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Everything posted by lab44

  1. lab44

    Engine Oil

    Found it - was looking in the wrong book - Thanks :D
  2. Anyone know what the recommended oil type is for a Citroen C4 VTR 1.6 petrol. The Castrol website recommends 10W-40 but i am sure the Citroen garage when i asked said something like 5W-30 but i cant remember now
  3. lab44

    The C6

    45,000 Australian dollars is around £17800 and the Punto would be around £8000. So maybe a few hundred dearer but not much.
  4. Mines all sorted and working now. Great service from Citroen - took my car in this morning unannounced - provided a free courtesy car to get me to work. Phone up this afternoon to say the car the fixed and would be bringing it to my house to swap the cars round. Got home this evening, car was ready and waiting.
  5. I have no idea - maybe KFK will know the answer to that. Anyway just had a voicemail from the garage and apparently its fixed - will let you know what was wrong with it when I find out. Had a nice replacement Citroen C3 today - awful car - rattling, poor build quality, slow - handled reasonably and good fuel consumption - not sure what engine it was. Will be glad to get my C4 back later :o UPDATE: Just had a call from Citroen - apparently was the temperature sensor packed up - the car wasnt overheating / nothing to do with oil being low though probably the fault saved me since it forced me to check the oil. Reminder: REMEMBER TO CHECK THE OIL LEVEL FREQUENTLY
  6. Thanks for that. Think it is definatley a faulty sensor or something since the engine now has plenty of oil in it but is still saying STOP in red letters with the engine temp on max. Was told its OK to drive to dealers so will take a gentle drive over tommorrow and get them to check it - dont want to void my warranty by doing any damage. Didnt realise it would use so much oil though - I check my oil but never expected it to use that much in so few miles - the VTS on 4car used 1 litre in 6k but then i guess cars / driving styles differ.
  7. No he didnt tell me how much he put in. Since then I drove 5 miles home. Will check it tommorrow morning before i go to the garage.
  8. well fortunately i stopped in plenty of time - the engine seems okay and is working fine now. Though its still going to have to go in for the faulty sensor since its beeping at my now. However still wondering why the oil light didnt come on - wondering if that might be faulty as well
  9. Was driving down the motorway today and a STOP sign came up on the dash and the engine temperature went to max. Pulled over and phoned the Citroen Assist (who turn out to be the AA). Anyway the bloke came out, checked the car over and found that it had run out of oil. The cars only done 7000 miles (6000 since its first service) so just wondering: 1) Why has it used so much oil - is this normal? 2) There was no oil warning light. I was under the impression it came on long before the oil run out Anyway he topped it up but the engine was still saying it was overheating. Had it running for about 20 mins and he said there was no way the engine was overheating - the water etc.. were all cold. Plugged in his computer to the dash and told the temp sensor was faulty. Looks like a trip to Citroen tommorrow :o
  10. I reckon it will cost more to fix than buying a new one - dont seem like a bargain to me :o
  11. Mine does the same thing. Especially noticable with the air con on - asked my Citroen dealer about this and was told its due to the extra stress on the engine with the air con on mades it lumpy at idle.
  12. Just checked the Citroen website and noticed there are a few new model C4's out - some new gearbox on the HDI and a C4 "cool". Had a check through the specs but couldnt see any difference. Anyone know what the C4 "cool" is?
  13. Thanks for the guide. Just fitted mine (some Osram Silverstar) - much better than the rubbish ones thats some as standard - well worth the £20.
  14. For fuel prices I just took the cheapest petrol price, compared with the cheapest diesel price in my area - I have seen diesel almost the same price as petrol as well as 5p a litre more - guess a UK average would be a better indicator. As for higher resale value I would say the higher costs of servicing a diesel would negate any gains here so you are still looking at 50+ k. Not sure how much more a diesel is to service (doubt its much different) - all I know is for the C4 its every 12,000 miles and 20k for the petrol meaning in 60k you have to service the petrol 3 times and the diesel 5 (thats two extra services to add in). I can see the point for high milage users (i know one user on here said he did 30k a year which makes a diesel definately worthwhile) but for those of us doing around 15k it hardly seems worth it (or maybe i'm just bitter I couldnt afford the diesel lol)
  15. Being extremely bored I just did some quick calculations to work out the difference in costs of a diesel c4 versus a petrol. A Petrol 1.6 costs £1205 in fuel to run (10,000 miles at 92.9 a litre) - 35 mpg A Diesel 1.6 costs 861.69 in fuel to run (10k at 94.9 a litre) - 50 mpg Thats a £343.31 per 10,000 mile saving for the diesel Now considering the difference in purchase price of a 1.6 VTR+ and a VTR+ diesel there is a £1714 difference. This means to recoup the costs of the diesel model you would have to do some 50,000 miles. If taking into account the extra/more frequent servicing intervals of the diesel this rises to over 70,000 miles just to break even! I'm just wondering how many people buy a diesel model on the assumption it will save them money and never realise these savings. Obviously for someone doing 20,000+ a year the savings are obvious in the long term for most people I wonder how much they actually save by buying a diesel. Btw i am not arguing about which is better here ( i know everyone has their preferences as to which they would prefer to drive - just looking at the cost factor) Told you I was bored lol :wacko:
  16. I don't like halogen or bright bulbs - fed up with being blinded by them on dark country roads. But then again seeing as everyone else has them and I'm blinded anyway the only option is to get some brigher headlights myself.
  17. Just had a look - it is possible to change the bulbs without too much effort though are stuck in quite some way back so might take a bit of fiddling. Its just the standard bulbs dont seem very bright and seems to be a few companies selling "brighter" headlamp bulbs. Just gotta have a look what to go for. They dont seem too expensive (around £20 for two) If anyone else has tried would be interested to know the results
  18. Hi Anyone had a go at changing their headlamp bulbs in the C4 (non Xenon). Was thinking of fitting some brighter ones - been told its possible - anyone done this?
  19. yup as far as i am aware the 110 is a higher spec model (VTR+) as opposed to VTR/SX so you will have climate control, automatic wipers and automatic headlights and a few other things if it is a 110 + 17" allows versus 16".
  20. thanks for that moggy. I will have to book it in when i get a chance and get it done. marc
  21. lab44


    Shell and BP reckons it makes ALL cars run better but then they would wouldnt they LOL
  22. lab44


    Anyone with a petrol C4 tried filling up with optimax or any other premium fuels. My mate reckons her car feels better and returns more mpg with optimax (VW Polo). I tend to use Shell petrol anyway - seems to make my car smoother (same with my old 306) but then again could be all in my mind lol. Also find its pretty difficult to compare anyway - I filled up with Optimax the other day and then got stuck in a huge traffic jam for an hour so wasnt really comparable. I know different cars respond differently so just wondering if it makes any difference to the C4 or would it just be a waste of money?
  23. lab44


    My MPG seems to go up quite a lot as the engine warms up. Managed to get 40mpg the other day but then i got bored and stuck my foot down on the motorway and that was the end of that lol.
  24. I havent had any so far. That could be a good thing or might just mean I havent had any of the letters lol
  25. Was your car brand new? If so you should get a brand new car though depends not all policys offer this - i know i checked mine did when i brought my car.
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