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Everything posted by Terry1100
Although the pillow thing does make sense to me, I'm not offering it as "fact". The guy could have been bulls****ing me about the time it took them to repair the car.
When we had the crash repair done there were difficulties in getting the tracking sorted. According to the guy at the bodyshop, any vehicle which drives in an area where there are "piilow" type speed bumps (everywhere !) will have trashed tracking. It's because we all try to "straddle" the pillows rather than letting one wheel go right over the middle keeping the other one on the flat. This has the effect of trying to push the wheels outwards every time you go over one - over a period of time the tracking gets worse and worse.
I'd agree that our wear the outside slightly more. Although I don't disagree with kfk, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the geometry is the same on a Multispace as it is on the van - perhaps more suited to being more heavily laden.
Why would anyone buy just one side :huh: (Unless it was to replace the one that some b*****d nicked with his electric screwdriver - cos someone else had nicked his when they saw the price...etc)
Which means that even if you did shell just over £150 some other b*****d with a 12v screwdriver could nick them pretty easily. I would have thought that if you wanted to go un-noticed a somewhat quieter manual screwdriver would be the preferred option. Unless I missed the point and you actually have to drill them off - in which case, I'll get me coat.
3 points and £80 odd quid (If I remember correctly about the fine) I was also caught by a mobile camera on a 30 mph dual carriageway with barriers both sides and no pavement (nowhere for a pedestrian to be within 50 yards of the road). What muppet gave that a 30 limit. Slightly off topic, I think it's about time we adopted a 130kmh motorway speed limit (call it 85mph) but then enforce it rigidly. At least the motorway/roadworks average speed (SPECS) cameras can't have me when I'm on the bike as they use forward facing ANPR. Since 2000 I haven't had a completely clean licence - despite it being clean for the 20 years before that. By the way, never mind the kudos of being done for speeding in a Blingo - I was once done for speeding at 96mph in a Skoda (and it certainly wasn't a Fabia VRS !)
Your wife drives like mine then :ph34r:
What I miss (and I'm drifting O/T here) is painting your headlights yellow for France.
I looked at the Tranny out of academic interest. By the time you've specced it close to a Blingo (air and stuff) it lists at £18,000. As Northman says, (even with Ford discount which can get close to Citroen if you play them right) it's still 000's more than the Blingo. Mind you I bet you can carry a shedload of cheap booze/Orangina Rouge in it. At the end of the day, the only thing you can replace a BLingo with is > > > > > Another Blingo :o
I can speak from personal and recent experience and say that standard insulting tape was no problem at all. It does not need to be cut to shape (three "rows" is enough) and, after two weeks it came off quite easily. This is exactly what we did last year and had no problems either. On the return journey this year we drove through torrential rain and that didn't bother it either. YMMV, IANAL, IMHO, FWIW, ROFL, ETC
We liked Arctic Steel but we didn't want to look too "his n hers twee" on the drive as the C2 is the same colour.
It was a line from a regular here a while back when this forum was busier (can't remember who). We were discussing colours and the DVLA describes the very tasteful Sahara Gold as Beige :blink:
In the spirit of Berlingoing, I've scanned the (poor) faxes I recieved and saved them on my website. Dimensions and positioning is shown in case they print out at different sizes. Nearside Mask Offside Mask References to Nearside and Offside are obviously UK. If you right click and "save target as" (in IE) you'll download the image rather than letting the browser render and resize it.
I did it with standard insulating tape. I marked the headlight cover with an inedible (sic) pen last year to show the corners and simply repeated the process this year. If you don'y get the template form Citroen, PM me and I'll copy it for you when I get home (mine only came through as a fax from my dealer so it's not pretty but it does the job)
Yeah, it's a bit like a guy from Ford telling me how good a C-Max is around Brands Hatch - that's the route I always take from home to the supermarket :o . Road testers just don't get the Blingo - or anything else that's apperciated for anything other than dynamic qualities - mind you Clarkson likes it. At least it keeps it our little secret - and in relative terms depreciation is so much better than a Picasso. Ignoring things that I accept because it's a van/cheap/practical etc the only things I can really criticise the Blingo for is a poor turning circle (oh and failing to properly utilise the electrics - one touch windows that stay on after the ignition is off etc) Vs a Kangoo - well it's a R****lt for a start so dearer servicing. also quite a bit smaller, poorer dash (IMHO) poorer overhead storage, no 1.6 petrol option. (love that clever code that changes the word R*****t if you type it in full (try it :D )
Our 1.6 petrol is 2 years old now and we've just returned from France where I've been keeping a track on fuel consumption. At French motorway speeds to and from our holiday, fully laden I managed about 33mpg. While ambling around rural france it went up to the low 40s. Fuel economy is probably not the petrol Blingos strongest point - but I suppose I could have bought a deisel if I was that bothered - it makes up for it in other areas.
Recently, our Blingo was "stuck while parked" by an unspecified red vehicle leaving some marks down the side. The marks mostly t-cut out apart from a bit of red paint sitting in a tiny indentation caused by the scrape. So, I applied more elbow grease with the t-cut - and managed to take of the top surface of the body colour around the mark :( :angry: I've done that on cars with 25 year old paintwork in the past but never on a new-ish vehicle. I suppose that's the difference between a Citroen and an Audi (substitute any other premium brand here) - but I didn't expect to lose the top surface quite that easily. The next step will be to test the eficiency of Halfords TEN QUID touch up paint !
Cheers, I'll have a look - I forgot to phone them today to se eif they'd dug out the service bulletin.
Anyone had an issue with their tailgate not unlocking ? Ours has just started to do it - intermittently. No response to the remote and it won't even unlock with the key. Come back to it later and it's fine. Our dealer (alright "Approved Repairer") is sure he's seen a bulletin some time in the past that he's looking up now but has anyone else suffered from this. We need this sorted before we go away to France - I don't fancy overloading it through the side doors.
Although my C2's problems were not identical., there were a number of similarities - including intermittent charging. I assumed alternator but it would never show the fault when taken to a dealer (and there were no stored faults in the ECU memory). When it gave out completely (just short of the Blackwall Tunnel :D ), I knew that simply putting in a new battery would give me enough "oomph" to get home so that my local dealer could sort it ( I also felt that £35 for a battery was actually a better option than a breakdown/recovery call at 5pm on a Friday in London). Anway, as soon as the new battery went in the warning light went out and the car seemed to "re-initialise itself" - which might confirm your technician's assessment - except that it only got me halfway home before the warning light came on again. Simply disconnecting and reconnecting the battery reset the system each time and I got another 2o minutes driving each time allowing me to get safely home. The next day, the alternator was replaced (under warranty) - and everything has been fine since.
Which one did you take it to then ?
Skoda Roomster launches soon - might be too pricey (relatively).
Fiat Idea perhaps? - I'd say Nissan Note but that's just a R****lt Modus in drag. Suzuki SX4's funky if you like that sort of thing. Mr Sensible would probably go for a Ford Fusion and there's always the Vauxhall Meriva. So many cars, so little time (and money!)
Whilst I respect your observations based on practical experience, I can't see how that can be. I am working on the assumption that there is no physical difference in the braking hardware and therefore, other than when a wheel is locking (and the ABS system releases and reapplies hydraulic presssure momentarily), the braking should be identical. Unless the extra pipework in the system as a whole reduces fluid pressure. I may of course be talking complete b*****ks - my ABS training is limited to early Teves systems on Granadas (late '80s ?) and the BMW R1100RS. B) It was a common question to the AA "my ABS warning light is on therefore my car is undrivable" - to which the response was - "No, you simply have no ABS, the operation of your brakes is not impaired in any way - this is why an ABS warning light is amber not red"
Which is fine of course for the disciplined (and trained driver). For the rest of us muppets having a serious "oh s**t" moment, ABS provides a more practical solution most of the time. Which is why its pretty much standard nowadays. Some years ago (11/11/79 - not a date I'm likely to forget :D ), and long before the widespread introduction of ABS, I had my only major accident when I hit a Scania 142 head on in a Peugeot 504. I can remember my brain telling my body that If I took my foot off the brake pedal, or pumped it, I might regain enough control to steer round the truck - my body had other ideas, over-rode the brain and kept my foot locked down hard on the brakes and consequently 1/2 tonne of Peugeot hit 38 tonnes of Scania (and this was before compulsory seat belts). I made the Northamptonshire Evening Argus (or some similar publication) as I was responsible for closing the A45 for an hour or so :D I'm not planning to do that again.