reason slides down to unlock and remove the plug. So gravity and vibration can disconnect it for you. :rolleyes: I couldn't find any mention of the plug anywhere so I thought I'd post this up on the off chance it would help someone out one day. If I missed any checks feel free to add them
  5. One week on and all is well. My average MPG is up by around 3-4 so Im happy. I'll keep you all posted how it gets on with the run to Alicanti and back. B)
  6. He's Mobile He said the DPF only stops soot not smoke so it doesn't affect the MOT B) Its all guaranteed anyway so any problems he can just put your old map back in.
  7. Job done! My local mobile remapping chap did the de-dpf and economy remap for me today. Only took about 45 mins and he showed me A neat bit of kit that read all the codes in the car not just the engine ecu codes. All I had to do is knock the guts out of the filter = about 1 hours work. It now actually goes when you hit the accelerator and I can already see a small improvement on the average MPG though Im having too much fun with the perfomance to try keeping my foot of the gas lol. How much did it rush me? £150. I was so happy I took the wife out for lunch and washed the car. I'm still quids in on what the Citroen dealer was going to charge me :) :) :) I don't know If I can add a personal recommendation or not so Ill put it at the bottom of the page where the Moderates can delete it if it shouldn't be there. So if its gone my apology's to the club and is it OK for folk to PM me if they want his phone number as I think member could benefit from the information? Chris Deverick on Bedford 07793 277247 Email him pcmer@hotmail.co.uk
  8. Thanks for the info. I'm off to Bedford in the morning to have it re mapped for economy and have the DPF removed from the ecu. Under £200! B) All I have to do is physically remove the filter. Drill a hole through it or knock the guts out. Whats best? :unsure:
  9. Moderator note - From February 2014 the MOT test will include checks to make sure the exhaust FAP/DPF/ particulate filter and catalyst are present on the exhaust if they were fitted when the car was built. If they have been removed the car will fail the MOT. Particulate filter removal can not be recommended and is effectively illegal from this date. Hi all. On the way home from work today the emissions warning came up along with the esp/enr fault.....limp mode http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif Off I went to the local Citroen dealer who said. "If its just the fluid it would be £250. If it needs the counter replacing (as the original units cannot be reset)that would be another £150!" What's the worst case scenario, I asked?..... "£750 ish." http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif I payed that for the car!!!! So the upshot is at that price I would rather pay to have it properly de-faped than toped up. PS I want to drive it to Spain next month http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/public/style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif
  10. OK, Ive a few more peaces to add to this puzzle. I fitted a new MAF censure and it made a slight improvement to the shuddering, but it is still there. The MPG didn't improve at all but I did spot something odd today. If leave the sport mode switched on I get almost 10MPG more? another odd thing I noticed the other day is that the gearbox hesitates on its up shift if I accelerate hard round a roundabout. Low auto fluid???? :unsure:
  11. Sorry for the delay but I seem to have had my account accidentally deleted :rolleyes: Still I'm back on line and itching to pick this up as I have checked everything listed and still have the problem. I have a new MAF censure on order so ill try that next. :)
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