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Everything posted by pork_pie

  1. Do the right thing, sell it. Or go to the garage, see the service manager, insist on a courtesy car and keep it until it gets fixed. The attitude changes after this. These cars are too sophisticated for their own good.
  2. I was referring to the sterring wheel. Pfnaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.
  3. Yes, sell it before it loses a grand off its resale value and buy a Yaris. Radio gliches are commonplace. Install your own radio... these clarion efforts are pish. Vibrating wheel? Sorry your stuck with it mate.
  4. pork_pie_manc@yahoo.co.uk
  5. Thirty quid? The car or the moduboard? E mail me on pork_pie_manc and well thrash out a deal.
  6. The moduboard takes up too much space when its up. Another gimmick. The research money use for it should have been ploughed into proper parts delivery department. However seeing as its a plastic part, nothing should go wrong with it but then again, it could get rusty.
  7. The XM, like the C3, was designed by someone employed by Citroen to have a laugh at the motorists expense.
  8. This tuesday.... thats going to be one of many visits you will make to the dealership.
  9. IMW Your smuggery will become tears soon. I am not being wicked here but I am being realistic.
  10. .... middle finger goes to Citroen. I say 6 months as thats when it was delivered to me when in fact (I have evicence) the car was built in June. In them 6 months I never experienced such hertbreaking experiences. I'd have more confidence behind the controls of an Aeroflot.
  11. Ben. I am sorting finance out which should be finalised by the start of next month. Problem is there is very little choice available to me that ain't French. I refuse to buy French now. I have looked at the JD power survey in What Car and Autoexpress and seems the only dealers worth wiping your donger on the pavement with are Skoda BMW Toyota Mazda Honda Taking BMW out of that list cos theyre to expensive, only the Skoda Octavia appeals to me out of that lot. The C3 depreciates like soggy bread.
  12. The heated rear window works which is good for warming my hands when I am pushing that Gallic piece of jizz. Gadgets and C3? Oil and Water. Chalk and cheese.
  13. Yes I have the same problem. Its one of many problems with the car but I am too shy in disclosing them as the problems are small fish compared to things like sunroofs and auto headlights. The only thing to address the problem is to say the car is s*it and sell it for something thats been built with care and not in France.
  14. Got a call from Citroen Manchester this morning to confirm the EGR part is to arrive on May 9th. This in itself is too long a wait. An EGR lets some exhaust gases in the combustion chamber. If its not working the car can 1) Be too smoky 2) Let too much soot in causing premature engine wear. This can have serious repucussions on the cars lifetime and only then citroen will say "there is a problem and it will cost you as the warranty does not cover it". Cunning ba*tards. I rang Citroen UK to say that I am getting upset with this wait and he said that the date the dealer gave me, cannot be guaranteed. It could be longer. Rang Citroen Manchester and they confirmed this. WHY OH WHY AM I BEING SHAFTED HERE? I am taking my custom elsewhere where I can be treated properly. I have been taken for a mug - a spare feckin pen*s. I have had problems since the day I got the car and more so when the camshaft repairs happened. I go in time and time again where the deadbeat mechanics stuck their ECU laptops up their rickers and say "nothing is wrong with your car". Ten times in 6 months its been in the dealer and I still have problems and my problem is not taken seriously. Each time to go to Citroen, I lug my 10 month old son and then have to make the 2 mile trip back on foot with him with no offer of a ruddy taxi. When the car is ready, I lug the same fella back to the garage and feel proud that the journey back is in the repaired car only to find out that the problem is stil there or a part has been ordered and I have to come back the following week which seems to be always a fuc*ing tuesday. All I get is "the parts will arrive soon" The technical knowledge posessed by these losers is pathetic. Its a heartbreaking feeling but I have to end my association with the Citroen Product. Even if the problem is fixed, I have absolutely no confidence in the product. I dont want to sit behind the wheel of the car. Its made me hosuebound. Its driveable sure but you can imagine the stinky feeling when ones investment is constantly playing up. What kind of modern day car is it when the power steering fails and you have to stop and restart the car and the problem is solved only for it to reemerge. What kind of car stalls whilst driving? I tell you.... a car thats built where quantity is more important than quality. I am buying something from the Volkswagen group (VW, Skoda or Seat) and a diesel. Thank you lads and Fu*k off citroen, f*ck right off.
  15. And when your masterpiece in Gallic engineering was on the tow truck, were you allowed to sit in the car and witness the smoothest ride imaginable in a C3?
  16. I was told to wait the standard two week after sending it. Letter was sent to Clitoren Manchster on April 14th so next Monday I need to send the letter to their Manager and the dealer who sold me the trash. To be honest I expect nothing but I will recieve a letter from TS telling me what to do. Hey Moose, 100 posts and you still got 3 blobs. Maybe because we are being punished because our cars are so naff and we dare broadcast the prolems. Those those cars not traveled more than 100 miles get more blobs. I feel liek slashing my wrists.
  17. May 9th is the ETA for the EGR. I was told it was gonna be a few days from when it was ordered on April 4 and since then I have been fed lie after lie after lie. What wil add salt to the wounds is that once this part is fitted, wil the wrong part have been ordered and I have to be faced with another 5 week wait. I stil have not recieved a reply to the letter I sent Citroen Manchester last week. PorkPie 29 going on 150
  18. The mechanics at Citroen UK don;t have a clue. Hook a laptop to the cars ECU and then wan*ers in overalls SHOULD DIAGNOSE an EGR FAULT. WHY DID IT TAKE 4 VISITS...... ? NOW ITS GONNA BE NEARLY TWO MONTHS BEFORE MY PART GETS FINALLY FITTED!!!!!! DISGUSTING.
  19. The system stinks mate it really does. Been told that the EGR will arrive on May 9th but the dealer wil be ringing Peugeot to see if they have any spares (knock one off a V reg 206 maybe) I am numb with disgust and minds in neutrakl as to what to do. This is not good enough. As for the extra blob for 100 posts....... we are doing well. At this rate, I'll have more blobs than a teenager with acne.
  20. months may be normal but bloody hell France is only 37 miles away via the channel. Theres Ferries and the sodding tunnel.I am gonna go to France in a big van and rather than stop off at a cash and carry, I am gonna raid their parts bin. I bet UK owners of Chryslers, Chevrolets, Tatas and Holdens get their parts quicker. Pony system for a pony company aka Citroen. The only thing French that works properly in England is Christophe Dugarry and I hate Birmingham City.
  21. I had a Big Whopper meal with fried in my car the other week. I found a chip under my seat a week later. Does that count? 30% more power? Thats oooh 110 bhp....... Sell your C3 and buy something assembled by the people of a country whose flag does not contain Red, White and Blue. The most annoying thing now Moose is that cars are so advanced that now electrical problems are overtaking mechanical problems and them kind of gremlins are really difficult to erase.
  22. Good point ben. Or infinity MPG because my car is in my garage doing absolutely feck all. I refuse to drive it on principle. My car never has been on a recovery vehicle yet. Still no word on my parts yet.
  23. Dear all! The only way for it to be done is at a dealer which is absolutely stupid. Why was conventional dials not fitted? Instead Citroen tried to make C3, Michael Knights car. At least Kitt would talk to you when something has gone wrong with the car Only 80 miles and no trouble? Don't speak too soon my friend.
  24. You waited 4 bloody months for parts? That is sacrilege. Not sure what Boost Electro Valves do. Must have a look in my bok of knowledge. Got a call from the parts manager of Citroen Manchester. She said theyll arrive tomorrow. If not, I am goint to make a trip to the dealer and demand the parts arrive soon or a refund or (god forbid) a replacement.
  25. The only thing thats chpped on my car is the paintwork.
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