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Everything posted by citroeneddie

  1. Hi Arrows, sorry for the delayed reply. About £130, but I got a bit of a discount as I am a regular. Thanks Eddie
  2. Had cruise control fitted to my 2007 Pluriel last week by my Citroen Dealer, one stalk, fit into column, programme in, job done. Speed limiter does not work, but who uses it anyway? Happy Days :(
  3. Hi Kev Thanks for the reply, apologies for the delay in thanking you, have been away to France on holiday. Keep smiling. Thanks again Eddie
  4. Well if nobody wants to talk about the Pluriel, here goes for a change... I have heard that on the later models, if you drive off with the roof over the rear screen, because it is illegal, then you have to go back to the Dealer to reprogramme before the roof goes back into place. I know the earlier ones did not do this, but does any one know if this is now the case. Don't want to drive off and not get the roof back on after thats all. Thanks in advance Eddie
  5. I think you have to buy the base as well as the covering, I dont thnk they come seperately.
  6. What's the deal Kirkie?
  7. Billy 16k does not seem a lot of mileage for a clutch, but again it is due to use I suppose. There may have been a mechanical failurte of some sort, so worth investigation. I have done many miles(motorway mainly though) with my Citroens and never had a problem. Thanks Eddie
  8. Not sure if the Citroen USB box would be compatible with mark 1 C5- check with your dealer.
  9. Thanks Greenhills. Can I assume all alright since then? Cheers Eddie
  10. Hi Greenhills Which and when was the thread on this? Thanks Eddie
  11. Thanks for the advice Dave. Regards Eddie
  12. Thanks but we'll wait and see as it only happens about once a month. With the new download, have noticed the date stays on the screen when the radio is on. Does yours or was it like that before? I can't remember
  13. Had a download to the ecu so hopefully all okay. Will keep you informed.
  14. C3 1.1 engine keeps cutting out and needs revs to get going again. Happens when engine warm or idling. Dealer thinks it is a coolant switch. Any ideas any one? Thanks in advance. Eddie
  15. citroeneddie

    Mp3 Player

    I would suggest that the ipod was tuned into one of the FM frequencies on those special editions.
  16. My daughters C1 has just had the fronts replaced at 16.5k after second year service. Might be due to her style of driving but interesting points from earlier in the thread.
  17. Kfk Does the annual service apply to petrol and diesel? About time they stopped the 1000 mile check, it was only a tyre kicking exercise anyway :huh: Thanks Eddie
  18. Welcome. Go for it, hopefully you won't be disappointed.
  19. Hi Kfk Is there any thing you don't know? What about fixing the channel tunnel whilst you're down there :D Hope you are okay, good to hear from you. Regards Eddie
  20. And because Citroen tend to use the cashback as part of the deposit in the finance paperwork, then a 50% owing will be easily achievable. Good point about the 50% car return, well done Rtbitboy, I've used that clause before.
  21. Kirkie I have always bought Citroens on Elect 3 with no problems, but just remember that you are paying interest in the first months so you need to stick with it. I like to change often so normally opt for a 2 year deal with about a 10% deposit. Don't put a big deposit down as although the repayments are lower, you don't get much back at the end. Let us know how you get on. ReEgards Eddie
  22. Marktime Welcome to the Forum, let us know how you get on. I've had loads of Citroens, all fine except an early 03 Pluriel with roof leaks. Regards Eddie
  23. I agree with Tronboy's comments. I saw one in the dealer this week and although it is more rounded and updated, price was always the big factor with these, and if the standard become extras, then it becomes expensive.
  24. In my opinion, if it is fitted by a Citroen Dealer with official Citroen parts, the warranty would not be void.
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