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Everything posted by mooseshaver

  1. When doing 70-90mph somewhere, mine overall was doing 60mpg. Drving to my previous job and back, which was 85 miles of hills and little overtaking it seemed to do 65mpg. My saxo was a 1.1 east coast. And its engine trouble was worse than my C3. Every winter it would either not start, or have no power and kangaroo down the road like a learner. And guess what? The Dealer found no fault but replaced lots of things anyway. But that fuel guage was odd I'm sure. I ran out of fuel a few times. But it didn't always seem to read the right amount like my C3 manages. I too was told I could add air-con to a saxo for about £600. Cheaper in the north (Cumbria). But I like my C3, when it works.
  2. Thanks Porky, All this time I've been reducing my security. Suppose someone had stolen my C3? Actualy with the HDI-16s problems I could just walk and catch up with them :P I knew about the locating function. Even now I press it from as far away as possible to impress the ladies. Mr. Ben
  3. when I lock my C3 from the remote, sometimes when I press the lock button a second time, I can hear something locking, when it should all be locked. What is it? I've tried trying the locks before pressing a second time but usualy find it doesn't do it and just flashes the lights.
  4. How long does it take Haynes to make a manual? Looked in Halfords for a C3 one boot not seen it, can't find windscreen wipers either. I don't know why I want a Haynes manual, I can't actualy do anything with a car apart from screenwash and check the oil.
  5. The Engine does something magic with the diesel as long as its above 0 degrees so it has no need for glo-plugs. Or thats what I got from the Citroen website. Have notice that below freezing mine takes slightly longer to start, but I never see a warning lamp for glo-plugs. However, when driving a HDI van, it had a glo-plug lamp but didn't care if I waited for it to go out or not. Fuelguage? Mine lets see on the top two segments I get 79 miles. The lowerones are much better but I forget how much each. Will have a look. I always get over 600 miles on a tank, unless its playing up with its no power thing. That orange light comes on its own just a few litres from when it lit up with the last segment. About two litres is it? It says in your manual. Never actualy ran mine out. Guage is better than my Saxo ever was.
  6. Hello Mr. Pork_pie sir, Manufacturers are slowly realising that chains are better than belts after all. So some are changing to chains. Probably not Citroen if I think about it cos that might be more expensive and maybe reliable. :P The parts are not actualy in for my car yet. Had this problem with Boost Electro Valves. Have noticed that if I complain lots to Citroen or Citroen Finance, they just ring the Dealer and probably get nasty with them cos the Dealer is very helpfull on the phone afterwards. Is there anyway to get at Citroen? I fancy a trip to France anyone want to go and infiltrate Citroen headquaters and steal their C3s cos I bet theirs work fine.
  7. Apparently the camshaft change was due to concerns about the life of them. Wow I actualy foud out something from my dealer. I'm waiting for the parts, but have not been told about timing chain. Are the two connected? Does the timing chain due the same as a timing belt?
  8. And I thought my dealer had tuned all mine in for me, I use radio 1 through 4 on buttons 1 to 4. Apparently the radio volume increase is not that much, says according to my dealer today.
  9. Mark A, have you taken your car back to the Dealer yet? If so what have they done/said? Still getting nowhere with mine. Perhaps we should get our dealers to talk to eachother and see if they can come up with anything collectively?
  10. mooseshaver

    C3 Reviews

    If I have my seat where I want it when driving then tall people cannot sit comfortably in the back behind me. So I would say iot lacks rear legroom, but you are right it is supposed to be a small car, it just looks big from the front. Or from a rear view mirror as you rocket along behind someone then over take and suddenly your power is gone so you stay level with the car till it comes back. Sorry, still a bit bitter from my engine troubles. The boot is nice. I like the way it goes deaper under the modu-board. Lots of people I've shown my car to are impressed with that. The interior is nice, but it is cheap, but it is a Citroen. Does your anyone elses trouser get caught on the bit of plastic on the centre bit to the left of the clutch? I like the bobbles on the plastic. Not sure what kind of chickens reviewers eat but it can't be healthy to eat blue or grey chicken with blobs everywhere.
  11. I have one, and unfortunatly I cannot recomend it because of all the faluts I have with the engine that the dealer seems incapable of fixing. Also suffers from a large amount of recalls that they don't even tell new owners about so how a second hand owner will find out I don't know.
  12. Does anyone's stereo volume actualy increase/decrease with speed? Its supposed to but mine never does and I'm not sure it ever did.
  13. I found out about the recall today by chance because I rang my dealer about my ongoing fault with lack of power. Citroen do not appear to have contacted me about the recall. I am apparently waiting for a new cam shaft and a cat. Although the cat is apparently for the rattle I get a t certain revs, despite being told previously I was getting some weights for the gearbox linkage.
  14. Meeee I've had this problem since October when I bought my car, and its got so bad that sometimes I have almost no power at all giving me slow acceleration and a max speed of about 34MPH on a flat road. My dealer has tried in vain to find the fault, and sometimes the fault can't be replicated. I've had new Boost Electro Valves, and some other thing that recylcled something or other. And still its not fixed.
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