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Everything posted by Mat

  1. The speed limiter only limits the throttle, so going down a hill wont apply the breaks if the engine doesnt keep it at the max speed.
  2. Mat


    I like the way his car flashes
  3. How hard would it be to swap the windscreen wipers over, so that the annoying overlap line in on the left, rather than right in front of the driver?
  4. I seem to remember this one quite a while ago. It is a 2nd radio antenna, i think for use with the JBL unit.
  5. I heard a rumour that the requirement for the police to get the NIP to you within 14 days has been dropped. Not sure if its actually the case. If it is, the police can send you a speeding ticket months or even years after you sped. EDIT> I can't find any evidence. Speedtrap Bible and others all still claim the 14 day NIP rule.
  6. Mat

    Radio Mute

    Can't you make it a bit bigger?
  7. Mat

    Radio Mute

    How does the mute button on the steering console work then? (Or am i getting the wrong end of this stick?)
  8. I know the answer, but it escapes my mind at the moment. What does PSA stand for?
  9. When going round a medium lefthand bend, all i can see is mirror. I have to bend down to see under it.
  10. The chrome bulbs for the C4 are selling on ebay for £3
  11. It must be possible to change the bulb, but i've never tried, so cant really help. If you do make the change, try to get a before and after photo on here.
  12. Anyone else think the rearview mirror should be higher ?
  13. Mat

    20k Service

    How much is it gonna hurt the credit card?
  14. A couple of us have had windscreens cracks (although mine was more likely to have been a stone)
  15. Who's is the yellow one? Is it Dave&Trace's? As they appear to have the badge on the door sill
  16. Not the one i remember, but here is the C4 Picasso
  17. I'm sure i've seen a photo of a C4 estate on a french forum. Can't for the life of me remember the forum now though. We have had some other images and links from this site posted on here, maybe someone else can remember it.
  18. I wonder
  19. Mat

    C4 Meet

    How do you close the window?
  20. Mat


    Thought I'd tell you guys about a dream i had last night: I bought a new C4, the new shape version, but same colour. Somehow i got it home without driving it, as I remember looking out at it on the drive and thinking 'I wonder how well it drives'. I also remember trying to put my golf clubs in the boot, and there being nowhere near enough room (I can get two sets in my current C4). Then everything got merged with a party in a barn with people from work. I do wonder what this is telling dream experts and psycologists about me. I dont think I'll go out and order a new car when/if they come out, though.
  21. Would holding the button for another 10 seconds disable it again?
  22. If people will pay money for it, he's not the numpty - they are.
  23. Mat


    I got mine the wrong way round. I used the blade from a craft knife to bend the hook in before sliding the pin out. Then used the craft knife to bend the hook back up again before reinserting the pin into the correct hole.
  24. Here's one on ebay. Probly best to wait for a cheaper one to come up. I'm sure i've seen them for a lot less. (As with a lot of stuff on ebay, not sure how legit it is)
  25. The height of the damage would be different too. If Welshguy drove into the back of the van the front of Welshguy's car would be lower, assuming of course he would be breaking.
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