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Everything posted by mooseshaver

  1. Mine does a bit of vibro action on any kind of road. Sure its not the tyres. Also something that covers the turbo/air intake vibrates against the battery cover sometimes.
  2. 4 weeks and still not egr valve or display dash. Citroen won't get back to me, Citroen Finance ignore my letters. Moaned to a French guy about waiting 7 months for a fault to be fixed and he said "Ofcourse, you bought a french car in england". Not sure what he meant by that but can take a guess.
  3. Hello Allan, Bit worried about posting stuff that is not completly positive incase those who don't like to see the C3 in a bad light complain. ;) My oil guage does not even show itself. It is just simply not there. Its had a new oil sensor, and a new Dash Display was ordered, but when it came (Friday) the garage were unsure if it was actualy for me or not so still awaiting them to ring and tell me. The Mooseshaver.
  4. erm, yes i think it does. will checl l8r
  5. i wonder how long till I have a working citroen? I've never had a working one before.
  6. Thanks for the info CCCtech. If I find out any codes will post them.
  7. Was told about a guy who had auto headlights on his Lexus. He drove under a bridge, the lights came on, a car waiting at a junction saw the lights come on, and pulled in front of the lexus thinking he was being signalled to do so.
  8. "why didn't you buy it from ellis davis in the first place??" I was working in Carlisle at the time, so its easyer to drop it off for servicing. I do wish I had either bought it from Ellis Davis, or not at all. Wouldn't buy a skoda though. Had a courtesy one. Accidently turned off the traction control and slid across a corner bouncing off a kerb @ 60. alloy wheels were not as nice as when I started the journey and the steering wheel shuddered. and it pulled to the left. Oh, and my C3 needs a second EGR valve. And Citroen have decided to replace my dash display to get the oil guage working. Apparently my C3 SX has the display from an LX.
  9. waffle waffle waffle what I meant to say Porkie was that my car had been "fixed" but it so obviously hasn't. If they can't guarentee the fault is not going to come back a month or so later, don't take it.
  10. My car is in today after the dealer Telfords said this problem was fixed. I'v since been taking the car to Ellis Davis as they at least try to resolve the oil guage problems, unlike Telfords. Telfords fitted parts incorrectly. So last week when the loss of power came back I contacted Ellis Davis to see if they would look at the problem while the oil guage is looked at. This morning I took the car in, and the lack of power thing happened and I got an engine fault light, but intead of turning off the engine and restarting I decided to show them what happens. Takes ages to drive 20 miles with no power. The mechanic was suprised by my cars performence as I took him for a quick spin. He told me not to turn the igniton off as this would make the error code disapear, so he took my little car away and I got a Picasso to play with. So perhaps part of the "can't find owt wrong with it" we all seem to get is because the fault code has disapeared byt the time we get our cars to the dealer.
  11. Arrgghhh Remember my engine problems were cured? They're not! Loss of power today on way to work. Engine revs as high as i want with clutch in, so it looked like a computer fault. Stopped, tunrned ingnition off then imediatly started car and it was fine. New Dealer says the download of the ecu fixes this problem, but mine has already had that. looks like the citroen c3 engine trouble is not fixable
  12. Citroen do one for the C3. but who would trust that? I did try to get one once, but my dealer denied knowledge of it and told me to go elsewhere. Its on the citroen website though.
  13. Goodbye Porkie. Its been nice having someone to complain with. So are you going to trad in the C3 or leave it at the dealers and report it stolen.
  14. Hands up all those whos C3 Gadgets don't work properly? After all the engine trouble I've had I still have problems. The Oil guage that is supposed to come on when the key is turned. It never even shows its self. My original Dealer confirmed it did not work. But did nothing to fix it. The new dealer have tried a new oil sensor, which didn't work. But they are trying. They have some new things to try from Citroen so its got to go back. Appears Citroen don't have a clue either. My speed sensative volume control. In my opinion it does not work at all. My original Dealer said it was subtle when speaking over the phone, but as far as I can see they never did anything. So the new Dealer will be looking at it. External temperature: This might not be available on my SX, but I did notice that the new dealer had ordered a temp sensor so maybe they are connected.
  15. BORING ! It is nice to know that some people have a working citroen. Think I might have to post some bad new to couter your good news ;-)
  16. thanx dakiwi it does look like it not available on thesx though :-(
  17. Mine is in today for the oil sensor, when I looked at the sheet the dealer had with the part that was ordered also mentioned a temperature sensor, so maybe mines duff.
  18. " I tried the thing to get the outside temperature... How? doesnt do anything when i press the right hand button next to the clock" Same here. Perhaps thats why the exclusive is more expensive
  19. cool thanx organist. now, how do you set it to warp/impulse? Does anyone know is the SX should have a temp display for outside temp?
  20. I was sent away the second time, presumably to let the guy knock the front spoiler off on its way up the ramp. The first time I sat in the cab of the truck. And yes, trucks are quite nice to ride in. Loads more headroom than a C3, usefull for tailgating the dickhead in the astra who did it to me this morning on the way to work. He sat on my bumper when I was at the speed limit. Lost him everytime I pulled away from a junction, and he was back again a while later when he caught up with me. My 92hp HDi is nice for that sorta thing.
  21. "Maybe because we are being punished because our cars are so naff and we dare broadcast the prolems" Yeah, when we loved our Citroens we got 3 blobs just for singing up, but now we complain we don't get any more.... I LIKE MY CITROEN NOW. Well the bits that work I like. Like the tyres. And the bumper. The bumper definatly works.
  22. What have Trading Standards said?. I was told I had no right to demand a refund or replacement for the car :-(
  23. I wonder if they ignore fault codes or if they don't interpret them correctly. Are they just a bunch of little lights they have to decode. Perhaps there is often a "general" fault code that comes up and covers a few things, so dealers have to change them one by one till the warmer weather temporarily cures the fault.
  24. "dealer wil be ringing Peugeot to see if they have any spares (knock one off a V reg 206 maybe)" secondhand parts to fix your new car? I can imagine if it failed they would blame it on being a secondhand part and try to get out of fixing. dont trust citroen people anymore.
  25. "The most annoying thing now Moose is that cars are so advanced that now electrical problems are overtaking mechanical problems and them kind of gremlins are really difficult to erase. " Tell me about it, I used to fix the computers for the Dealer that sold my car, and their understandsing of computers was often less than my understanding of cars. They should take on real electrcians/computer people to help them. They wouls surely only need one. Let the grease monkeys do dirty stuff and let cable monkeys do theirs.
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