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Everything posted by CE08LDB

  1. I should imagine it is as your pulling a big car arn't you like and if you are getting 32.5mpg in the HDi god help the Petrol engine. Whats the Auto Gearbox like?
  2. Well for the sake of £70 you would have been stupid to have not gone for the 107 as you seem to have some good extras there. I am a Citroen fan true and but I do like some of the Peugeots. 207cc is my fave.
  3. Good to see another happy owner. Enjoy your C1!
  4. Its Funny why Citroen UK Don't sell the C1 1.0i SensoDrive as they do in Europe. I think Peugeot calls theirs a 107 2Tron Auto.
  5. I don't know about Duel Controls but I know My Push And Pull Hand Controls has to be serviced once a year for the Jeff Goslings Adaptions 3 year warranty.
  6. My Sisters Saxo's used to leak water through the interior light.
  7. Hi Pam, I am a Citroen owner and a fan of Citroen but I feel really gutted for you. I hope you get some luck with any of the avenues your going to explore. I wish you good luck.
  8. My friend had a C3 1.4HDi 70BHP and he renwed it to a C3 1.4i 75BHP Petrol and he's noticed the power difference already. The Diesel seem to have more guts in it especialy going up hills like. the 2.7HDi seems to be the C6s popular choice. There is a 2.2HDi but wheather thats as good as the 2.7HDi I don't know. I am shocked the new C5 ain't getting the 3.0 V6 engine anymore. Citroen seems to be cutting down on big engines. Im sure the C4 Picasso/Grand Picasso 1.8i 16v Engine is being replaced with a 1.6i 16v 120BHP.
  9. The Pressures on my New C2 were spot on. I did my weekly check 1 week after I had it and they were all spot on. In the last 4 months Ive only had to pump my 2 front tyres up as the psi was abit low but not much.
  10. Thank You. I need to get the Silver and Blue ones now to add to my collection. Citroen have really pulled all the stops out on the C6. Its a stunning car and looks better than the German cars. If I won the lotto tonight id like a C6. A green one. Have you C6 owners driven the other engine type C6s before buying yours then. Bet they are nippy are they.
  11. back in 2005 I waited 8 weeks for my Green C3 Exclusive. I had the last Green C3 Exclusive ever made. This time it was different. I was first going to have a C3 Exclusive SensoDrive again but Citroen stopped doing it when I went to order one in Mid January then I waited till Early February to see about a C3 Exclusive Auto but I decided against it due to Motability High Deposit so by the Middle of February I decided on a C2 VTR SensoDrive in Blue. On March the 8th I took my C3 for its MOT as it has it done early on Motability cars and there parked in the showroom was my New C2 all ready for me to have so the Delivery Date was planned for 21st April as my C3 Contract was up then but there was paperwork problems so I kept the C3 an extra week and finally took delivery on the 28th April. I was lucky to get this one as it was the last Poseidon Blue C2 VTR left in the UK and it would then be no longer available on the C2 VTR SensoDrive's. Now you mention the C1s I have been up my Citroen Dealers Compound these last 3 weeks taking photo's for my scrap book and they only had 3 C1s there. 1 Silver and 2 Reds. Went in there today and there is one Red one left all plated up ready to go and a silver unplated one.
  12. The Car Could have been registed later than the built date as back in 2006 when 56 Reg Came out my Dealer had a Mark 1 C3 XTR on a 56 Plate and They stopped making the Mark 1 C3s in late 2005
  13. I feel for guys as my Brothers 3 out of 4 Citroen's he has owned has had Gearbox Faults. P 1997 Saxo 1.6i SX Auto. Not A Single Fault it was like a tank a well built car. V 2000 Saxo 1.4i SX Auto in late 2001 it started to Mis Fire bad and the car would go one day. Dealer couldn't get the car in for a week so the RAC took it to a Citroen Specialist straight Away. They fixed the fault and it started running ok but then 2 months later it started doing it again so took it to the dealer this time and they said the Gearbox was on its way out and can't get a new one for 2 weeks. A Week went by the car finally gave up wouldn't go in Drive only Reverse. The Car was then off the road for 6 weeks waiting for the Gearbox. This was all sorted by March 2002. Reverse Gear was making a noise but wasn't affecting the car. It had its MOT in Dec 02 and among a list of things it failed on the Noise in Reverse Gear was one of them. Car went back to Motability in Feb 03. 52 2003 C3 1.4i SX Auto. Oct - Nov 2003 it was going into snow mode regular. They found there was an electrical fault. Nov 2004 this started happening again and the gearbox was selecting the wrong gears. Dealer was fully booked throughout December 04. Finally got the car booked in for January 2005 and the car was on its way out it just made it to the garage. Car was written off in Nov 2005. 55 2006 C3 1.6i 16v Exclusive SensoDrive, It has cut out since day one and can decided not to select gears when ever it wants but thats a computer or sensor fault I think. October 2007 Car was making a funny noise, Then December 2007 The Car was over reving so took it to the dealer they road tested it and said the clutch was on its way out. So a week later I took it to the dealer for my brother and I just made it up there the smoke from the clutch was making me feel sick. They had the car for 5 days and rang to say the gearbox has also had it as a bearing had gone so both the clutch and gearbox had gone. Luckily my Brother only got the car till January 2009 then he gets a new one. Now myself my C3 had no Gearbox problems nor my C2 VTR so far so good.
  14. Glad its sorted for you.
  15. I told me the same thing when he first asked and he tried it but nothing. The Sensor looks identical to the one my C3 had. I know older Peugeot 206s 307s and the Citroen Xsara had a Sensor for only Auto Wipers and you could tell as it like has a clear greys colour in the senor like.
  16. Its a pain ain't it. Did your mother buy it from a Citroen Dealer?
  17. Its bugging me what could be wrong. The Dong is the same Dong that sounds when Cruise Control is Switched on. Funny thing my brother has had dodge Sensors on both his previous 2003 52 Reg C3 1.4i SX Auto and his 2006 55 Reg C3 1.6i 16v Exclusive SensoDrive. The Lights would come on when it was A Bright Sunny day so in the end he asked me to deativate it on both cars. Now mine was really good.
  18. It does sound dodgy dosen't if you tried everything. To see if there is a fault with the Sensor put the wipers in Auto Posistion and tap the Sensor on the outside and the wipers should move. Try that first. If that fails then there is a fault and a Citroen Dealer would have to look at it. I doubt they are cheap to replace either
  19. Hi Christian yeah the Accessories is the position just before the starter. Right try it with the key in the first position before the accessories and see what happens. I did it on my 2005 C3 Exclusive. Citroen never put it down in the handbook see. Now The MK2 C3s are even easier to set the Auto Lights.
  20. Lets hope the Computer Finds a fault as for over 2 and half years now they still haven't found a fault with my brothers C3 SensoDrive. His car is terrible to drive bloody hard work the gearbox tends not to selects gears at anytime without warning, I tend not to use it if I don't have too. Now My last C3 SensoDrives was great and so has this C2 so far.
  21. Hello Christian. Turn the Ignition Key to Accessories then press and hold the button on the end of the indicator stalk untill you hear a dong. Once you hear that its activated the lights will come on when its dark or visability is poor or when the Wipers are going quite quickly. Hope that helps. Kind Regards Lee
  22. I get 52mpg Driving Around Brecon Beacons in My C2 1.6i 16v VTR SensoDrive and I don't drive slow either. I go up there every week
  23. Lovely Car the C6. Don't see many about. I have seen a Dark Blue one maybe the same as what you saw norm. Here is 2 pics of my 1/43 Scale C6 Diecast Models. I collect Citroen Diecast Models. I had the The Welsh Registration Plates Custom Made for the Red C6. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y3/CE05LDB/CITROENMODELS011.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y3/CE05LDB/My2CitroenC6s.jpg
  24. Me and The Salesman I know at Citroen were talking about this last week funny enough he was explaining the difference now like and was saying that Citroen said the average miles the discs and pads would last upto is 13,000 miles and if you get more than that your lucky.
  25. This Happend on my brothers previous 2003 52 C3 1.4i SX Auto not often but when it did he had to stop turn the engine off wait a few minutes restart and they would work again. Never found out the cause of it. You haven't got his old car have you.lol his was CA52 SGY
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