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Everything posted by Mat

  1. Mat

    C4 Rain Sensors

    And put your rear fog lights on so people can see you through the spray ;)
  2. Mat

    C4 Rain Sensors

    True, very true. :rolleyes:
  3. Mat

    C4 Rain Sensors

    Isnt the point of making them automatic making them automatic ? :rolleyes:
  4. I agree entirely. Its really annoying.
  5. Mat

    Remote Fob

    Aww Mat you need to eat your Greens! :lol: I've pushed hard, and just managed it :P . Shall still use the button though
  6. Mat

    Remote Fob

    I cant push my key in, without holding the button :lol:
  7. Mat

    Remote Fob

    My gf's VW Beetle keyfob is much more solid than my C4's. AND she got 2!
  8. I had a 1.0l today as a courtesy car while my C4 is being mended. I was convinced it had a blown exhaust. The switches feel like they have a MTBF of about 30 switches. It feels like there is nothing between your feet and the engine, as if there is no soundproofing at all. And the fuel guage went from 3 bars to flashing 1 bar, completely missing out 2 bars. I hope i get a different courtesy car next week!
  9. Mat

    Boot Problem

    Well, Citroen had my car today, fitted the new locking mechanism, but still the boot door doesnt open. Apparently the electrics to the back of the car have died, so it has to go in again next week for the elctrician to take the car apart to fix. (I hope i dont get a C1 again!!)
  10. Or you could set up an account on something like www.photobucket.com
  11. Mat


    I noticed the same thing when i drove off the ramp of the Plymouth ferry. A lot of people dont realise until its too late, as you can see loads of dents in the ramps
  12. Has some clever photoshopping been going on? (I apologise for the use of 'photoshop' as a verb)
  13. Mat

    Spotted A C4

    Surely you know what the lights look like. Your avatar!! :ph34r:
  14. Mat

    Spotted A C4

    hmmmm......... :blink: Do a Google for 'copyright free map of uk', and that is the first hit. Read the terms and conditions, and as long as that disclaimer is posted below the image, its allowed. :lol:
  15. Mat

    Spotted A C4

    Anyone near me? Worcester: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/matcapel/C4_map.jpg Image produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.
  16. Ditto. And my pump is so rubbish, i never get them much above 30 anyway
  17. Is not the badge metal? In which case, before sticking it back on, put a layer of insulation to the back, and wire up the car battery to it. No one should be touching it (unless trying to steal it), and then they may get the message when their charred hair sticks on end. EDIT: Put a switch in, so you can wash the car
  18. But can you take the Citroen fitted SatNav and fit it to your bike? Can you change the software and run high definition OS maps for hiking? Can you track you position, via GSM? Can you record your position and upload to GEarth at home? What about security, can you simply remove it from the car so its not stolen? If you have a hire car, can you use it in that? Can you setup your journeys from the comfort of your amrchair, or in front of a large scale map? Independant SatNav on PDA/Smartphone is the way to go. :angry:
  19. Mat


    Its freeezing this morning
  20. Mat

    Boot Problem

    No, yesterday morning i went out to my car parked on my drive to go to work. Went to put mybag in the boot and it wouldnt open. I assumed once the car had been through a lock-unlock process it may reset. When i got to work i tried it again. When i left work in the evening i still couldnt open the boot door, despite several lock-unlock-lock routines, plus i did what Welshguy suggested and pushe the lid down as i tried to open it. On the way home i drove to Citroen. Just so i didnt embarass myself, i checked it once more before getting the Citroen guys to have a go. They did the same lock-unlock-lock-push down-unlock and declared it needs a new locking mechanism, which is now on order.
  21. Mat

    Boot Problem

    Citroen have a new locking mechanism on order for me. In the meantime, i have to get my golf clubs out by putting the seat down and pulling them out through the drivers door - style!
  22. Mat

    Boot Problem

    No spoiler, but i shall try pushing down on the boot door when i go to my car to go home - cheers
  23. Mat

    Spotted A C4

    I saw a red coupe on the way to work this morning, with only the last letter on the reg plate different to mine. At first look, i thought he had my number plate fitted.
  24. Came out of the house this morning, went to the boot t o put my bag in, pressed the button to find the boot door wont open. The eject noise doesnt happen and the boot door is firmly closed. Anyone any ideas? Blown fuse? Known issue? Cheers
  25. Mat


    On French roads, if there is a traffic jam, people always show hazards until they have stopped, then the next car hazards etc etc. In the good old days we used to do that here. Now though, if you see a car in front you assume its a traffic jam. 9/10 times it is
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