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Everything posted by Mike5483

  1. Hi can anyone please tell me how to release the cassette tape stereo on a 2002 xsara please. thanks
  2. Mike5483

    C4 Shocks

    All I can say is my car has not been very good at all. It has never broken down but its had... New Front Brakes New Catalytic Converter New Radiator New Clutch New Rear Shocks New Ball Joints New Steering Wheel Switch Pack New Weatherproof Boot Seal New Heater Control Motors Thats a lot for a 2 3/4 year old car and they aren't little things either. As I said, the car will be going next year, I have lost faith in it. I dont even enjoy driving it now. It still crashes through potholes, it can't cope with rippled road surfaces, the suspension still groans when I pull away and steer.
  3. Mike5483

    C4 Shocks

    My shocks were replaced at about 33000 miles. Not very good to my mind.
  4. Mike5483

    C4 Shocks

    My Shocks have been replaced under warranty to. Both the back ones were weeping. I'm beginning tho think that the C4 is like any other Citroen. The components seem to be of a very weak design, so many things on my car have been replaced now. Luckily, all of the work has been under warranty, but I am genuinely worried about when the warranty runs out. I will be selling my car neat year.
  5. I dont really know what you are talking about, you should have 12V and you cant get an 8V resistor. You probably need a 400 ohm 1W resistor and and I would suggest you go over what you have done as something seems to be dragging your voltage down.
  6. I have got Falken FK452's on mine and they are very quiet, but they are soft and might not last long on your rough roads. Tyre pressures should be about 32PSi.
  7. ScratchX is the best thing for use by hand. But its hard work. Auto Glym Super Resin polish is wicked stuff when used with a PC (Rotary Cleaner). You just have to be careful you dont push too hard, becuase its slightly abrasive and can take of the laquer. By hand, SRP will fill the the scratches and they wont be as noticeable, but they wont be gone. You could ask a body shop to sort it out, they just use a cutting paste and an orbital cleaner to take a small layer of laquer off, dont know how much this would cost though.
  8. Faulty brake pedal switch could have caused the CC p;lus the brake lights not to work. One wonders whether they jumped on the lights first, then when replacing bulbs didnt work, they replaced the switch and are lumping everything together in one bill.
  9. Ill bring some solvent cleaner home from work. Im not gonna cut and solder them (yet). Ill try everything else first and if not, I'll let Citroen do it. No argument over warrenty etc then.
  10. Doh, it came back again today and then went off again. The drivers seat had been moved again. Im sure its the drivers seat. Will have to wait til its dry to have a proper look.
  11. Well, I gave the male plugs a clean by scraping with a small knife. I didnt use the WD in the end. Anyway, put them back together and it went off. I went out a little later and it came on again then went off as I drove away and its been off ever since. I think the fault is on the drivers seat. I have no proof of this, its a bit of a gut feeling. Keeping my eye on it, but all the time there is no fault, there isnt much to look for. Thanks for all your help, I shall reply back if I find out anything further.
  12. Cheers Ian. Ive borrowed some WD40 from work, so Im going to go through all the plugs, give a quick clean and squirt and see what happens.
  13. Anybody know if there is an area or joint etc that is suspectible to faults on this system??? My car keeps showing this fault. It did come on and go off randomly, but now its on all the time. I assume its a loose connection, but have checked all the plugs and they all look ok. Any other suggestions. Its got to go in soon anyway to get the heater looked at.
  14. Ive had a new Cat on mine (under warrenty) as the blow sounds like it was coming from there, but it still makes the noise, so assume its normal. The first place I took it to told me it was induction noise!!! As for the suspension, mine isnt so much crashy (probably cause its got the stiffer setup), but mine groans when I pull away and the steering is heavy whilst it groans. Once if pulled away and the suspension settles, its fine for the rest of the journey. Dealer cant find any problems. Has replaced several parts but to no avail. It didnt do it when I bought it, it just started, thats the wierd thing. As I say, the steering goes heavy whilst the noise is occuring, I dont know whether its a suspension or steering issue. It only occurs of first pull away, as the nose rises. Other than that, nothing is affected during normal running. Wierd!!!
  15. I seem to have exactly the same symptoms as you, especially the exhaust, it sounds like its blowing. I dont have a VTS, but I do have a 2.0 so assume that the exhaust is probably similar.
  16. I agree, the C4 is a fantyastically comfortable car. I should know, I have driven to spain in mine. I just meant that as a drivers car, the Focus is better. In every other respect (maybe bar build quality) I prefer the C4 and if you throw styling into the pot, then there isnt a hatchback that will touch the C4. I think the C4 is a very good all-rounder, but probably every hatch out there is better in some respect, Focus handling, Golf build quality etc etc. No hatch beats it for comfort though.
  17. Could this be the basis for the C4 cc???
  18. Exactly where the hand book tells you it is!!! Whats up with the way it drives??? Its not as accomplished as a focus, but its not bad.
  19. The best way I found of touching paint up is to ensure that the scratch is clean, with no debris, then using a pin, put a small blob at one end, then 'drag' it along with a damp tissue or wet finger etc. Allow to dry then repeat. It builds layers up slowly and once just below the level of the finished surface, add a couple of layers of laquer til its just proud. Then, once fully dry (allow a week of so), lightly cut back with some AG SRP. Seems to work ok, you'll never get a perfect match anyway, as a properly repaired scratch is featherd in to the surrounding paint so it blends.
  20. For some reason, some people can fit them and they work, other people fit them and they dont. This does not seem to be model specific either, its the luck of the draw. Im not sure if its a computer thing, or just part of the loom thats not connected up somewhere. If you want to try it, it wont break the bank, but you might be a little dissapointed.
  21. All well and good if you've got a diesel, but his is petrol, so he cant really do much of that. If you look at sites that tune Peugeot 206 GTi's, 306GTI's etc, you may find some bits, as they have the same engine. You will get very little from your engine without serious work, cause as Wozza says, its already tuned. Nos might be the easiest way, but you have to think of internals, pistons may need uprating so they dont melt. The fact is, the rally car has the same engine, but everything is uprated to take the extra power. It will be difficult and expensive.
  22. Have you seen this years JD Power survey??? C4 comes in 98th out of 113 & Citroen came 21st out of 33. Not very good really is it. Guess where most marks were lost??? Thats it, service and interior quality!!!
  23. Im thinking of getting an Alfa 159 or a Saab 9-3 rag top. They are the two at the top of the list at the moment.
  24. I still think its gonna be a typical French car in that, after about 3 years, its gonna feel shagged out. I mean, mine is starting to rattle horrendously from the interior, and its only at 2yrs old (30500 miles). And the heater has just done its party piece of blowing cold air only out of the drivers side, plus the front suspension still isnt sorted. Im thinking of getting rid of mine next year. Had enough of the niggles. Im happy with the service I get from Hidsons at Rainham, can't fault it. But everytime I go there, its a 40mile round trip. I must admit, the shine has worn off of my C4 now. It doesn't feel special to me anymore, I dont feel excited to get into it and drive it, its just a car to me now. Its sad to say that, because its still a dramatic looking car, but its just the way I feel.
  25. Mike5483

    Lazy Car

    Get it on a motorway and give it some revs. Keep it in 4th or even third for a few miles (at high revs) this should help clear the engine. See what its like after that. It probably is down to the high percentage of city driving.
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