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Everything posted by CoolCarbon

  1. Well, I've just celebrated the 30th anniversary of my 21st Birthday.... ;) So, at my time of life, Insurance Companies are all but paying me to use me car....one of the few advantages of getting, err, more Senior in years.... :unsure: That said, I feel like an 18 year old....mentally of course as growing up is always optional.... :)
  2. Police....Stop!....
  3. I'd say due to the VERY limited re-sale market...I don't think I've seen more than half a dozen on the road....pretty exclusive then..!
  4. Comparing the two cars I've had/have, I'd say that the car is built with the hole there anyway, around the safety cell... Then it's just a matter of slipping in a metal or glass panel....securing it with whatever bonding material they use to hold the plot together..then adding the different internal trim... May be a bit simplistic, but I feel that's prolly the gist of it...can't see much major surgery going on if it's 'only' an extra £500 to add the glass panel........ :angry:
  5. Just to confirm it was £500 for my full length Glass roof that does not open. It extends from the top of the Windscreen back to the strip that the roof Ariel sits on... You get two sliding fabric covers inside that roll away into the roof lining that allows you to have the front half, rear half or both 'open' so you have a view into the wide blue yonder...... :)
  6. Ever Tried Rigbys at Eccleston nr Chorley..... http://www.rigbye.citroen.co.uk/ Used to use them when I lived down there, always helpful and willing to go the extra mile, in my experience anyway. They are a family firm, more inclined to listen than the Group Dealerships....
  7. Always worth it, I've never had any sort of major motor failure in 37 years of motoring apart from the recent catastrophe with the Bike in my Avatar, though that was a manufacturing defect... :blink: I have always changed the Oil and Filter more often than the recommended interval....works for my Bikes & Cars... :lol:
  8. Hi baggies, On the EGS question.... I bought it because I liked the idea of the semi-auto box as well as the advertising Blurb of "Up to 6% Improved Fuel Consumption" ... I had the exact same model car, a VTR+ Hdi 110hp 3 Door Coupe, before I got this one last month. It had the 5 speed manual, which I used for 14 Months and did just over 14,000 miles in it, so I feel that makes me fairly qualified to comment... This EGS equipped car is is now just over a month old and has covered 1200 miles-ish. At the moment it is running at approx 10% worse fuel consumption than the previous one, which is really pissing me off! :huh: I am travelling the same roads, driving it in the same manner, no change basically in driving habits/destinations, well, that's not strictly speaking true. I am actually driving it more gently than the 5 speed manual in an effort to match the previous cars MPG, but to no avail! :huh: I phoned Citroen Customer Services helpline and voiced my concerns....all the Muppet on the other end could come up with, "You are driving it differently, you must be braking/accelerating harder" etc etc. As if he could possibly know what my driving was before or now... I have 11 different driving qualifications so I kinda have an idea as to what I'm doing behind the wheel of a motor, be that a 44 Tonne LGV Artic or 90 Seat Coach or Motorcycle etc.... I asked him what qualifications he had that equipped him to pass such a comment..." I don't see what relevance that has "...was all he could say... after telling me that My driving style must have changed.... :blink: So, after thanking him for his Zero input, I have decided to give it another couple of thousand miles before I mention it to the dealer again. I did tell them after the second day that it was a lot more thirsty than the one I had just chopped in, but didn't push it as I know that some engines can take a wee while to loosen up....we'll see. In all honesty, I doubt that the EGS has anything to do with the increased consumption, more likely to be an engine related matter. I like the EGS so will be sticking with it........for now... :lol: I also spec'd it up to include the full length sunroof as well as the JBL upgrade and heated Leather seats... but they wont have added 10% to the MPG.....I hope! :D
  9. Where are the independant controls for the Sub and Noise filtering.....?
  10. I'll see if I can get the camera under the Seat tomorrow..... :D
  11. Got it in my C4 VTR+....Nice... :D It will seem a bit Odd to start with....but after a few miles....Just the Job! Smooth changes... several different way of using it, just as quick at changing gear as a manual..you have the same control over the Gearbox as a manual, just no clutch to pedal. Traction control keeps the front wheels from spinning on wet roads if you are aggressive with gas when setting off... ;) Even keeps the brakes on if you're on an incline and have been keeping the car stationary at, say traffic lights, on the foot brake...this gives you the time to get your right foot over to the Gas pedal without the car rolling, they release a soon as you add power...You should of course have been waiting with the Handbrake on really.... :D So far, So good.... :D
  12. I took delivery of a special order, new VTR+ in the middle of December (last month)... It has rear sensors only, with display and warning bleeps....odd seeing as I didn't order them. I can only think that because I ordered the JBL upgrade that were thrown in with that...don't have Navidrive...
  13. Terms like..."Trading Standards" and a hint of " Watchdog" can sometimes work wonders.. I would suggest ringing Citroen Customer services...but having spoken to one of their Muppet's last week, I wouldn't bother....waste of space! :D
  14. I've just fitted a spoiler to mine...didn't use anything to bond it other than the sticky strips already attached to the sides of the spoiler... Just cleaned the Glass with Meths, then located and stuck it into place, seems fine... :D
  15. Just fitted a Spoiler.....without pressure from here... :D It does seem to finish the Car off nicely. I didn't bother with the previous Car as I knew I would be changing after a year or so....keeping this one so have decided to add a few bits.. Oh, and there's no visibility probs either...to the rear...thought it had dropped off as you can't see it in the mirror.. :D
  16. Aye, that's a mucky motor... :rolleyes:
  17. Umm, nearly 10% failure rate...not good :(
  18. It's a bit disconcerting that at no time prior to buying my latest C4 did I read anywhere or was I told that I face a potentially staggering Bill for up to £800 to have the DPF serviced... This could well have influenced my choice of New Car... This could of course affect the resale value of the Car if I were to be looking to sell it around the mileage when the filter etc. needed to be serviced, a very poor situation to be in! I'm all for being Environmentally friendly, but I feel we are being taxed enough as it is for the pleasure of using our cars...this adds up to just another one, and one for which the Government doesn't appear to give a rebate for... :(
  19. And then some!... :blink: My BX 16 Valve is just coming up for 140,000 and is still on the original clutch.... :huh:
  20. I think you've answered your own question there.... Just changed a C4.........it had 14000 on it with loads left on the front...rears like new....
  21. Amazing service....especially from a cynic..... :) :P Well done that Man...KFK
  22. Yes, I've bought some, as well as the roof spoiler and kick plates, all to be fitted next week hopefully....weather permitting. Hope to get a set of 18" wheels in the new year too.... :blink: Once we find out how much the HID Light kits are going to be, may fit those too. BTW, never received your email with instructions....that said, my spam filter is a wee bit aggressive so may have zapped it... :o
  23. Yep, the Glass Roof is real nice.... Black Leather is good, much more discreet, and an added bonus this morning when I switched the Heating elements on....warm Bum and Back...Lurvely..... :P Another unexpected bonus I found today on the new car, it's got reversing sensors, I didn't order them... :D
  24. Just picked my new VTR+ today, didn't ask for a discount..of any sort, nor was I offered one....fair enough.. I WILL be removing the dealer sticker from rear window, and if it happens to damage the heating element, guess what, I will be claiming for a new rear window FOC as I wasn't asked if I wanted the 'go faster' sticker there in the first place! It's not because I don't want to advertise, I don't like the look of a bloody great sticker in my rear window...;) You can hardy assimilate the Manufactures Badges with Dealer stickers..most dealerships these days have no allegiance to a particular manufacturer anyway...they just sell cars....plain and simple. Sometimes the punter doesn't have a choice where to go buy the Car of their choice, but when they choose a particular make, they would surely also expect to have that manufacturers badge on it..... <_< I do believe you have become a bit of a cynic Sir.... :(
  25. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say C14VTS ? :( :angry: Yup, you've passed the test.... :D (I missed the Title..doh!)
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