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Everything posted by mooseshaver

  1. "Did you realise that leaving your car running unattended is illegal??" not in a driveway its not.
  2. "79,9p a litre is still cheap compared to Evian and Volvic. " nicer tasting too. Put some Shell fuel in mine the other day. Is the diesel optimax or just the petrol? And did you know that garages are often supplied with fuel from rival companies if their depot is closer? So depending where you live, your Shell fuel might not be shell.
  3. I've not noticed it using any oil, but after the cam job the car wasn't filled full of oil. But after Ellis Davis looked at it, they said it needs a sensor. Don't really understand why Telfords could find that other than Ellis telling me its at the back of the engine and difficult to get to. lazyness?
  4. It does anoy me too to be honest. In winter I wanted to run my engine while I had a shower, but I couldn't lock all the doors with the other key. Thought about a remote start alarm, but how do the fitters cope with multiplex wiring?
  5. Took my C3 to a different Dealer (ellis Davis in Big Rigg) and they had a look and discovered that when Telfords (Carlisle) had changed the cam, they had not put the injectors in properly and they were loose. Aparently all round the oustide of them was covered in soot. No wonder fumes were getting in. Also I asked them to check rattle from the gearbox, Telfords told me they had ordered some weights, and they asked for a list of everything wrong with the car which included this fault. And guess what? They hadn't fitted them at all. Ellis Davis fitted them, from stock, and now its much better. I really was regretting buying a Citroen, but now I think my experience would have been better if I had just gone to a different dealer.
  6. How about a big pad lock "Mr. Bean" style??
  7. mine is at different dealer right now. Even just dropping it off the difference in service was amazing. They remembered what the problems were from my phone conversation, the mechanic who would be working on it came and chatted to me about the problems. They gave me a C3 exclusive to drive, on their insurence, not needing me to arrange cover. Just hope they are better at fixing things.
  8. I mean the supermarket waters down the fuel.
  9. I've always used BP fuel after being told the water the fuel down with detergent and claim its cleaning your engine
  10. Mine is in tomorrow for the oil thingy, among other faults. what have they said was the fault with yours?
  11. Thanks Mr. Pie, I like to understand what things are doing in my car. It was only the other day that I learnt that the cat was not part of the back box but in the engine somewhere.
  12. Hello, Sorry your C3 is having a fit. Whats the part the Dealer has on order? Mine got better after something was replaced that recylcled something (guessing fuel as its an HDi) it wasn't better straight away, it just had a few hesatations when overtaking, then it went. either whatever was changed took a while to "bed in" or, the weather got warmer. how was the weather when you were driving? Cold or warm? What bits have you had fitted to your car by the dealer? It sounds like the problem I had/have? Mr. Ben
  13. Its the little button below the child locks. Has a speedometer kinda picture. press it once to turn it on and it should light up. If the light is already on then it is already turned on. Now, with it on drive long to your maximum speed you wish to go, eg 60mph. No keep it at exactly 60mph and press and hold the button untill you hear another noise that a bit like a gong. Its not as impressive as the one at the start of the Rank films, but it is different from the usual beeps. Now that should set you speed nagger at the speed you were going when in gonged. Now if you go over the speed you set, it will beep 3 times, and then it will stay silent untill you drop back down to you max speed or less, and you have to go over it again before it beeps. It won't beep constantly. Mr. Ben
  14. "We also noticed that the replacement has a bronze colour - the original had the moisture sensor but was blueish in shade" So does that mean your rain sensative wipers no longer work?
  15. I do wonder why my Dealer ordered a CAT for my C3, I've never complained about it. there must be a fortune to be made in repairs.
  16. Do dealers get lots of money for fixing under warrenty? I can't imagine they would be so keen if you had to pay for it. My dealer would probably tell me to tape over it or something
  17. Your speed limit nagger doesn't work? Do you know you have to first of all turn it on, then when you are at your ideal speed, press and hold the button till you hear a "gong" noise. Then is should work. And untill you get used to the digital dash it can be hard staying at your chosen speed long enough to set the thing. I kept going over then under. Getting the hang of it now though.
  18. Most cars have an EMS or ECU which is a little computer that controls the engine by looking at various inputs like temperature and emissions, and then altering the fuel mix? and engine speed and stuff like that to give you optimum power, and at the same time keeping the emissions low. Most manufacturers program their ECUs to get the lowest possible emissions output or better fuel economy at the expense of power. So if you "chip" your car, it usualy it means changing the program in the ECU to make it fiddle with the engine for more power, usualy sacraficing fuel economy and emissions. Not sure how much it improves performence, but look in the C5 section to see how much extra HP his C5 got. Imagine that in a C3
  19. citroen dealer "yes Mr. Ben your car is fixed"
  20. So who knows all about chipping cars? Especialy C3 diesels. I guess its the program in the ECU/EMS thats actualy changed, and what happens at mot time? Do the mods increase fuel emissions? Most manufactures use the programming in the ecu to control emissions, at the cost of performence, are these chips undoing that?
  21. Hey Kevin, does your chipped C5 have higher emissions? I'm thinking of getting my C3 chipped so it will play import games :angry:
  22. Well The engine seems to run fine now, maybe a little more noisey but I'm getting used to that. And I'm sure the blowing fumes into the cockpit is just the dealers fault.
  23. Since my dealer did my recall, and apparenty fitted the CAT, i now get exhaust fumes into the cockpit when the heater is on and i either drive slowly or stop (even when not in traffic). Could my C3 possibly get any worse? Booked it into a different dealer, lest hope it gets sorted.
  24. Have since spoekn to Citroen UK about this, and my dealer is wrong by telling me I will get car hire longer than 3 days if my car is not ready. It is up to the dealer to arrange a courtesy car.
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