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Everything posted by Randombloke

  1. Does your VTR have a gauge for the battery voltage? If so, what does it say? Also, have you got a loose filament in the headlight bulb(s)? If so, expect the bulb to blow soon. Are the headlight washers being set off when you are driving? Could it be the headlight levelling?
  2. Checked with Pete Simpson at Mid Kent Citroen using the RPN number and the filter isn't due a change for a while. I'll check with him again at 72,000 miles as this is when some older cars needed a DPF change. Have you any figures for what people get in real life with this car/engine combo? I'd asked and been told 35 to 42 wasn't too bad......
  3. I'm wondering what sort of fuel consumption 2.2 HDi owners are getting? Mine is a 5 speed, 136 Bhp 02 2.2. I get between 35 and 43 mpg, taken off the trip computer but verified by checking tank to tank mileage v amount of fuel needed for a refill. The car has 70,000 miles on the clock. The figures are with the car clean, not towing nor with anything on the roof. I find that to get over 40mpg I must stay below 75mph / 120km/h. I've been driving it in France, before you ask about speeding. Best figure of 42/43 mpg obtained with a mixture of 50 mph on dual carriageways and 70 mph on the motorway. The car has cruise control which I use in the absence of crowded roads.
  4. Thanks for the info, eaabos. I went out to look at my own vehicle after your suggestions. They were very helpful and as you say, the job is not as big as it appears on the Yahoo file download. However, some minor issues: Bottom left cover: I could not get this off. It did not make sense to force it so I took the top cover off which holds the high level brake light. It is easy to break the clips that hold this in place after all the screws are removed. When I got the car I bought a selection of trim clips as I anticipated doing this job and replacing the aerial. Just as well, I broke one clip removing the fitting Single or double wire? I would run a twin cable as I think if one printed circuit has failed, the other one will soon. The ground side of my switch was still working, but I soldered onto that and the control side with a twin cable and taped it in place. It may not be necessary to remove the cover on the lower inner boot completely, just enough to get your hand in to push the solenoid up. Meta 4 asked: The switch is under the rubber cover under the wiper assembly, but some dealers asked me what the hell I thought I was doing, and said it wasn't possible when I tried to open the glass part of the tailgate. Before doing the repair, stick a meter across the two solder pads in the rear tailgate where the button connects and just make sure a short appears across them when you push the button. The switch is simply a short which triggers a solenoid in the other (lower half) of the tailgate. Removing most or all of the 18 small poppers that hold the inside tailgate cover will allow you to open the glass part, as I've mentioned above. I use this car for hang gliding and paragliding and for hang gliding it is paramount that the rear glass opens by itself otherwise there is plenty of hassle to be had stowing small items in the boot with the hang glider on the roof.
  5. Hi guys, The thread is here. I will now post some additional info as I have also done the same job. Summary of instructions for fixing non opening rear window. On a related note, all the C5s I looked at with the intention of buying (51 to 03) last year all had this fault. The problem also exists because most people do not know (or want to deny a fault) that the rear window opens separate from the rest of the boot. I have just got mine going now. Thanks to eaabos and the Yahoo C5 list. I will post techie info in that thread. Maybe a moderator can merge both threads.
  6. When I got the car there was a message on Trafficmaster about the licence having expired. I already have a Trafficmaster Freeway so simply rang the number, paid the £30, got a licence renewal and punched it in. At the end of it, the unit said Trafficmaster, which it does to indicate that the new licence has renewed successfully. As expected, the renewal messages stopped, the unit when the button is pressed gives the usual "Trafficmaster" welcome, but does not ever acquire a "fix" and either beep, flash green/red or speak. With the Freeway a lack of messages is usually low battery, but this unit is connected to the car. I suspect it is something on the RF side, and wondered if anyone knows much about the RF side of the car for mobile/sat nav/ radio etc, and if there is an aerial amplifier for either mobile phone/Sat nav/Trafficmaster. This is my next port of call. After a long trip today it seems like the Sat Nav accuracy is improved, but to the see that benefit the GPS receiver needs to be fully acquired, and it seems best after 5+ minutes.
  7. I have fitted a new aerial + base as the old one was rusted on tight. I did try unscrewing the old one but ended up breaking the aerial, although the base did survive. I had already bought and fitted a new aerial and base anyway, so only did it to see what would happen. It has not cured the Trafficmaster lack of reception, or the sometimes poor GPS reception. I will have to look through the book to see if there is an aerial amplifier. I think one of the Senior Techs said that the Trafficmaster could be disabled, any idea how this would be achieved? Can anyone point me to a garage that would know how to re-enable it?
  8. Same results for me. Mine is a 2002 with 70K on the clock. I would look at a possible tired thermostat that does not shut fully.
  9. Philipe Noe at Medway Citroen in the Luton part of Chatham is very good with XMs. Medway Citroen 34, Second Avenue, Chatham, Kent ME4 5AU Tel: 01634 849609
  10. I'll take notes when I next take mine out, probably tomorrow. From memory it's about a mile and a half. What about the oil temp? I must admit my previous 2 PSA cars (405, 406) one petrol, one diesel both had defective thermostats, which when replaced did the biz with regard to warm up.
  11. Buying an XM involves a lot of knowledge about which versions to buy or avoid. Early Mk1s seem to be at the top of the avoid pile. I nearly got one but for the fact the 2.1 TD engine was never as good in the XM as in the 406, somewhat underpowered, and very few people know anything about the 2.5TD. It seems now any XM in very good condition commands a very high price for what it is, and the money is better spent on a C5 of half the age and mileage. It baffles me how someone can ask £6k for an 8 year old XM. More like £2.5k. However, if I could find a sensibly priced 2.5TD estate with every option fitted, I would probably buy it, if the price was sensible. Remember, just a dog, an XM is for life, not just for Xmas. But if you get a good one (the 5% that is) it's a brilliant car. There are a number of XMs on eBay being sold for spares or repair. Philipe Noe at Medway Citroen is also very sympathetic towards XMs.
  12. Mine is the same age as yours. The aerial stem simply rusts into the base. I have ordered a new base and aerial and intend to fit it ASAP. I'm wary of too much force as doing the same to my 406 simply had the top part of the aerial break off leaving the threaded part behind. The aerial and base is not cheap but if carefully greased (non conductive grease I suspect) should then easily unscrew for those trips into car washes. My local Citroen mender gave the same advice as iannez, but I can see myself breaking it. If you intend to do any DIY it will be worth getting the French manual.
  13. I have the same problem using the Telepéage box on the French motorways, which is similar to DART Tag. AS Bassrock says, there is a small area of the windscreen which does not have any coating. It is right next to to the mirror mount, on the drivers side, and this applies to either RHD or LHD cars AFAICT. It may not be sensible to try to get your Tom Tom to see satellites through this little area, but it might work if you placed the Tom Tom as normal, and stuck an external aerial against the screen in this uncoated area. HTH.
  14. Answer to manual search. I have more details for you. The manual is published by Revue Technique Automobile. Orders to: www.etai.fr ISBN 2-7268-6541-0 It covers C5 2.0 HDi and 2.2 HDi 16V. HTH.
  15. If you can read French the French chains Norauto and Feu Vert do a manual that covers both user and some maintenance. I've bought one, and it helps, but my French is poor.
  16. I bought wipers in Norauto at St Martin, Boulogne. Norauto list a number of blade options for the C5 including aero ones. Not cheap, but seem to be slightly less than UK prices. I'm also looking into replacing the just the blades in the original aero wipers.
  17. I have the same problem with my Traffic Master. I suspect the aerial is duff, as it appears to have rusted into place and will not unscrew. GPS coverage for Sat Nav is not ideal either, but the Sat Nav works moderately well. I may try and run an independent aerial for Traffic Master to see if this fixes the problem. I think (but this conjecture) that the software you have running your Sat Nav is corrupt. According to the Citroen manual, the car came with 2 CDs, one with the software and the other with the maps. If you have this software, you might want to try reloading it. However, there is a risk to this. It might stop working all together. The problem with many second/third owner C5s is that all this documentation/CDs/Security card has either been lost or sold separate from the car. It took me a while to get the correct manual for the car (2002 C5 2.2 SE) as the previous owner had simply bought one for a newer car, which was mostly incorrect for smaller driving controls. The only place to get a commercially available manual is in France, in French.
  18. With regard to Eolys fluid, does the trip computer not give an indication as to when this will run out? My 2002 2.2 SE says mine will run out at about 84,000 miles.
  19. When I got my C5, the Trafficmaster was asking for renewal. I renewed it and it accepted the new PIN, in many ways the C5 TRafficmaster is identical to Trafficmaster Freeway, which I've had for the last 8 years. However, the unit never seems to receive any transmissions. I've checked it alongside a Trafficmaster Freeway box, which is happilly giving me info, but it neither flashed the LED nor gives any verbal info. I've checked the unit is in auto mode, but regardless of mode the unit should flash the LED, I think. I've taken out the glovebox and made sure that the aerial feed is plugged in. There's a piece of RG59 (co-ax) cable that heads off under the dash, obviusly to the aerial. Does anyone know where the aerial is or what the cable route is? Some forums seems to indicate that the rear aerial does Sat Nav, radio and TrafficMaster. Is this the case? The Sat Nav and radio work properly.
  20. Have you seen this thread? Answer to this question
  21. I think it's a case of looking at the CD provided to see what is missing. On somecars, like the Skodas it's merely a case of fitting the stalk with the extra controls. On my 406 I can see from the CD drawings that in addition to a stalk there are two extra boxes needed. There is also a clutch switch possibly needed, but then this would only be for a manual, not an auto. The after market kits seem to have to fit an actuator despite the fact this is not needed for a drive by wire car. Does anyone have access to the service CD?
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