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Everything posted by lee_marshuk

  1. lee_marshuk


    oh ur the same as me?? wow :(
  2. As far as I was aware, some of the continental C4s were green to match the Picasso green..........
  3. This is my first Citroen - and I certainly won't rule out buying another Citroen in the future. I've had some bad experiences with dealerships, and admittedly a lot of teething issues with the car. But I've now found a dealer who is professional and good at their job, and nearly all my issues are resolved. Realistically, in 2 and a half years I shall probably replace my car - so will see what is around then. Perhaps a facelifted C4 might be an option. To sum up, I test drove the Ford Focus ST, Citroen C4, Vauxhall Astra, BMW 1 Series, BMW 3 Series, Honda Civic Type R and Audi A3. The C4 was my favourite, followed by the BMW 3 series - and I don't regret my choice now despite everything that's happened - I guess that says a fair amount in itself. :(
  4. lee_marshuk


    yer.....old duffers n young whippersnappers eh :D all in all, i reckon everyone should be banned....except for us, of course :P
  5. Was at the dealer today, and thought to ask for you! Yes, they are indeed the second aerial for the dual tuner. Apparently, some of the models have it built in to the heated side windows, others are like yours with faint stripes down the windows! Its only used, apparently, if you have the JBL option, as it switches between the roof aerial and the side aerial to see which picks up the best reception :D
  6. lee_marshuk


    @Lab44 - absolutely agreed! Don't get me started on roundabouts mate!!! we've got this one by me, where they even paint continuous lanes round the roundabout - u know the sort where u go in the right hand lane, and the lanes actually paint and curve round the island so u know exactly where to go? number of people who go from far left and take the furthest right exit....bah!
  7. lee_marshuk


    Lol!! Agreed!! Oh yeah you're right mate. Both of the two times I mentioned were caused by a woman doing summert stupid. (no sexism intended). I think really the only time you can ever say something like esp has to be used and its not human error is if you get thrown into a skid by some ice or something. Sometimes I wish people would drive as though they've got no safety extras at all i.e. a bit more carefully!! That way when the safety has to be used its more effective. Problem is there are a lot of a*****les out there who, frankly, need to learn to drive!
  8. lee_marshuk


    Hehe, I knew there would come a point where you n me would have different opinions on something, wozza! Have a look at this: http://www.whatcar.com/news-article.aspx?NA=219916 I can honestly say I would never now have a car without ESP - even in the 9,000 miles I've had the C4, I reckon its saved me from 2 potentially serious incidents already. Each to his own though mate!
  9. lee_marshuk


    @Mike5483 - you're absolutely right! :P
  10. Thanks for that Fizzo!! :)
  11. I for one always give the dealers an A4 sheet with an exact briefing of the problem and all, if any, triggers that I may be aware of - and always make myself available for road tests if they offer them! I work in IT, so I know how frustrating it is when someone brings a PC to you stating that its noisy when you run a DVD, yet its perfectly alright when I run it. My procedure should that happen would be to keep the PC in for, say, 5 days, and stress test it under different situations - e.g. hot, cold, high resource usage etc etc until I could replicate it. If it is simply not replicable, I would return it to the customer stating so and ask them, at the next point it made the noise, to tell me what they were doing at the time, the conditions etc. Now when I had this information, I would keep the machine in until I could fix it. If I can't fix it, then I simply am no good at my job and shouldn't be doing it in the first place - and all this for a PC which I probably sold for £600 with a warranty? Maybe I have high standards, I don't know, maybe that's why I expect high standards of everybody else. And as such, if I give a detailed briefing of faults to a dealer, with triggers I think may be involved (e.g. labour the engine, seems to happen when dry not wet) - then I expect the fault to be fixed. I don't have a problem with waiting (provided I get a courtesy car), and I don't have a problem with waiting to be booked in as rattles are not urgent. But when I complain I will not be ignored - when I present a firm with a list of faults concerning a product I purchased with a 3 year warranty from them (and a rattle, creak is a fault) and even go as far as helping diagnose it for them I will not be turned away because they don't feel like having a look at it. I totally agree with KFK, information is paramount. I mean, if someone brought a PC to me and just said "its noisy", well that's hopeless, and I have all the sympathy in the world for anyone who has clients like that to put up with - it is very difficult to communicate with people like this and makes life awkward. One other point worth mentioning is I consult for a couple of well known branded car dealers (used to for a Citroen garage as well, which went bankrupt) - and after seeing how they treat cars I vet my dealers thoroughly now! I remember once, they let a lad have a thrash in their sports model - without the owner's consent, of course. He got in, and reversed at high speed straight back into a pillar. Owch! Naturally, they bodged it up so it looked superficially alright, and allegedly the customer brought his car back in a few weeks later with some rear axel issues, and the garage billed him for the repair! Thieves!!! [/rant] its far too late for this now!
  12. Aaaah you had the rusty boot struts as well eh? Just out of interest, did you ever have any problems with the Mazda dealership in Wolves (on the ring road isn't it?)?
  13. Sorry to hear that mate....know how you feel, in the 9 months I've had the car, I've had 3 different b*stards run into the back of it at lights not paying attention to the road!!!
  14. I've added some more pics to that thread - I've taken some of the interior :blink:
  15. Give Direct Line a go - they seem to be either really good or really expensive. Would love to know what factors they take into consideration!
  16. @Fizzo17 - its not just me then!! Know its a bit far for you, Spot of Chasetown - 01543 685544 - absolutely superb. If you go there, tell Paul I recommended you :blink:
  17. Don't get me started on dealers!!! I think a lot of the problem is to do with Citroen UK to be honest. I had no end of problems with Brindley Autopark Wolverhampton, where I actually purchased my brand new C4 from. After weeks of no-one returning my calls, I decided to get Citroen UK involved. Now, when I had a problem with a BMW dealer once, as soon as I got Beamer head office involved, they couldn't do enough to help!! As for Citroen UK, however, it has taken me 2 months to finally get a letter off someone who seems to care - and has been really upset about the treatment I have had, and is personally sorting it out for me. Since then, I have found a gem of a dealership at Spot of Chasetown, who are absolutely perfect. I think, in a lot of cases, Citroen dealerships are very hit and miss - I just wouldn't settle for that kind of treatment. If you give them a list of faults, they can sort it. Farty noises are not allowed! Clonky noises are not allowed! I couldn't care less if they can't replicate it, its under warranty, its there, you're not going to lie about it, so they can spend more than a couple of hours in one day "replicating" and can actually have your car in for a few days and investigate! I now have to drive nearly 20 miles out of my way to get to Spot, as opposed to 6 for Brindley, but its well worth it. I would go dealer hunting mate!
  18. Yep, Chrome all over mine lol :blink: A mate of mine has the VTS, and there's no chrome on his...... although Citroen do change their specs all the time. Had a look on the website the other day when I was showing a mate who liked the C4, the exclusive standard eqpt. has changed, and I think the VTR+ / VTR differences had changed also.
  19. yeah me 2, although it was like waiting for santa when santa had traded his magic reindeer in for shanks' pony....i had to wait 3 and a half months for my car!!
  20. lee_marshuk


    Nice one!
  21. lee_marshuk


    bloody hell best keep quiet I still keep one of the only Atari sites alive and still play on my ST all the time!
  22. lee_marshuk


    probably better keep quiet that I'm a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer then............. :o
  23. well here's my car.... http://www.mellowms.f2s.com/100_0797low.JPG
  24. Hi Mike, Easiest way to tell is to open your glovebox - have you got 2 phono ports & a composite port in there?? @ Wozza...I've done some research today. It seems, apparently, that the C4s with NaviDrive have a different ECU, and different software, so it seems the case that you probably had a more reliable release with your car!! I mean sometimes my car would speak in French to me.....e.g. when I told it to make a call to someone, it would say something which sounded a bit like do you want a baguette?!? Not sure....but the update fixed that one as well.
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