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Everything posted by Welshguy

  1. Thankfully there's probably a bigger market for Astra parts than there is C4 parts! Just a case of being sensible, parking it where it attracts the least attention (I.E driveway and not the street if possible) and making sure everything is locked, and your keys are stored safely.
  2. I sleep next to my keys :rolleyes:
  3. Not an awful lot you can do sorry mate. People like that are scum. Do you have a driveway? The best you can hope to do is keep gates shut and put up some bushes etc...helps create an enclosed space that scum dont like going into in my opinion. More likely to get cornered and cop a beating :rolleyes: You thought about CCTV?
  4. Good point Wozza, but I was thinking along the lines of: 1. Never been pulled in 2 years of driving so local police like my car :rolleyes: If you drive half sensibly and dont look like a chav then your pretty unlikely to be "picked on". 2. French plates look closer to UK spec than German plates that police frown upon..
  5. They do the job ! :lol: I'm actually thinking about getting some French style plates made up, but I can't decide if it's worth the hassle from the Po-Po :P
  6. Glad to hear of the good news C4coupe1 (is that your first name? :blink: ) ! Can I ask...how much was the independent report? As I've previously mentioned I suffer from the knocking noise, and although I have found my dealership to be helpful and replace parts in an attempt to fix the problem, it would be nice to get a second opinion on where the problem is!
  7. Nobody has mentioned this yet so I'll add my 2cents - have you thought about sound deadening? In my opinion the C4 is pretty well screwed together, but some extra sound deadening around the speakers and subwoofer will keep the rattles away and direct the bass back into the car, giving you a "harder" bass note. Quite cheap and if you know how to take panels off etc you can do it yourself!
  8. http://www.hullcruise.net/donny/don12.JPG that is unbelievable. :blink: My friend mentioned that on sunday (apparently) the organisers of the show had unmarked cars patrolling looking for things like this. I can't believe anybody had the gall to attempt something like that! @ Ham Nice pictures you got there! Any of your C4?
  9. Lol I read that first and thought your boss didn't tell the garage he traded it in at...I was imaging the look on their faces after they handed over the cash/new car and then tried to start the transit! :blink:
  10. By the way - any pictures of your car?
  11. Ahh..Evans Halshaw..was going to try them out in regards to fixing one or two little niggles with the car as I have always previously gone to Jacksons on Bessemer Road. I'm not sure if your familiar with Cardiff but the Jackson's place is purely a garage (no sales) and it's a stone's throw away from Evans Halshaw - They've sometimes not been able to fix faults that I raise but that cannot be faulted in terms of customer service. You are definately made to feel your care matters to them. I would suggest trying them in future? Tell them Mr. O'Leary sent you and no doubt they will smile..I am a regular! As for your current situation...well if you pointed out a stratch while filling in their paperwork and they signed off the car as ok (bar your listed stratch) then I would say they failed in their duty to properly inspect the car and it's their fault if you have discovered a new stratch. The bottom line as I see it - unless the stratch was seen and pointed out to you when looking over the car (and thus mentioned in the paperwork), then it's their responsibility. Threaten them with a call to Citroen UK and see what happens.
  12. Ont point I have to raise...did the dealership 'bully' you into getting new tyres? I think technically they are within their rights to stop you leaving with the car on defective tyres, which means of course you can't shop around so you have to go with the prices they are offering? As for me...I have Toyo Proxes...they are the business!!! ;) @ lol at Stuey's motto...maybe you should put that in your signature!
  13. If you left it in their care then they should be responsible for it's welfare, however I'm pretty sure the disclaimer you probably signed allows the dealership to accept no liability in the event of something like this. It depends if THEY made the stratch, or if somebody else did (I.E. if it was parked on the forecourt and somebody just walked past and decided to damage it). Keep kicking up a fuss though and I'm sure they will come good. Just make sure you kick up a fuss in public face-to-face meetings. Nothing a dealership hates more than a customer kicking off in public! Im actually in Cardiff - which dealership are you referring to?
  14. Agreed :D I begin to drive off most journeys with any passengers BEGGING me to put my seatbelt on, just to turn off the nagging. Which causes me to ask...do any of you 'talk' to your C4? I tell mine to stop nagging me constantly (the general alarm), and also to go faster when I'm overtaking. The car also gets a 'well done' when it's done something well. :blink: :lol: :P ;)
  15. Welcome ;) Nice looking C4 there, anything planned for it?
  16. she sounds lovely :D I feel your pain! ;)
  17. Yup..this happens in my C4, although in reverse..tends to happen a lot more until the engine is really warm. My guess is something gearbox related is "loose" until it warms up and expands, creating a proper fit? I have had 2 engine mounts replaced and the gear cabling replaced and still the problem remains. I have even had a test drive with a Citroen tech and the car behaved itself perfectly! I am looking to book the car back in with a different dealership soon so will keep you posted. Is that even a word Mike? :rolleyes: I think I understand what you mean though..it's like a grating noise when you put your foot down. Happens to me as well, and as yet no fix.
  18. I was thinking the same thing about the spoiler as I was looking at that picture. Definately would finish it off nicely. Can't help but have a touch of jealousy over those leather seats! :rolleyes:
  19. I have, and still do, suffered from the Boot problem. I have already had one boot lock replaced, but the problem keep returning. My solution is to press lightly down on the spoiler as you press the boot release in, as it ensures the lock doesn't catch. Only problem is when your hands are full!
  20. I can confirm this..I had a crack in my screen which was replaced FOC by my local dealership - unfortunately the external trim seems to be "raised" slighty ever since. Not a big problem, but slightly annoying.
  21. Yeah it's alright ministers talking up Public transport etc, but I notice they do tend to go first class. Try economy for once !!! Before I passed my test I used to get the bus to my current job - 2 buses and it was then £3.50 a day. The journey was usually around 45 minutes to travel a total of 6 miles to work, and then god knows how long on the journey home because of congestion. I have sometimes been waiting on a long Cardiff road that is a mile long for upto an hour and a bit in a damp, cold bus on a winters night. Not fun. The car gets me to the particular road before the congestion starts so I usually sail through. I know which method I prefer. ;)
  22. Sorry...should have been more specific..I was referring to the "Donny Show 2007" - check out http://www.donnyshow.co.uk/ . I have been before and it was a great laugh.
  23. Anybody here attending? I have my ticket booked - a boys day out! Not sure if I'm going up on the 7th or 8th yet, as my brother is making all the arrangements. Looks like we are taking my C4, so will be there with it hopefully all detailed! Will take a look at C4owners.co.uk now..maybe they are organising stands etc? Would be good to show off the car rather than leave it in the car park!
  24. Yeah definately want to have a look at Scrappies, or failing that there is the occassional car on ebay breaking.
  25. Welshguy

    Doors Again

    See the other thread. One of the guys reported that his lights needed to be turned off at the dealership. If they are a helpful dealership they'll probably do this for free.
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