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Everything posted by lab44

  1. As far as I am aware the front tyres should always be the newest - after all its the front that does all the work on a front wheel drive car (hence they always tend to wear the quickest). Though of course if you should always be careful with brand new tyres until they are run in.
  2. Was it a main dealer you took your car to? Im surprised they would try and fit crap tyres to your car. If they really are rubbish swap them to the back - at least you will have some decent tyres on the front then.
  3. Thanks managed to find a few on ebay on buy it nows (though £10 for two!). Not sure which smell to go for - i quite liked the vanilla (wasnt too keen on the other two that came with the car).
  4. I would be interest to know too if different tyres have made any difference to peoples cars. Mine came out at 4mm front on my service so will probably need replacing soon (change them about 3mm is recommended i think) - not sure whether to go for the same again or something different.
  5. Doesnt sound too bad. I've done 20,000 and dont need any just yet (though sure I will soon). Probably a combination of having a less powerful car and mainly motorway driving. Its always worth paying the extra for decent tyres - can make a big difference to the way your car handles/stops and could one day save your life. For that price I would go with the dealer. Watch out for some of the cheaper local garages. Last time I used a cheap garage he managed to stick them the wrong way round (despite the big sign on the side saying these tyres are directional) ;)
  6. Anyone know where abouts I could get hold of some new air freshners for my C4. After a year the three that came with it have run out. I thought there were meant to be quite a few different ones but cant seem to find them anywhere (only the standard three that came with the car on ebay). Tried my local dealer but they only had mint and ginger which didnt sound too great
  7. Don't know about French cars / service being rubbish. We purhcased our new Honda Civic Type S on 1st March and its been in the garage ever since. Have rejected the car and the dealer is getting us another one (though hasnt quite managed it yet). And the courtesy civic they have given us has a rattle. My C4's done 20,000 miles and apart from a few niggles (mainly noises and rattles) been fine. Dealers been pretty good too.
  8. Booked it in with Barrets (its closer) - £181. Turns out the brake fluid change cost around £50 and didnt need to be done at one year. Thanks for the help
  9. Same happens with my steering - not much you can do i dont think. The new Civic does it too (though not quite as much).
  10. no point putting drinks in mine - no aircon :(
  11. The gloveboxes are pretty shoddy on the C4 - got mine stuck the first day. Trick is if it gets stuck be very careful trying to get it back open or it just snaps off. Don't overfill it and should be okay. Rest of the car is fairly solid so dont know why the glovebox is so rubbish.
  12. Thanks KFK - was wondering what the big difference was. Actually I think Hidsons took my reg number so probably could tell what i needed when they put it through the computer. I'm from Whitstable so obviously Canterbury is a bit closer so thats my preferred option. Will give them a call tommorrow and ask about how much it will be without the brake fluid.
  13. Soz KFK your right - Hidsons in Gillingham. Think Dutton Forshaw wanted about £217. Originally purchased the car from Barretts in Canterbury but they want £235! Its a petrol 1.6 vtr (just coming up to a year old). Its the 20,000 mile service.
  14. Just been phoning around my local dealers (Kent) and they all seem to want between £215 and £235 for a service. Only one was significantly cheaper - Dutton Forshaw in Gillingham - they wanted £181. Anyone know why the big difference? Anyone used Dutton Forshaw before?
  15. Not sure when but I would say its almost certain there will be one seeing as PSA have already developed one and are using it in the 207.
  16. My old 306 used to do it too - did it for about a year - thought it was just a characteristic of the car until someone told me it was the discs warping. Apparently lots of hard breaking is the culprit - if thats the case will depend more on your driving style than miles covered. Though I've done nearly 19,000 miles in my C4 and use my brakes pretty hard and no problems so far.
  17. Shaking thing happens on mine too (petrol 1.6). Seems a common problem. Is worse if you put the air con on or anything that loads the engine. Gearbox will probably loosen up a bit. What car did you drive before? The C4 gearbox is typically French (i.e not that good) though i've never had any problems with it. If you have driven a Ford though you will notice the difference with the gearbox.
  18. My mates got an 04 plate focus st - his heated seats broke - think it was a heater element or something.
  19. Its Citroen customer service so you never know :D I drove a new civic the other day though and that was a bit crashy on rough service (though didnt bang through the steering wheel like mine).
  20. Mine does the same thing- if you hit a bad piece of road it really bangs the front suspension which annoyingly seems to jolt the steering which as you say is a bit unnerving. I've got a few rattles that need fixing so going to ask them to take a look whilst they are at it. Would be interested to know if it is a problem or just a characteristic of the car.
  21. Yeah I think I had mine replaced - was like it the day i picked it up.
  22. Mine seems to be developing numerous rattles - now have one on the drivers window - seems to be around the window sealing. One very annoying one on the passenger door and today noticed an intermittent rattle from somewhere in the steering wheel. Dont usually notice since I have my music up but is really annoying when its not on. Am saving them all up to book in after christmas and ask them to de-rattle it for me :blink: I dont know whether this is the cause of the problem but sometimes bumps seem to send shockwaves through the entire car - not surprised bits are starting to rattle. Strange thing is seems to be the smaller bumps that are the worst - goes over speedhumps lovely.
  23. I have taken the front grille off mine and scratched out the citroen signs on my wheels with a brillo paid. Does anyone if you can remove the one on the steering wheel without breaking it? Dont see why after paying 11k for a car I should advertise Citroen :blink: :o
  24. I dont know if there even is one on my car - havent really looked and not that bothered either really <_<
  25. I drove a 207 GT which the new petrol BMW engine in the other day. Liked the engine - would be great if they could put that in the C4. The car on the other hand, though well specced didnt ride or handle particularly well, felt quite unstable on the road and was very boring to drive. Not quite sure why it has had such good reviews. Oh and the electric window wouldnt shut with the keys - after trying a few times the saleswoman told me it "might not be connected yet" but I have a feeling it was just broken :angry: As for the engine tempeature sensor, all these warning lights are a pain. Half the time theres not even a problem. My mates Volkswagen Bora was constantly back at the garage due to his dashboard lighting up like a christmas tree.
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