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Everything posted by Mat

  1. Mat

    Some Help.

    Ooo - looks like a poll maybe in order Wozza :D
  2. Mat

    Some Help.

    I'm happy with just one C4 forum
  3. Mat

    Roof Bars

    I bought mine from something like roofracks.co.uk that i found using Google. However, i would not recommend getting Thule bars, as they require removal of the caps that cover the mounting brackets on your roof. In the process, all 4 of mine broke.
  4. On my Sony NWA1000 i have the option to set it to Lineout or Headphones. If i set it to Headphones it is very quiet in the car and i have to turn the stereo up to about 20, which really hurts if i forget and go back to radio or CD. Setting it to lineout sorts this, but i have the same problem if i forget and plug in my earphones. At some point i intend to make an amplifier or antennutor to fix this - the list of things to do far exceeds time i have. I need to retire - shame i'm 40+ years away
  5. What you will find, is that if you change the headphone jack to Line Out insead, you will get a much better sound and you will not have to turn up the volume control. But may find you blow your ears if you use headphones without reversing the change
  6. He'll get off with a years driving ban
  7. I take it you're not trying to claim on insurance then?
  8. Mat

    Sat Nav

    I have TomTom on my Nokia N70 (full paid for version), however, i dont yet have the Europe maps which i need for my hols in March. I think its much better than the self-contained units, such as TomTom Go. I have a bracket fitted to my bike, so i can cycle using it, and i take it on my belt when i go hiking, plus my phone has lots of other software, such as GPS tracking software, MemoryMap, GooglePhone2Earth, London Underground router.........
  9. Is there a C-pillar that obscures your vision when reversing, that the boot door is bolted to?
  10. Thought so - thanks. Whats the difference between a B-pillar and an A-pillar?
  11. What is the panel circled in blue called? How is it attached to the car? I've noticed mine is coming loose on the driver's side. I didnt want to pull any further to work out how its attached. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/matcapel/C4_side-panel.jpg
  12. 1st car that can dance and iceskate
  13. I darent take it off - it would bring the entire rear-windscreen demister strips with it !
  14. Ditto that. Plus, here's a nice festive C4 piccy: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/matcapel/22122006040.jpg
  15. Are you near Pershore, Rich?
  16. I've got the DVD
  17. How embarrassing - I've just noticed how I spelt the title <_<
  18. That's not a GoogleWhack
  19. How often do you guys top up the pressure in your tyres? My friend was amazed when i said i've never put air in mine, and i've had the car since July '05. I do now need to put a little in, as they have gotten to 2.0bar on the back, and 2.4bar on the front (req 2.1 on back and 2.4 on front for carying small loads). The only loads i carry are a set of golf clubs. Very rarely even use the back seats - i can think of 3 occasions i have had rear-seat passengers. (Obviously i'm expecting some variation as some of us have the standard tyres for 16" wheels, whilst some of you have aftermarkets.) The other thing he was amazed at is that i have done 18k, and not topped up the oil. Its a yellowy colour, and 2/3 full. It will be changed when i have my 20k service. Am i neglecting my car? Even tho i havent put air or oil in, i do check visually and with 2 different pressure measurers (neither are calibrated or of high quality, but if they agree, i beleive them), semi-regularly, and pull out the (very bendy!) dipstick and clean it with kitchen roll.
  20. It only covers a small area, but have you noticed when the wiper goes over the screen the surrounding area clears too, as the surface tension is broken?
  21. What....like a 2.0 litre engine? :P What a waste, buying a 20% bigger engine, just so you can round up your engine size to an integer.
  22. Its well knows (ie was proved on Mythbusters) that driving above 40mph is more fuel efficient with aircon, but anything less than 40mph fuel economy is saved by opening the windows and turning off the aircon.
  23. I think you'll find the VTS is just a VTR with unnecssary additions bolted on :P
  24. INCOMING! - Take cover!!
  25. Red/Blue bi-colour LEDs: RS 496-6594 @86p each. I have no idea if they will work, but at least you can get red/blue LEDs. I wish i had the guts to try this. Someone please do
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