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Everything posted by Stuey

  1. Stuey

    Economy Mode

    leave the engine running for a couple of minutes, that will charge the battery again...
  2. good point, you can get mods to change Ipod screen colours and I would imagine that is pretty much the same technology...
  3. Stuey

    Economy Mode

    it has to be on ignition for a while before it goes onto econmy...like if you are listening to the radio with the engine off...
  4. red centre console would be awesome!! not sure on the green though...
  5. MEgs NXT tech wax is the mutts nuts mate!! I did mine with it about a week ago and it is still shining although it is getting dusty now it has stopped raining for 5 minutes Like Wozza said it is availble from halfords for about 15 quid and comes with a little applicator pad thingy so you dont have to worry about cloths and such
  6. Stuey

    Economy Mode

    if you start the enige for a couple of minutes then turn it off and carry on polishing ETC it shuts up for about another half hour annoying but handy feature take the rough with the smooth as they say
  7. welcome aboard you join the Oriental Blue club currently compromising of me and mat Wozza is right about your insurance...I would leave it alone for the moment as I imagine you are paying a massive ammount for your insurance already... -S-
  8. I think crash test dummy should be my role, I am winning on the C4 crashes front...
  9. when I run out of shampoo I will get some Meg Gold along with some other bits. Bought a lambswool mit and that is pretty cool and some microfibre cloths for polishing again very good, extemely heavy though (major arm arche afterwards :P ) I found a load of tar over the passengers side but that came off easily with tar remover and then a polish afterwards...
  10. I did mine with Meg's Tech wax and I am a total convert!! the paint now looks like glass!! pretty much the same as Welshguys...
  11. Afternoon chaps! just got a letter from Max Power reminding me that the Live show is on at the end June anyone fancy having a bit of a meet in Brum on the 2nd July (Sunday)?? more info here!
  12. that would be a big old no i'm afraid, you could have a Chamios at hand but other than nowt...
  13. I would like to have these with that kit too please!! and the engine oh and while you are at it Loeb's wage packet :(
  14. im a photographer, the closest thing I use to a powertool is an electric screwdriver!! that detailing world site does have a place where you put down location and you can meet up with people who have polishers near you and you repay them with booze!!
  15. not really a fan of black on black personally, with Wozza on the anthracite rims and matching tints... damn it Wozza everytime you mention anything to do with modding I end up adding things to my list!!
  16. im the person who scratched his own car with the key!! do you really think that I should be using power tools near it?? :P
  17. I am very tempted by quite subtle smoke coloured tints at the moment...my wheels are caked in brake dust and road muck and have gone quite a dark grey and they look really quite nice so I was thinking smoke tints and when I get round to buying the VTS wheels have them powder coated grey..
  18. good point, well made, point stands :P I didnt notice the intercooler on there, looks like a big one too so it probably runs cooler than our cars!! assuming the turbo isnt EVO FQ400 sized :D
  19. how many times can you use the clay?? is it a 1 shot wonder or what?? youd better get polishing anyway Wozza FCS is only a few hours away *cracks whip* take many pics too... instead of FCS I will enjoy my drive to Bolton, the culture capital of shitsville!!
  20. I saw one in red less the spoiler and I must admit that it did look pretty hot...I really dont understand why people dont tick the spoiler box on the options list!! they dont look right without them. I think that they where designed to have them but Citroen didnt want to miss a trick and get a few hundred quid from customers...saw a VTS without a spoiler, stupid woman...
  21. you are misguided my friend!! Oriental Blue is the way forward (if you can still get that colour that is!!)
  22. yeah my swirl marks are getting quite noticable. Thats 9 months of innocently using a sponge :D I enjoy washing my car but PC polishers and paint gauges is taking it a bit to far IMO that is a good list of stuff I may well get that, leave the clay out for the moment I reckon, thats the one thing I am a bit dubious of scraping clay accross the body work....smells like trouble :P I think I am going to Max Power Live at the end of June and there is normally loads of stuff for much cheapness so I will raid the stands....anyone else fancy going to that show??
  23. bubblegum eh?? my car has flies walking over it already as it is parked near trees and has sap or something so it attracts them, flies I can live with but the village idiot licking my car is something completly different :P I had a look at one of the shops that detailing world reccomended and you can spend stupid ammounts on shampoo alone!! I will finish my bottle of turtle wax before I buy a different type. I was tempted to finish my Autoglym resin polish but after reading about the anti swirl Megs tech wax I will grab some of that, lambswool mit and some towel sheets
  24. Stuey

    Car Damage

    *cough* cant get bits from anywhere else *cough* monopoly *cough* :P
  25. just looking at that picture again and that is a whole load of engine in a small space, I bet cooling is a nightmare!!
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