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Everything posted by Mat

  1. I didnt know where i was going, which helped. Was visiting a customer. Was told by security at the main gate to 'head for and park next to the 747'.
  2. I've driven my C4 on the TopGear test track. Unfortunately the 20mph limit and the fact i only needed to do 1/3 of a lap to get to where i was going, meant i didnt test my car out.
  3. Mat

    Load Carrying

    They are about 2ft ^2, at least 1.5" thick. Not new at all, aquired from an old church patio about 4 years ago and never used, hence how i have aquired them (but not actually got them yet). I'm going over this aftenoon to get the first batch. Would it increase my load if i put down the back seats, thus spreading the load?
  4. Ooo - how do you get them ?
  5. Mat

    Load Carrying

    Did the front wheels stay on the ground ? Actually, this could be useful for me. I have a pile of concrete slabs that i have been donated, but i need to transport them 20 miles. These are big, in that i struggle to lift them one at a time. How many (in weight terms) can I (safely) put in the boot?
  6. Just in case anyone is thinking of trying to get an Ikea desk in the back of their Coupe, if its any longer than 1.5m, it wont fit ! And there is no hook to put a bungee onto to hold the boot door shut. My old saxo had a nice metal fold that was perfect for bungeeing to the towbar when carrying loads slightly longer than the boot.
  7. Mat


    Eenie meenie miney mo ?
  8. I think you need to adjust the shutter speed. The cars have all blurred into one line! :(
  9. I've only washed mine 3 times EVER
  10. Don't forget, they are not all C4 related
  11. Pretty much, yes. The kit comes in bits; the cable (3 wires) with molex crimps, and a molex connector. You have to put the three wires into the corect holes of the connector, as per the instructions, and then simply plug the connector into the socket on the back of your radio. Tidy the cable to whereever you want (some people poke it into the glove box, i drilled a little hole in the back of the storage slot above the LCD screen in the centre). Finally plug in your Ipod (or any other 3.5mm jack device).
  12. You wont necessarily get ripped off. The cable costs £23. My dealer said if i wanted to fit it, they would then enable the AUX port, which they did for free.
  13. I've got a 9706AG. Is that a typo Stuey?
  14. Ages ago, KFK listed all the things the Citroen software would enable/disable, here. Overspeed alert is listed.
  15. Mat


    Have a nose at this link
  16. My leather keyring has gone mouldy :P
  17. Ridiculous !
  18. Mat


    If they did, just think how many fewer dings we would all have from people opening their doors too far in car parks. EDIT: Sorry Wozza, I pretty much echoed you then, without realising.
  19. Mat

    Mph '06

  20. Not for me it isnt. There is writing all over the Search button.
  21. Mat

    Mph '06

    I never paid congestion charge to park at Earl's court when i went this time last year.
  22. I always thought the hot air out of the airvents was air passed over an electric element. Hence, when you turn on the heater for the first time since summer, you can smell the dust burning off.
  23. Mine was scratched off when they gave me the car on day 1.
  24. There are a lot of cars for sale. Not seen the Classified ads before
  25. This one ?
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