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Everything posted by Mat

  1. If i have the aircon on during winter, it makes the condenstation much worse when i come back to the car, so i need the aircon on more, and more - a downwards spiral !
  2. Make sure you get them pumped up - your rear looks a little flat ! :o
  3. Mat


    I trust your camera was in a handsfree cradle ?!
  4. How close to 20k does it have to be to keep the warranty in date?
  5. Here is the second part to my post about my cracked windscreen last year - cant find the first part. Summary: I noticed a crack in the centre of the windscreen one frosty Jan morning last year, with the heaters on full. Citroen claimed it was a stone chip, so i had to get a new windscreen through my car insurance who only approved Autoglass. The new windscreen is marked Pilkington, rather than Citroen and i dont like it at all. On sunny days, or night time with headlights all cars have a double image. If you look at the kerb it bends at the edges of the windscreen. Having said that, Autoglass were very good at fitting it.
  6. Only if you live with her.
  7. 24 with 6years no claims. Fully comp with Swift (£600 excess!!) for £299. That was bumped up because adding gf as named driver - she has points and recent claims. How come signing the OSA adds to your premiums?
  8. My passenger door handle was replaced without quibble under the warranty over a year ago. My drivers door handles was replaced for £30 as i scratched it and it wouldnt pollish out.
  9. Mat

    Spotted A C4

    Spotted a grey 56plate C4 picasso today on the way to work. Worcester @ Ketch roundabout on A4440
  10. Cheers chaps I'm booked in at my local Citroen for my 20k, plus some warranty work. My enquiry was purely to answer an arguement at work (which, thanks to you, i have won :P )
  11. Are we required to get all servicing done by Citroen to keep the 3 year manufacturer warranty valid?
  12. [Gives up hunting Google for 'quivering boots' clipart to put in witty reply] :rolleyes:
  13. So, the tone is here. l V Ham's comment is down here
  14. Looks like yogurt to me - lick it and prove my point
  15. I stand corrected on the visibility front, however i still vote 'no' (and will dig my heals into the ground and fight to the end)
  16. Here
  17. Feed it a steak laced with sleeping tablets (Beat that for a topic migration!! :D )
  18. I vote 'No to spoiler' - it'll make rear visibility even worse !
  19. Why would you ever need more than 1 ? :D
  20. Its inert
  21. Intreaging that every quote so far includes a certain word :(
  22. Mat


    I have Tomtom running on my Nokia N70. I have a phone mount attached to the airvent above the radio. The GPS is bluetooth, and sits on the dashboard - it has rubber feet so doesnt slide when going round corners. I have never yet needed to have any cables in the car ( I do have cigarette chargers for both my N70 and my GPS, just never needed to use them). When i arrive at my destination, the GPS gets hidden in the drawer to the right of the steering wheel, and my N70 pops into my pocket.
  23. At work we used some sunction mounts from RAM Mounts/ for holding antennas onto helicopter windscreens. They worked ok on helicopters, so unless you live down a very bumpy farm track, they will not fall off your C4 windscreen. They are modular too, so you can buy the PDA holder, with a car suction mount and a bike mount, and swap and change (if you so desire)
  24. Either. I got mine from my local Citroen dealer for £23
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