If I have my seat where I want it when driving then tall people cannot sit comfortably in the back behind me. So I would say iot lacks rear legroom, but you are right it is supposed to be a small car, it just looks big from the front. Or from a rear view mirror as you rocket along behind someone then over take and suddenly your power is gone so you stay level with the car till it comes back. Sorry, still a bit bitter from my engine troubles. The boot is nice. I like the way it goes deaper under the modu-board. Lots of people I've shown my car to are impressed with that. The interior is nice, but it is cheap, but it is a Citroen. Does your anyone elses trouser get caught on the bit of plastic on the centre bit to the left of the clutch? I like the bobbles on the plastic. Not sure what kind of chickens reviewers eat but it can't be healthy to eat blue or grey chicken with blobs everywhere.