Have you used the Speed Limiter as well yet? I find it very useful sometimes - for example on the way to work this morning I travel down a long straight 30mph road..and the local paper had said there would be speed camera's there from today (for a week). I find it 'hard' to keep to the limit on that road so a keep flick of the switch and no ticket for me!
I agree partially to this, but to be fair its an OEM part so I can't see how any insurance company could complain about this. The assessor would also have to spot this in the event of an accident, and I very much doubt it would draw his/her attention...
That's because they are smart and realise that if a thief comes along, he's far more likely to attempt to steal the "fun" VTS rather than the "dull" 4x4. Thats the exact reason I park next to more "attractive" cars - its in the hope the other car will attract any unwanted attention! :)
Just curious... When your with the other half and park in a car park etc...do you park a little bit to the right of the parking space in order to give the missus more room to open their door if surrounded by cars? I know I do...I can judge the distance between my car door, and the adjacent car's bodywork :)
I was worrying about my tyres yesterday because of the high winds..I came out of my street to goto work and was following the car in front...when all of a sudden they braked hard..a wooden fence had been blown over into the road...they had no choice but to go over it, and so did I... :angry: Checked the tyres last night...thankfully there doesn't look like there is any damage...
I have had my door handles replaced as well under warrenty. Since I had had then painted they occasionally stick, but thats due to the added thickness of the paint.
Annoys me more when people slam my doors! As for the Rear end of the coupe, I was actually look at it yesterday after work...if you couch down to a driver height the back of the car looks really intimidating :) Do I need help ? :)
They are definately useful though...I had a BMW X5 with his halo's driving up my *** the other night, so I did the "slow right down to 10mph in a 30 zome" trick..missed a downchange though and he caught me out and overtook me...so I repeated the trick to him and voiced my displeasure at the ****
Correct. :) Seriously though the visability in daylight is fine, and if you are a good driver you should be aware of whats behind you etc in the dark anyways. The only problem you might have is with reversing...but a good look and use of your windmirrors quickly solves that!
My brother (a Car Audi installation expert) once did this - he couldn't find a hole to thread some cables through so he thought he'd drill a small hole through the bulkhead...little did he know that the Audi bulkhead was filled with sand...que a mini beach on the guy's front foot rest! :P
Just my 2 cents : I've noticed this line - Are you particularly unhappy with the standard speakers? I've found mine to be of a really good quality - I have installed an Alpine unit, and with a little bit of setting up the sound from the front speakers is very very good. Just send no bass to them, and let the Subwoofer do the bass.
Thats the same kinda thing my brother says when he looks under the bonnet of my C4...he say's my 1.4 engine looks like the starter motor for his 1.8T 20v ....GRRR