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john h

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Everything posted by john h

  1. then turn the nipple back to the closed position before whoever is pressing the pedal lifts the pedal for the next stroke, keep checking the level of fluid in the master cylinder, don't let it empty or you will have to do it all again.
  2. Best route is to book the wife in for some driving lessons
  3. Cheers for the info, will do
  4. Mine was dirt cheap off ebay so its no great loss to ditch it and put plugs in the bumper, I will go for the tried and tested Meta numberplate mounting type instead, I had this on my x/pic and it was very good. Beauty of this is that with the reverse lights being in the tailgate wiring will be absolutely minimal with both sensor and buzzer in the same location as the power
  5. I have a 2008 C4 Picasso 1.6 HDI 110 hp, seeing how much has to be dis-assembled to change the cabin and engine air filters am hoping to do a straight replacement with new filters, trouble is when you scan ebay there are a multitude of different shapes and sizes all claiming to be for my model and year, can anybody put me on the right track, one thing I don't want is to find the parts have to go back on the car if the replacements are the wrong ones. Its a job that used to be so easy you cold have it done in 10 minutes.
  6. After all that work not overwhelmed with the result, I have had better results in the past when I did a xsara pic, this unit wants to flash and beep like crazy as soon as reverse is selected, distance readout is up and down like a yoyo
  7. Sun came out and I spent 5, yes 5, hours fitting the sensors, it was bad enough drilling the plastic bumper hoping to avoid the metal one behind, thought the hard bit was over then but I was wrong, damn Citroen for putting the reverse lights in the tailgate which is where I ended up picking the feed, couldn't figure out the harness to link in a more convenient place, trouble is now they are a bit too sensitive could do with some form of adjustment on the control box, are you listening Mr Chinaman
  8. Noticed on gentle acceleration that there is a slight flat spot where the car seems to be holding back, 1.6 hdi, its nothing alarming just a bit of hesitation, do you think a can of injector cleaner may help ?
  9. I have one rear passenger electric window that has stopped working [2008 c4 1.6 hdi], no response from either door switch, this first came to light when I was test driving the car and the garage did a fix but it has failed again, any pointers to locate the fault, don't think its a fuse prob as other windows work fine.
  10. Just got a full set of tailored rubber mats for my 2008 c4 pic, fit like a glove but stink to high heaven, smell slowly diminishing thankfully
  11. How does the electric handbrake work ? sounds like an electric motor winding up the cable, or is it applying hydraulic pressure, and what is happening if you need to use the winding handle from the tool kit if there is a handbrake problem
  12. Fortunately gives you a bit of leeway with speed cameras
  13. Your figures are on a par with mine, manufacturers figures are to be taken with a pinch of salt, wish my road tax was as low as yours, £180 ish
  14. Darned sight bigger than the c3, 2 pairs at least
  15. Issues with Hill Start, issues with Electric Handbrake the answer is to everyone, except Citroen, very simple.............ditch it As far as their suggestion of 'chocking' the wheel this is from one extreme to the other, who came up with that bright idea Fred Flintstone
  16. My tailgate seems very heavy to lift, is this normal or have struts gone weak
  17. hopefully I too will be fitting an aftermarket reversing sensor system but am opting for the wired system, had a quick feel under the bumper of my 2008 c4 pic to see what room there is for the sensors, space is a bit tight but theres a chance they will just fit between the moulded bumper contours and a horizontal metal bar, its mucky under there, soot from the exhaust that ends behind the bumper. I doubt I will be fitting the light display but relying on mirrors and the tone of the buzzer
  18. The deed is done, I've off-loaded the c3 pic to my son, using his old Scenic as p/x, and got myself a c4 pic which although a year older is much pleasanter to drive, takes road humps in a gentler way that lets you stay in the seat, is that down to the longer wheelbase ?, ok I expect less to the gallon and dearer road tax but I do have more space and comfort.
  19. Got a 2008 c4 Picasso this weekend, cant get used to the handbrake system, I seem to be doing a dance on the pedals plus in and out of neutral to get moving, and as I don't trust the system I have resorted to stopping the engine and selecting 1st gear when I go in and out of my garage where there is a slight gradient. Hill start assist does appear to be working correctly but having said that I would much prefer the good old lever system , tried, tested, trusted and probably a damned sight cheaper to fit and maintain.
  20. Tailgate will auto lock above a certain speed, I too discovered that for it to unlock I had to open my door first, I was still in the drivers seat and had pulled up to let someone put a suitcase in the boot
  21. Drop a line to Watchdog, it does sound to be an issue that needs addressing urgently
  22. Out of all the cars I have owned since the 1960's only 2 stand out, the first being the Vauxhall 101 Estate, huge, comfortable, reliable, but consumed eventually by the dreaded rust-worm, then mediocre transport until I came upon the Xsara Picasso, what a motor, cant enthuse enough about it, big mistake by Citroen to discontinue, there is nothing in their line-up that fills the gap, the C3 pic is pants in my eyes, I have one but not for much longer.
  23. I got this 3 cd manual it came with no written instructions on what disc to use first so it was working blind and taking ages to download, I was not impressed by the way it clogged and slowed my laptop so in the end I deleted the lot, The discs are somewhere in my cupboard eventually to be thrown out
  24. john h

    Hot Footing

    Will try it one day, only get the car out a couple of times a week this time of year, less some weeks, bus pass is very handy
  25. Mine is the 1.6 hdi, sticker on door give this as 2 year intervals for service
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