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Everything posted by Welshguy

  1. :unsure: /Runs away giggling....
  2. Welshguy


    Yeah I'm "aware" of where the van usually is...sneaky ****s ... Thanks for the heads up though. :unsure:
  3. Fair enough - thanks again for inparting your knowledge! :D Can I ask....what the hell does it do? :unsure:
  4. My 1.4 is noisey on startup - but the noise reduces after a few minutes - it tends to help that I usually send the gf out to warm the car up before most journeys :blink: Is there a fix for this? I noticed the noise this morning - was definately coming from the driver side pillar - particularly so when the driver door was open and engine running.
  5. Welshguy


    (Hypothetically) I reached 115mph over the 2nd Severn Bridge.... (Hypothetically) Not bad for a 1.4! :blink:
  6. Welshguy

    C4 Loeb

    Oi...leave me out of this. :unsure: This sounds like leaching to me!
  7. A place where all my best thinking is done! So you definately gonna get it done? I think we need to organise a list of definates, and then we can all do a joint booking to wherever is most conveinent (with me being in Wales no doubt I will have to travel, but I dont mind!)
  8. Welshguy

    C4 Loeb

    Awww.... :unsure:
  9. Would anybody be interested in going for a bulk booking with Angel Tuning? £275 for 10bhp doesn't appeal as strongly as £275 with 40% off :o
  10. My car is back in the dealership early Feb The gear linkage knocking against the exhaust problem has resurfaced, so we shall see if it can be fixed!
  11. So anybody with a 1.4 going to get it done?
  12. I have seen these about on websites with a black surround instead of chrome and they look a lot better, but yet to see them fitted. Talking of LED lights..I was following a new VW Passat this morning and his rear lights were awesome...circular red LEDs, and when the indicator was on the outter "ring" of the circle lit up yellow.
  13. It does sound good doesn't it - the gains aren't massive, but then again so is my engine and it could do with all the help it can get. Can always get a refund if I'm not satisfied as well... What I really need is another 1.4 VT owner to get it done and give me his/her opinion!
  14. Having recently talked about Angel Tuning, it reminded me I needed to enquire if they still offered 1.4 tuning, as the option had been removed from Angel's site. I fired off a quick email, and got an impressive reply in terms of detail - see pieces of the email below. Wondering what people's opinions are RE: performance gained versus price? And wasn't somebody sorting out discounts? ;)
  15. There are a few lights that can be changed in Cardiff by being flashed, although I've noticed that this tends to work a lot more at late night.
  16. Takes a bow :D
  17. I dont like that one bit. The C4 has style, why ruin it? :unsure:
  18. What the hell does that sound like? 80's or 90's music? :unsure:
  19. How long after the red? I did this once...but I never got a ticket as the camera activates a second or two after the lights turn red.
  20. Agreed :blink: Looking to detail mine "any" day now! B)
  21. Complain...LOUDLY. That is ***oops*** service! :blink:
  22. 23 - 2 Yr NCD - £600
  23. What are the chances... Probably a lot...of the wrong outcome! :)
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