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Everything posted by myglaren

  1. I took an American guest out in mine last night then drove him to the airport this morning and he was flabbergasted. He had never heard of Citroen, didn't know where they came from but was seriously impressed and thought it was very 'Zippy', was a bit overwhelmed when I attempted to explain the oleopneumatic suspension to him. His only comment was that "We don't have that sort of technology in the states" Pretty much all you need to know, really.
  2. Sorely tempted but it's 220 miles each way.
  3. Bugger, too many sites open at once :( The REAL GSF!
  4. Don't give up hope yet. It has likely got itself out of sequence and although I don't recall the fix, it is posted here somewhere but give it an hour or two and someone in the know will be along with the solution.
  5. That price seems a bit on the high side to me - I have heard £500 before which seemed a lot anyway. Contact GSF for prices - they are much cheaper than the dealers for most things.
  6. £150 certainly sounds cheap - I'd bet it was from a scrapyard at that price. Car Parts Direct.
  7. Thanks Randombloke, that certainly clarifies things perfectly! I was under the impression that it was satnav, which would have made life easier for a duffer like me who can't retain instructions for more than half a minute. Looks like a TomTom or similar would fit the bill, no other inbuilt satnav system unfortunately. As I rarely venture very far afield or to locations that are new to me it is doubtfull that it would be worth the outlay but £30 a year for trafficmaster would have been reasonable.
  8. My consumption has been absolutely dire, around 32MPG but I rarely go anywhere but work and shopping. Work is four miles and the shops only 1 mile. Not ideal by a long shot. However I have just returned from a 620 mile journey. Filled the tank prior to setting off (Sainsbury's) and there is still around 1/8 tank left. Mainly motorway driving (M1/A1) with a few five-mile-an-hour creeping along for miles stretches. About 100 miles city driving around Bedford/Milton Keynes, Nottingham and Lincoln. Approximation gives me 56 MPG.
  9. Does anyone use this system? My account subscription had expired before I bought the car (I had never heard of trafficmaster untill the car started yelling at me six months after purchase) It would have been nice to have it was any good as I just did a 600 mile round trip and my printer let me down at the last minute before I left - ran out of black ink so the maps and instructions were illegible. It would only have been a 500 mile round trip if I'd had half a clue where I was going :angry:
  10. It is a vehicle locator, for when you don't know which is yours in the line of C5s in the car park :angry: Mine only works when I am close enough to recognise it without that feature.
  11. Also it may need cleaning, the sensor wire collects dust despite the filter. Despite what appeared to be a highly critical beginning this thread has turned up some interesting facts and opinions without descending into the dreaded slanging match, an accolade to the common sense of all the posters here.
  12. I bought a 5L pack of AC Delco 100% synthetic from my usual parts shop for £23. The car had not long before been serviced but I misinterpreted the electronic dipstick and thought it was very low. Heaved ½L in and overfilled it! That was last year and it hasn't changed yet.
  13. Another one I just discovered: Breakeryard.com
  14. Most likely place would be the dealers but at a high price. Otherwise a breakers yard, likely to be far cheaper. Personally I'd phone the dealer first - or possibly a couple of them, they may nat all charge the same price for the same thing, then if it was a stupid price try and locate one at a scrapyard. also try eBay, all sorts of things show up there
  15. Anyone tried Yokohama tyres? They have a good reputation but I have no personal experience with them.
  16. Nice going burnbrae. Hope it sorts you out. I'm a bit past clarting on with brakes and stuff now, I have to admit to paying to get them sorted along with a service last year.
  17. I'd wager that you have to register with the forum before you can view/download the files.
  18. Double post. Sorry :(
  19. Good choice! I couldn't possibly have offered an unbiased opinion as I favour French cars and don't like Fords or Vauxhalls at all - for no good reason, I might add. I've only had one Ford, a Fiesta and there was nothing at all wrong with it. Same with Vauxhall, only had one - an Opel actually but same thing there, never cost me a penny and went well, still wouldn't buy either given the choice. I'm a bit disappointed with the economy of my C5 compared to the Xantia but it is creeping up since I dosed it with Forte diesel system magicstuff and also using it for longer runs. The lead boots don't help of course.
  20. You have fallen foul of the dreaded 'rear calliper corrosion syndrome' where the callipers are pushed out at an angle to the subframe and contact the wheel. You need to remove the rear callipers (or get someone to do it for you) and remove the corrosion that occurs between the calliper and subframe. You will need to renew the pads, possibly refurbish the callipers and renew the discs in extreme cases. The bad news is that the callipers can be really difficult to remove without destroying them so you might in the worst case be looking at new calliper(s) too.
  21. It reduces condensation while the car warms up, you can set it on recycle and it warms up even faster without the windows fogging up. Bugger about the aircon controls, I had incorrectly assumed that they were all the same.
  22. Hit the 'Economy' button that turns the aircon off and just relies on cold air coming in to moderate the temperature.
  23. You might try GSF Car Parts, it is possible that they have them.
  24. This is a frequently asked question on the forums, your best bet is to read through the posts to see the various solutions proffered, depending on the cause of the problem. First off I'd get someone to listen for the pump running while you operate the washer control. Also, if an estate, try the rear screen wash - can have some amusing results.
  25. May be the spec I have to admit - mine's a 2002 SX HDi. Hardly seems to make much sense though - why ±3˚? when the glowplugs aren't required until -5˚. If it is going to display anything at all then it may as well be full scale. Do you get the text "Ice Alert" at lower temperatures that +3˚? if so they could leave out the temperature display altogether. Also, there is more likely to be ice around at lower temperatures than -3˚ so a cuttoff there makes no sense either.
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