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Everything posted by Johndouglas

  1. But was any of the filter material removed? Maybe by drilling.
  2. Did they fit a new auxiliary belt at the same time as doing the cambelt?
  3. Have a look at these:- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10X-PEUGEOT-CITROEN-PLASTIC-TRIM-CLIPS-FASTENERS-8211-WV-7013-J0-/221201704568?hash=item3380a62678:g:gpcAAOxyyF5RQxY-
  4. You probably looked at the USA site. Plenty here:- https://haynes.co.uk/catalog/search/2007%2BCitroen%2BC5
  5. Hello & welcome to the forum. To post on any section of the forum, below the banner of six Citroens, click on 'Forums'. Go down the list to the section you want - say the C5 section. Click it and then you have a choice of Technical, Questions, Styling and Frequent problems. Click the section you require. When the new page opens, over on the right is a box, 'Start new topic'. Put your post on the new page.
  6. Every Citroen Owners Manual is a "one size fits all". The manual will include details of every aspect of the entire range from the basic to exclusive models. Much of what is in the manual may not apply to your particular car. It's left to the owner to decide which sections apply to his/her vehicle. If you register on http://service.citroen.com you can enter your VIN, go to handbooks and download the manual for your particular vehicle.
  7. Don't assume that there's no interest just because no one has commented. Since you posted just over a week ago the topic has been looked at over 120 times.
  8. Were I in your situation I would cut off the plugs and find a suitable 3 pin connector from the RS or Maplin catalogues - or do as Paul suggested and use an electrical connecting strip.
  9. You're right Seefive - it should. But I ain't moving it - it might all end up in recycling... :D
  10. There are two motors listed. Part number 6405E5 and 6405H2. The first one is prior to RPO 08472 and the second one from RPO 08473..
  11. You should find the threaded holes already there. Which ever make of towbar you use, it will be designed to make use of all the fixing points.
  12. A puzzle solved! There's a guy who advertises on ebay. He can do repairs on some types for around 30 quid.
  13. Check for chafing in the wiring. You may have a bare wire occasionally earthing.
  14. So it's the same as daughter's Pug 306 and it's a doddle to take off.
  15. If you put two dabs of white paint or tippex on the pulley, one on the inside section and the other, inline on the outer, when you rev the engine you can see the outer dot moving out of line. Doing it yourself, probably the hardest job will be getting the centre bolt undone.
  16. They do! Together with China's Dongfeng Group, they both took a 13% share in the PSA company. That was inspite of EU regulations which forbids member Governments from supporting a company which is in competition with other similar companies.
  17. That jack kit would suit your car but I recently fitted my daughters C4 with a spare wheel and I suggested she bought one of these:- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-Ton-Tonne-Scissor-Wind-Up-Jack-for-Car-Van-with-Crank-Speed-Handle-26-10-/221890878487?hash=item33a9ba1c17:g:5pYAAOSwa-dWh8d3 and also a decent wheel brace.... item number 131434818660. Both items about half the price of the kit.
  18. When my previous C5 was 4 years old it became difficult to start from cold. Finally I took it to a Citroen dealer and they diagnosed that the starter just didn't turn fast enough. A new motor solved the problem.
  19. Notifying of modifications must vary from company to company. When I told LV about my towbar their reply was that the didn't regard that as a modification. However, it's as well to tell them about every mod. then there's no loop hole for them.
  20. Is there a fuel return pipe which is not connected?
  21. No need to remove the cap.
  22. Johndouglas


    Not a bad idea - unless your company is one of those who look for every excuse to raise a premium!!
  23. Yes!..... and Yes! Right on both questions. It is illegal to use a car on the public roads with a FAP removed and your insurance company would most certainly void your cover if they became aware of it. Apparently the Government are so concerned about vehicles being on the roads with filters removed that they are in the process of devising a roadside test to show whether or not parts have been removed. See this article.... http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/apr/17/diesel-particulate-filter-removal-air-pollution-department-for-transport
  24. That sounds like a worthwhile job. How would you like to write an account of how you did it; where the parts were sourced from. It would make a useful reference for other forum readers.
  25. Yes, that's right. Here's another picture of the same filter but with a hand primer system.
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