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Everything posted by Mat

  1. Mat

    Brake Pads

    Do the brake pads have a warning light that tells me the pads are worn and need replacing? My C4 has done 25k miles, there is still plenty of wear left on the tyres, but i'm not so sure about the brakes.
  2. Blimey - your back garaden must be huge !!
  3. I have noticed my screen has elements that i';ve never seen operating, such as a car with 4 doors, presumably on a higher spec model (or hatch?), this shows when a door is open.
  4. What would i get with a VTR+ style screen ?
  5. I have a problem with my LCD, though i think its a different one to yours. My LCD is bleeding - i'm not sure if its water/damp ingress, or crystal leaking. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/matcapel/IMG_2710-1.jpg
  6. Here is Dave&Trace's post from a while ago. A quick search on ebay finds similar headrests too
  7. Mat

    Service Indicator

    I have the same 'problem'. I've been told this could be fixed by updating the car's software. I'm not bothered enough to go through the hassle of booking my car in to have the spanner reset tho, so it shall wait until the next service or warranty claim.
  8. Not the petrol, surely ?
  9. With all the flooding, anyone have any info on how deep the C4 will go in water before problems? Ie, where is the air intake? To get home last night i drove through water higher than the door sill - if i had stopped it would have come in through the doors. I kept the bow wave in front, at times at the height of the lights.
  10. Mat

    Windscreen Wipers

    Sounds as if the car is being sensible, with the weather we are having at the moment :angry: . (Sorry, really unhelpful post)
  11. Mine is oriental blue too. When i bought it, it was the last one off the production line, as oriental blue was discontinued. I wasnt sure if this was good, as it would give me distinctablity, or bad when i came to resell. Anyhow, neither is relevant, as it seems either i was told a lie when placing the order, or the colour was reinstated. Given the choice again, i think i would order the same colour.
  12. I bought my bluetooth off ebay a couple of years ago (then to work with my Nokia N70), for less than £50. It works just as well with my VarioII running TomTom and MultiMap perfectly. I store the GPS in the little drawer - it fits pefectly, you cant see the power cable which i have wired tidily behind the steering column, through a hole i drilled in the back of the drawer. The GPS gets a good signal in the drawer, and the on/off button and status LEDs are on the top, meaning i never have to take the GPS out of the drawer. When i leave the car, i shut the drawer, and take my phone with me, making it completely secure. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/matcapel/IMG_254922.jpg
  13. I got the Citroen replacement blade, which came to £23. Not as bad as i thought. When i bought cheap rubbers to try and fit myself, the end clips are very tight, but do come off with a flathead screwdriver and gentle force. However, the rubber blade and wing are all the same piece, and are narrower than cheap rubbers. Therefore, as i had broken the old rubber getting it out, i had to get a whole new replacement blade.
  14. See my 'Spanner' post
  15. Mat

    Side Windows

    Throw a brick at them. If the brick bounces you have laminated windows. If the brick doesnt bounce you no longer have non-laminated windows
  16. Indeed. But what is the difference between these for £7.50 and these for over £40?
  17. I guess nearly 2 years isnt bad for the wiper blades to last. My drivers side blade has a big tear which leaves smeers all over the windscreen. Where is the best place to get replacements? Halfords? Citroen? Ebay? Cheers
  18. Mat


    But for how long? ;)
  19. Mat


    I've just noticed, its come back.
  20. Mat

    Tyre Wear

  21. Mat

    Tyre Wear

    Am i right to be a little concerned that my front tyres have 40% tread left, whilst my rears have only 50%? Are the rears wearing a little too fast? (I dont do handbrake turns in my car, btw)
  22. Mat


    Good tip - thanks Iannez
  23. Mat


    Just got my C4 back from its 20k service. Not bad at £175. However, driving home i noticed the spanner is still showing. Can i reset it, or do i have to go back and get them to reset it?
  24. Indeed, i bought the Thule roofbars (and cycle carriers) when i got the car nearly 2 years ago. When i fitted it the bolts seemed very tight, as the mounts were rusty (car at this point was a few months old). One of the Thule bolts got so hard to screw in, i tried to take it out, and it sheared off, leaving half still in the roof mount. My local dealer got it out for me (I think they drilled it out), retapped the mounts and then filled the mounting holes with grease. Since then i have kept a short bolt (M3 or M4 - cant remember) in each mount, to stop the hole rusting up again. Just been out and checked it, despite not touching it over winter, the mount is nice and free. Roof bars are much better than rear mounted cycle carriers. You can carry ladders too, and you have full visibility out of the rearwindscreen. Just keep the mounting holes well lubricated with grease.
  25. Mat

    C4 Glove Box

    Have a look on ebay for scrap yards selling off bits of written off cars. I got 4 new roofrack covers for a fiver. I hate to think what Citroen would have charged me
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