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Everything posted by Routemaster1

  1. I don't know whether the C5 electric parking brake is like a C4 Picasso, but on those stop the engine, switch on the 'ignition' without starting the engine, operate the brake switch with your foot on the footbrake. Switch off the ignition.
  2. If the battery is OK t sounds like an issue with the starter. Check all the wires and connections at the battery, the starter motor cable and the earts. if these are OK, then it may well be the starter itself.
  3. I took my C3 key to a local locksmith who sorted it for me for £20.
  4. Really? It only applies the brake and releases as soon as you start to move!
  5. For the cruise control, try spraying the control wheel with switch cleaner (not WD40) Also try moving the wheel up and down and in and out. This costs little and has been known to work.
  6. If you have only done 14000 miles in 6 years, a diesel isn't the ideal vehicle. What type of driving do you do? If it is local and short trios, it is likely that the particle filter is blocking/blocked with soot as the exhaust doesn't get hot enough to burn off the soot particles. I would suggest that you get on a motorway or dual carriageway and drive the car for a minimum of 15 minutes to try to burn off any soot.
  7. I had a 2.0HDi C4 Picasso with an EGS box. Although many people call them 'automatic' the gearbox is a 'piloted manual'. There is no torque converter and no eletrovalves. Changing the gearbox oil will be unlikely to change the way the box performs. Due to the way it is set up these gearboxes have difficulty dealing with speeds below @10mph. You need to adapt your driving style to suit the gearbox. Don't 'floor' the accellerator whilst it is in 2nd gear. If you need to be sure of a reasonably fast getaway, use the controls to select 1st gear.
  8. It wouldn't be a 5 seat Grand, because, as far as I know' they were never sold in the UK.
  9. Not if under warranty though
  10. You could also check whether the pipes behind the driver's side headlight as getting cold. In my case, the pump appeared to be running, and no leaks found, and the culprit (I'm told) is a failed compressor.
  11. I've tried and it does work.
  12. On c4s, pattern filters have been know to disintegrate internally, causing loss of oil pressure. It just isn't worth fitting a cheap one.
  13. It is extremely tricky to retro-fit items like this. The loom may be in place, but unless the BSI is aware of the equipment it is unlikely to work. It may be possible to change the settings via diagbox. In general I would say don't bother trying to retro-fit. If you really want a piece if equipment the only realistic way of getting it is to buy a car with it aleady fitted.
  14. What do you mean by 'never comes on'. It should illuminate during starting, but not during normal driving.
  15. It is probably a colour called Icare.
  16. Ii is not necessarily a main dealer job. If the ELOYS has not been topped up or the bag replaced (depending on model and year there may be a tank or bag) the first thing to do is to replenish the fluid. There are several types which may or may not be compatible. Once the fluid has been 'filled up', then it is necessary for the system to be updated to reset the counter. This needs to be done using a Lexia or diagbox. You may find a specialist who can do this for you.
  17. The older (pre 2013 Picasso) was never equipped for Adblue, so this must be an earlyish example of the newer model. This model was never fitted with air suspension. In fact the later run-out models of the older version called Platinum (basically equivalent to Exclusive) changed to springs, so air didn't make it t the end of the older version.
  18. To add to this, when changing the oil, the old oil should be drained when hot and allowed to drain thoroughly. If fitting a new filter a good quality one should be used as cheap pattern ones fail inside and can cause oil pressure issues. It isn't worth saving a couple of pounds!
  19. A while ago it was strongly recommended that the tyres with most tread (and by extrapolation, most grip) should be fitted to the rear. If you did this with Michelins on the back, you would reduce the risk of spinning out of control. Note that whilst in Spain a few years ago I nearly got wiped out by a Passat where the driver lost the rear on a bend. But that would leave you with traction and steering issues. If it were me I would ditch the Matadors and go for 4 decent tyres.
  20. I had this happen on our older C3, after ~82000 miles. Engine management light on and STOP and into emergency mode., although after 30 minutes it started and ran fine apart from the engine light still on. This hapened at ~18.00 on a Friday evening. So I took it to the local agent on Saturday morning. I was told that I needed a set of 4 injectors and a potential bill of over £2000. As I have maintained the Citroen warranty, the agent got in touch with them, and they would only replace the faulty No1 injector. So I did that and was pressured into paying for some kind of audio insulation, which was strongly recommended but not covered. It is OK now, and still covered. If I can extend it again I will, and I will have any injectors replaced individually.
  21. I don't believe diesel has to go, old diesel needs to go. Euro 6 is nearly as clean as petrol, assuming that the company hasn't cheated on the tests.
  22. Surely you mean that the ratios in a diesel gearbox will be too high for a petrol engine.
  23. We were coming back from our holiday in our C4 Picasso, travelling west towards a beautiful sunset. I suggested my wife take a photo, and to get the camera out of the locker in front of the gear lever. Insead of opening the locker, she pulled on the electric parking brake lever. The car did slow dramatically, feeling like it does when ABS kicks in, but it certainly did not lock the rear wheels. Makes me wonder whether you are correct and the brake does not pull on fully with the engine running, or indeed that the ABS will not allow it to lock.
  24. The new 2013 version of the C4 Picasso certainly uses the new expensive type, so I wouldn't be surprised to find your car uses the new type fluid. I've tried googling but without much success.
  25. Whoops. The 2 we no longer have were C4 Grand Picassos, we have a 2015 C4 Grand Picasso; the next two are a 2011 61 reg C3 1.6 HDi 110bhp, the third is a 2016 16 reg C3 Platinum 1.6 HDi. If I can I will edit my previous post to clarify.
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