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Everything posted by lee_marshuk

  1. Hello D&T! Great to hear from you guys, I've still got the C4 - although just about everything has dropped off it now. I imagine myself in a few months time having just the shell to cling on to (think: Planes Trains and Automobiles). My mother has just bought an Astra TwinTop - nice car if you're into that sort of thing!
  2. Haha ;) yeah I'm great thanks mate - just moving house so a bit stressful as you can imagine. Saw you on the 360 the other day, but you were just going as I was coming on as usual. Hows things with you??
  3. Wozza - as usual, you are quite correct. The only time I've used it is for plugging an ipod in.
  4. Yes - my climate control lcd flickers too, always has done on certain brightnesses. It's not unusual with these style displays, so I just keep it on a setting that doesn't flicker - have not (*touches wood*) found any problems and my car is nearly 2 years old.
  5. Have a search for Dave&Trace's post from a while ago - I'm sure they came up with a pretty good solution!
  6. aaah gut, und der bahnhof ist in die nähe von der chemiker.
  7. haha practising your GCSE German eh, Z3M? You got here before me, I was going to ask a few polite questions.... Haben sie durchfall? Oder haben sie verstopfung? :)
  8. lee_marshuk

    Car Alarm

    naaa hitty isn't staying over at Stuey's at the moment he's been round mine after one of the neighbours had a problem with a prowler.......
  9. lee_marshuk

    Car Alarm

    aaah....my old friend....hitty the bat :D
  10. exactly what I had - for me this was a problem with the clutch sensor which was replaced under warranty. Used to make me feel sick after a while!!
  11. So cynical, so cynical :rolleyes:
  12. lee_marshuk


    Always take your remote access laptop with u :lol: I'll add you on live when I get back! Bikini clad babes..........theres a few of them, but the present Mrs lee_marshuk doesn't seem too happy about me looking at them, let alone taking pictures of them. I'll see if I can get you a sneaky pic ;)
  13. Perhaps the techs will correct me here if I am wrong for this is a stab in the dark - but the systems those errors relate to (tyre pressure, depollution, fuel tank) only seem to be linked by the central computer - perhaps they need to look at that or re-download the software? Take it to another dealer, if you haven't got much faith?
  14. Hi Daf, It's a common problem which I've had countless times. You will need to book it in with your dealer to get the hose couplings on your climate control or air conditioning system replaced or tightened. Cheers!
  15. lee_marshuk


    yeye :rolleyes: I'll send you an MMS when I'm there :( oh btw added you on XBox Live the other night....
  16. lee_marshuk


    ...and I'm on holiday!
  17. Would I believe it? Yes, this is Citroen, I'd believe it if you told me they'd forgotten to put the engine in. Talking of which, you remember the long list of faults from before I went away? Came to drive it 2 days before I went away, and over the period of the 2 days the following happened:- "Depollution System Faulty" - permanently on now. "Cruise Control System Faulty" - permanently on now. My steering wheel controls don't work. The indicators don't work. The steering wheel "clicks" exactly once every second. The electric windows don't work. You know the only thing really that is working is the engine, and they have advised me not to drive the car since the depollution system faulty could be a serious issue. They're collecting the car on Monday. It's a shame, I love the C4 think it's a fantastic car, but I just don't know how much longer I can go on with it, I mean, I just don't know which bit is going to drop off next. Plus most people thought I was being rude doing hand signals driving it home. Anyway... Rhodes was superb thank you mate - can't believe the fortnight has gone so quickly, but weather was perfect, food great, hotel excellent - had a fantastic time!
  18. Hi Arrows, Sorry - have been away in Rhodes for a fortnight and only just got back. The Emergency calls deactivated banner will always appear until you take it to your dealer. From what I gather a number of the RT3s ("NaviDrive") loose the telephone numbers for the emergency and breakdown during a flash of the ROM, which is done both at new and periodically during the life of it. There's nothing you can do about that, needs to be plugged in and have them type the numbers back in. I did get a proper manual, yes. There should be one with it. No speed camera warnings are provided with the RT3. If you wish to, you can obtain a 'modified' copy of the maps from somewhere which has a static list of speed cameras in, however it's of limited use since the cameras move and crop up all the time and even with this disc it won't alert you, they just appear as a point of interest on the map. I always use the sim card slot - it's my hands free kit. I just got a free pay-as-you-go chip from O2 who I have the business mobile contracts with and switch my mobile onto divert to the car when I'm in it. Aahh postcode searching again. The answer in short is no. There are some postcodes in there, for certain areas of London and Birmingham but that's about it. If I'm honest though, even with the TomTom my mate's got we always use street name and house number or go to point of interest. Hope all this makes sense!!
  19. I wonder who cast the sable gold vote :)
  20. Yes I know all those areas very well - I'm currently in Willenhall by Junction 10!
  21. Hi Roy, Congrats on your new purchase...and always nice to see someone from Walsall on the forum :)
  22. *gets out list of faults* *looks down list* *gets bored* *forgets it* :)
  23. Hi George, No - the NaviDrive in your C8 should be the RT3 by Magneti Marelli, which uses bespoke maps supplied by Navteq for your system. You can't change the software to a different product or use any other maps. Cheers, Lee
  24. lee_marshuk


    ;) anytime :D
  25. lee_marshuk


    I read it as him meaning the trip button up on the dash by the speedo (trip, contrast and check buttons) not the ones on the steering wheel stalk??
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