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Everything posted by lee_marshuk

  1. Well a lot of it was to do with the NaviDrive which was really buggy......but before if you were going through the menus and you changed an option and clicked ok, it would come right out of the menu sometimes - so if you were having a play and wanted to change more than one option you had to go back in again. It unlocked the facility to use your iPod/MP3 player with the head unit using the aux port in the glove compartment, allowed MP3 cds to be used, apparently starting the car in the cold is supposed to be more efficient but I never had a chance to see that one, lots of language corrections (where before it used to be a mashed frenchey style english), the radio regional feature now works - the list was quite long now I seem to remember!
  2. Just out of interest, my car went in about a month ago for a software update to version 6.6D - a much, much more reliable software release. Has anyone else had it done?
  3. Oh! I have that as well! Thought it was an oddity with my car. Took it back to my dealer and pulled my usual line ("I've just spend a ridiculous amount of money on a top model car with you so you can sort it out pronto"). If its the same noise as I've got, try something... If you get into the passenger side, and put your hands round the back of the dash - by this I mean if you go to the left hand side of the console, all the way back under the glove box, right to where the plastic ends, and apply pressure on it, can you replicate it? (Hope that makes sense!!!) Well - that's what was causing mine apparently, something was loose round there.......
  4. lee_marshuk


    Yeah I'm just the same!
  5. Too right! Sounds like a plan mate, see if you can book out the turbo charged C1 for a thrash :D
  6. Finally! Had a call from my Citroen Dealership today to tell me there was a bulletin out for the squealing brake issue! Apparently they have a whole list of part codes to order, which include new calipers and discs.........
  7. No I know....does look a bit odd doesn't it really? But to be fair with my girlfriend about rubber on the doors is always appreciated :rolleyes: Not sure about the seats since I had the leather pack............
  8. Love my sable gold, there's not too many colours I don't like in it really! http://www.mellowms.f2s.com/100_0378small.JPG
  9. good luck......send us a post and let us know how you get on! @ wozza.....I've noticed that one or two times as well....not sure I'm driving mine any differently to normal. I've done around 7k miles now, what are you on?
  10. @hertsnminds I've been meaning to post this for a while. I too have been having the intermittent failure - exactly the same as you, but it isn't anything to do with overfilling the tank/filling etc. I took it to Citroen and explained it - took the line of "I don't care if I can't replicate it its happened at this time this time and this time and when I've spent this much money on a car you can give me a courtesy car until you fix mine" - it worked! They plugged my car into the diagnostics machine and went through the event logs. Problem with mine was a dodge clutch sensor (as you know, in cruise control mode pressing the clutch pedal de-activates it). Straightforward replacement apparently.........
  11. You'd have thought so really - but I'm sure I remember reading somewhere in the C4 literature that dual 'plips' were only given on the Exclusive model. Having said that, if they tried to fob me off (so to speak) with only one fob, when I'm spending this much money I'd have made them give me 2 or no deal really!
  12. @ Wozza - yeah I've noticed that, the fast wipe isn't really fast enough I don't think. I got 2 folding keys with mine, but I believe it is only the Exclusive model you get that with anyway - bit of a rip off at £130 each if that's what you've been quoted!!! I also understand that if you have an alarm, and you use the passenger keyhole to unlock, the alarm sounds until you start the engine.......
  13. Aaah no I have those as well. Its on the outer rim as hertsnminds points out.
  14. Hi Wozza, Its in the bottom left bit of the steering wheel - you have two buttons and a roller don't you? Well the top button does voice command and the bottom bit is call control. I'll send you a pic if you want.... As far as I am aware the only incompatibility with the bluetooth option is you can't have it with the NaviDrive system - although why you'd want it if you have the superb navidrive system is beyond me!! I can't see any reason whatsoever for not being able to have the bluetooth fitted afterwards if you don't have navidrive, but I've always found Citroen UK to be helpful. If they don't assist you much, go to the garage you bought it off and winge at them, get them to do the donkey work and find out the costs. However, like Wozza said, I wouldn't expect much change from £400!!
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