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Everything posted by Mat

  1. Mat


    If i see an ESP light come on, I'll be booking the car in with Citroen !!
  2. Not enough baked beans!
  3. I got it the other way round - the heat turns faster than the car
  4. I thought speed cameras had to a] be on a straight road, and b] proove you were more than 10% over the limit
  5. Arent you meant to put them in a bucket of sand, as the watter would steam? Kill joy :huh: Sorry - i'm in one of those moods :blink:
  6. Arent you meant to put them in a bucket of sand, as the watter would steam?
  7. I did do three laps of the roundabout the other night. Was almost half tempted to try it in the opposite direction - there was no traffic around. My boring common sense side of me said not to.
  8. Sounds like she's just jealous that your car is better than hers
  9. Anyone else noticed that a lot more heat comes out of the vents when going round roundabouts or right hand bends ?
  10. Mat


    I've noticed a slip of my clutch the last few days. I'm getting a little concerned (In answer to OP, I have no problem with hitting knees on steering column, but I'm not that tall, about 5'10")
  11. Mat

    C4 Porn

    Not even when its foggy ?
  12. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Citroen-C4-Peugeot-3...VQQcmdZViewItem
  13. Mat

    Wing Mirrors

    Aren't the handles plastic ?
  14. Mat

    Wing Mirrors

    Hmm. Cant be too hard to get a bit of wire, attach one end to the +, one to the - of the battery, and loop it round each mirror with a bit of tape, with a switch gaffer taped to the dash. Hey presto. VTR to VTR+ upgrade !!
  15. What guy is this then please? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6083110.stm
  16. I put a new one in the other day, before a long drive up the Newcastle. My car still stinks of toilet cleaner !!!
  17. Mat

    Wing Mirrors

    No, the VTR doesnt have heated wing mirrors. (Unless i have been really stupid and not found the button.) If Fairy Liquid and/or soap doesnt work, can i upgrade, do you think? Could be right, but on the 307 the mirrors heated when you turned on the rear window demister That definately doesnt happen on my C4. The rear windscreen mists up the same as the other windows, and hence i put on the rear demister.
  18. Mat

    Wing Mirrors

    No, the VTR doesnt have heated wing mirrors. (Unless i have been really stupid and not found the button.) If Fairy Liquid and/or soap doesnt work, can i upgrade, do you think?
  19. Mat

    Wing Mirrors

    OO - cool tip. Shall give it a go
  20. But what if there are 3 on a road, and one is a dummy? You pass a real camera, change lanes. Pass a dummy and change back again, right into the path of the 2nd 'real' camera, which is timing you.
  21. A few mornings i have gone out to my car to find all the windows misted up on the outside. Opening and closing the front two windows clears them great. While doing that i wipe the wing mirror, and if i remembered before i got in, I'd have wiped the passenger side one. But then after driving 5 minutes down the road, the mirrors have misted up again. How do i stop this? In other cars i would aim the airvents towards the wing mirrors, but as the C4s are on pods, this doesnt do a lot
  22. How does that work on the Coupe then ?
  23. I don't think my joke is as abvious as it seemed when i wrote it. Me going off topic, complaining about people going off topic. And now i've gone off topic, pointing out my joke was about going off topic, and hence being off topic. O dear - I think i should call it a day. :D
  24. Blimey - I 2nd that!!
  25. Stop going off topic! (please). This thread is for talking about C4s on tracks, not people complaining about being off topic !! :P
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